
  • 网络Accompanying you;Carrying You
  1. 他的成长也伴随着你的衰老,期间你的雄心壮志也会变得越来越难以实现。

    As he grows you also age , and your ambitions become more unachievable .

  2. 伴随着你的长大,它也在成长。

    While you were growing up , it grew with you .

  3. 愿美好的回忆时刻伴随着你我。

    May the sweet memories remain with you and me .

  4. 我的爱将跨越时空永远伴随着你。

    I wont forget you and love you for eternity throughout time .

  5. 殷切的思念和深切的慰问伴随着你。

    Warm thoughts and deepest sympathy are with you .

  6. 你在家上班的时候,你的工作总是伴随着你。

    When you work at home , your work is always with you .

  7. 愿平安和幸福伴随着你。

    May peace and happiness be with you .

  8. 伴随着你那残忍决定。

    And what a cruel resolution you did .

  9. 愿好运和幸福伴随着你。

    Wish you the best luck and happiness .

  10. 我唯一的幸福就是伴随着你。

    My only happiness is near you .

  11. 愿圣诞的欢乐永远伴随着你!

    I wish you joy on Christmas day and may it with you always stay !

  12. 我的爱,我的男孩,我的儿子,我的快乐将永远伴随着你成长。

    My love , my boy , my son , my joy always keep you glow .

  13. 伴随着你杰出的领导能力,工作突飞猛进地发展。

    With your wonderful leadership skills , your career is guided by drive , stamina and commitment .

  14. 手表可以伴随着你走过风风雨雨,记录你一路走来的艰辛。

    Watch can with you through ups and downs , and record your the hardships of walking .

  15. 你可能会喜欢它或讨厌它,但它就是你的且伴随着你的一生。

    You may like it or hate it , but it will be yours for the entire period .

  16. 说声“再见”是希望你知道,不论你走向何方,温馨的祝福将永远伴随着你!

    Saying " Goodbye " and hoping you know that warm wishes are with you wherever you go !

  17. 然而很快,你的思维将被拓宽,伴随着你认为没有改变的生活因素。

    Soon , however , your mind is being broadened , along with elements of your life you 've regarded as unchanging .

  18. 伴随着你的成长,你的父母可能希望你能成为医生,律师,银行家,也可能是飞行员。

    Growing up , your parents mayhave wanted you to be a doctor , a lawyer , a banker , maybe airline pilot .

  19. 在你生日到来之际,祝你幸福无边,在生命航程新的一年中,幸运紧紧伴随着你!

    To wish you worlds of happiness the day your Birthday is here , and hope your course is charted for lots of luck all year !

  20. 你可能看不见她们的脸,听不见她们的声音,但她们一直都在那里,伴随着你的欢笑和泪水陪你前行。

    Their faces may be hidden , and their voices you might not hear , but they are always with you through your laughter or your tears .

  21. 但是千万不要恐惧、担忧、贫穷和个人局限性的想法盘踞在你的脑中,否则,恐惧、担忧、贫穷和个人局限性就一定会在现实生活中日日夜夜伴随着你。

    But let fear and worry be your mental companions , thoughts of poverty and limitation dwell in your mind , and worry and fear , limitation and poverty will be your constant companions day and night .

  22. 紧张和压力伴随着你呼出的空气从你身体和思想中飘出,如果你能集中精神做深呼吸,你就可以将缠绕在你脑中的凡尘琐事抛到九霄云外。

    The hurry and the stress can ride out of your body and mind in the air that you breathe out , and if you can allow your mind to focus on the breathing , you can slow down those thoughts that are running around in your mind at about a million miles an hour .

  23. 火星跟冥王星的合相显示出强烈的欲望本质,并且伴随着达到你想要事物的坚韧不拔及坚定意志。

    The conjunction of Mars and Pluto shows a very strong desire nature with the persistence and determination to get what you want .

  24. 歌曲中伴随着舞蹈,你也许注意到,这些舞蹈都向左动。

    And it goes with dance moves that involve you guessed it moving to the left .

  25. 伴随着天王星进入你的星座,与过去某方面清脆的决裂也将发生。

    A clean break with the past in some respects is signalled by Uranus moving into your own sign .

  26. 压力一直伴随着我,但你还是得努力。

    Pressure is there in any walk of life but you 've got to try and be successful .