
  • 网络concomitant adverbials;Accompany adverbial;Armed with the new machine;hoping to find buried treasure
  1. 他们围坐在火旁,高兴地交谈着。(伴随状语)

    They sat around the fire , talking with each other happily .

  2. 他们坐在窗户边,谈论着昨天发生的事。(伴随状语)

    They were sitting by the window , talking about what happened yesterday .

  3. 但是由于母语与英语的差异,受试对象在分词做伴随状语上表现最为突出。

    However , because of the difference between Chinese and English , participants did the best in participial adverbial of complement .

  4. 4.作伴随状语或补充说明我拿着车票还有我的奶酪,雄赳赳气昂昂地跨步走向月台。人们似乎很尊敬我,纷纷向两边退去。

    I took my ticket , and marched proudly up the platform , with my cheeses , the people falling back respectfully on either side .