
  1. 杂草是农业生态系统中对农作物的生长和产量产生重要影响的伴生植物。

    Weeds are accompanying plants that influence the growth and production of crops in agroecosystem .

  2. 详细记录了牛蒡生长环境,伴生植物以及各种生态因子的数据。

    Detailed to record the growth of the environment , associated with plants of various ecological factors , as well as data .

  3. 与本地其他伴生植物比较,紫茎泽兰光合能力与本地常绿阔叶树种、落叶阔叶树种相当,而明显高于常绿针叶树种,但与同一时期的草本植物光合能力相当甚至偏低。

    Leaf P_n of this weed was slightly lower than to some herbaceous species but rather similar to deciduous and evergreen broadleaved trees in the local region .

  4. 全省主要红树林植物有26科40种(其中真红树10种,半红树11种,伴生植物19种)。

    There are 40 species of mangrove plants , belong to 26 families , which consists of 10 real mangrove species , 11 semi mangrove species and 19 associated species .

  5. 本文从4个方面对中国红树林生态系统的植物进行论述:(1)中国红树林生态系统的红树植物、半红树植物、伴生植物、红树林区的大型藻类和浮游植物种类;

    This paper deals with the four main aspects : ( 1 ) the mangrove species , semi-mangrove species , accompanying plants , macro-algae species and phytoplankton species in mangrove ecosystem in China ;

  6. 小蠹虫伴生菌是在植物小蠹虫伴生菌系统中,削弱树木抗性、协助小蠹虫侵害的重要因子。

    Fungi associated with beetles , important agents in plant beetle associated fungi system , help beetles attack on trees and weaken resistance of trees .