
  • 网络conducting system;carrier system
  1. 输导系统由砂层、不整合面、断层、火成岩侵入体组成;

    The transporting and conducting system is consisted of sandstone layers , unconformities , faults and volcanic intrusions ;

  2. 文中详细分析了洼陷内油气二次运移的输导系统、运移时期、运移方式、运移方向,确定了洼陷内油气二次运移时期;

    This paper analyzes in detail the transporting and conducting system , time , mode and direction of secondary migration of oil and gas in the sag .

  3. 作物输导系统光合产物运输速度分布谱的测定

    The Measurement of Translocation Velocity Distribution Profile of Photosynthate in Crop 's Transporting Pathway

  4. 含油气盆地分析中流体输导系统的研究

    Research of Fluid System in Petroliferous Basin

  5. 作物输导系统中光合产物运输速度分析和加权平均速度测定

    Analysis of Photosynthate translocation velocity and measurement of weighted average velocity in transporting pathway of crops

  6. 油气输导系统分为单一型和综合型两种类型。

    Petroleum transportation system can be divided into two types : single type and compound type .

  7. 断裂输导系统是油气在地下进行垂向运移的主要通道。

    Fault transport system is the main passage of oil or gas migrating in the vertical direction .

  8. 柴达木盆地西部南区同沉积逆断层控制下的输导系统特征及其勘探意义

    Characteristics and exploration significance of the hydrocarbon migration system controlled by the synsedimentary reverse faults in the southwest area of Qaidam Basin

  9. 分析认为水稻背部养分输导系统解剖结构上的差异可能与水稻垩白的形成有关。

    The analysis showed that the differentiation of dissect in g structure of rice dorsal vascular bundle may be relative to formation of chalk in ess .

  10. 它始终对谐波呈现近似为零的低阻抗,从而输导系统中的谐波电流,流入并联变压器支路;

    On the one hand , the transformer can exhibit nearly zero impedance to harmonic current and thus lead harmonic current to flow into the transformer branch .

  11. 有效源岩分布、能量场演化和流体输导系统及其决定的流体流动样式共同控制了本区高蜡油的富集与分布。

    High-wax oil accumulation and distribution is as a result of fluid flow styles controlled by the energy field evolvement , valid source rocks and fluid conduit systems .

  12. 源外不整合面-断层输导系统发育在安达-肇州和肇东古隆起上,是寻找基岩风化壳气藏的有利地区。

    Unconformity surface-fault translocation system outside source rocks mainly developed on Anda-Zhaozhou and Zhaodong ancient uplift is the favorable area of seeking base rocks weathering crust gas reservoirs .

  13. 多期断裂活动、多个区域性不整合面发育为岩性圈闭多期成藏构筑了良好的油气输导系统,岩性油气藏勘探潜力很大。

    Having experienced polycyclic tectonic movements and multistage vibratory movements of lake planes , Junggar Basin has been provided with good bases for the formation of various lithologic traps .

  14. 油气汇聚体系由储集系统和油气输导系统构成,储集系统可以分为高连通、大容量,中连通、中等容量,低连通、小容量3种类型;

    Oil accumulation system consists of reservoir and transportation systems . Reservoir system can be divided into three types : high connectivity-large volume , intermediate connectivity-intermediate volume and low connectivity-small volume .

  15. 研究区的输导系统是非常发育的,是一个开放式的快速有效的系统,对油气的运移聚集起到了控制作用。

    It is indicated that transported system in the studied area is a well developed , opening and more effective system that has well-controlled effect on the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation .

  16. 试图进一步完善源库理论,了解玉米维管束输导系统的结构、功能及与源库的关系,为玉米高产栽培与种质创新提供理论依据和参考。

    The understanding of the structure and function of vascular bundles and its relationship to source-sink system could perfect the source-sink theory and provide an insight for high-yield cultivation and breeding for maize .

  17. 20世纪90年代以来,成藏动力学研究的进展表现在:(1)流体输导系统预测能力的提高;

    For last 10 years or so , some important advances in dynamics of petroleum accumulation are the following : ( 1 ) increases in the ability to predict conduit systems in sedimentary basins ;

  18. 它们的发育演化经历了侧向输导系统的形成演化和破坏阶段、垂向输导系统的发育和形成阶段以及三维网络输导系统的发展完善阶段。

    The evolution of the carrying system has been undergone three stages : the formation and destruction of lateral carrying system , the evolution of vertical carrying system and the completion of three-dimensional network carrying system .

  19. 根据塔河油田及其区域地质情况,论述了断层及构造裂隙,不整合面和古风化壳,奥陶系孔、洞、缝和连通砂体四类输导系统。

    This paper discusses the hydrocarbon conduit systems such as fault and structural fissure , unconformity and paleo-weathering crust , Ordovician vug and fracture as well as interconnected sand body in light of Tahe oilfield and its regional geological situations .

  20. 高温热流体沿断层、不整合和储层构成的输导系统活动时,加速了粘土矿物的转化,提高了有机质的成熟度,扩大了生油窗的范围。

    The migration of the high-temperature hydrothermal fluids along the faults , the unconformities and the reservoirs accelerated the transformation of the clay minerals , and enhanced the maturity of organic matter , which enlarged the oil-generation window in the Wen'an slope .

  21. 以少垩白的粳稻品种“秋田小町”、多垩白的粳稻品种“新疆1号”为试材,在光学显微镜下研究了水稻籽粒背部养分输导系统解剖结构的差异。

    Japonica rice varieties , qiutianxiaoding ( QTXD ) with less chalkiness and xinjiang 1 ( XJ 1 ) with more chalkiness , were used as experimental materials . Differences on dissecting structure of rice grain dorsal vascular bundle nutrients entering tissue were studied under optical microscope .

  22. 整个中果皮由10余层薄壁细胞组成,内含叶绿体,为同化组织,在同化组织中间分布着发达的输导组织系统;

    Mesocarp , assimilation tissue , were made of more than ten layers parenchyma cells that content chlorophyll and there are some strong conducting tissue in it .

  23. 中部弱超压和深部强超压3部分组成,断裂系统、不整合面和相互连通的孔隙系统及底辟构造组成了凹陷内流体纵、横向输导的复杂网络系统;

    The fault systems , unconformity surfaces , interconnecting pore systems and diapir structures constitute the complex network system of vertical and horizontal transportation within the depression .