
shū niào ɡuǎn jìnɡ
  • ureteroscope
  1. 经KUB+IVP、CT、BUS、逆行上尿路插管造影及输尿管镜检诊断肾盂或输尿管癌。

    Diagnosis was based on KUB + IVP , CT , BUS , retrograde catheterization opacification of upper urinary tract and ureteroscope .

  2. 结果15例患者在膀胱镜或输尿管镜下逆行置入输尿管双J管后肾绞痛症状均缓解。

    Results Renal colic was relieved by placing double-J-catheter under the cystoscope or ureteroscope in all 15 cases .

  3. 输尿管镜置取双J管的体会

    The experience of putting in and taking out of the double pigtail stent by ureterocystoscope

  4. 双J管在输尿管镜气压弹道碎石术中的应用体会

    Clinical Application of Double J Tube in Treatment of Urinary Calculi with Ureteroscopy and Swiss Lithoclast Pneumatic Lithotriptor

  5. 方法采用微创经皮肾输尿管镜碎石取石术治疗肾输尿管结石83例(A组),并与采用体外冲击波碎石术治疗肾输尿管结石188例(B组)进行比较。

    Method : To treat 83 cases of kidney and ureter calculus by Minimally invasive Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy ( Group A ), and compared with 188 cases of Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy ( Group B ) .

  6. 结论ESWL与输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术联合治疗输尿管结石安全有效,是理想的治疗方法。

    Conclusion The treatment of ureter calculus with ESWL and endoscopic manipulation is effective and safe .

  7. 经皮肾微造瘘TROCAR管输尿管镜取石术的护理配合

    Nursing Coordination of Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Renal Micro-fistulation Lithotomy via TROCAR Ureteroscope

  8. 100例患者首先留取晨尿,用于无创的尿脱落细胞学检测和FISH检测,然后行经腹部泌尿系超声、泌尿系CT等影像学检查,最后行有创的膀胱镜或输尿管镜检查。

    Firstly , morning urine from all patients was collected for FISH test and urine cytology analysis , then all patients were investigated by color ultrasonography and CT , lastly cystoscopy or ureteroscopy examination .

  9. 尿脱落细胞检查阳性率为14.3%,B超、CT及MRU检查阳性率分别为42.8%、60%和33.3%,而输尿管镜检查阳性率为100%。

    The positive rates of urine cytology , ultrasonography , CT scanning and MRU were 14.3 % , 42.8 % , 60 % and 33.3 % respectively .

  10. 目的探讨输尿管镜检、气压弹道碎石、留置双J管等腔内技术在急诊处理梗阻性急性肾衰中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate endoscopic manipulation such as ureteroscopy , air pressure lithotripsy and double J catheter placing for the emergency treatment of obstructive acute renal failure ( OARF ) .

  11. 无张力尿道中段吊带术治疗逼尿肌功能受损的女性SUI的疗效评估输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术治疗输尿管中下段结石

    The Efficacy of the Suburethral Sling Procedure for Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women with Detrusor Underactivity Treatment of urinary calculi with ureteroscopy and Swiss lithoclast pneumatic lithotriptor

  12. 目的探讨输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石(URSL)和经皮肾镜碎石(PCNL)联合手术的麻醉方法及术中管理。

    Objective To investigate anesthesia method and operative management to URSL And PCNL .

  13. 方法运用输尿管镜检、气压弹道碎石、微创经皮肾镜取石、输尿管狭窄内切开、留置双J管等微创外科技术急诊治疗梗阻性急性肾功能衰竭。

    Methods We used ureteroscopy , air pressure lithotripsy , minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy , ureter straitness intestine carve and double J catheter placing for the emergency treatment of obstructive acute renal failure .

  14. 结果610例输尿管镜直视下碎石成功,总成功率97.6%,其中输尿管上段结石成功率90.3%,中段为96.8%,下段为100%,平均碎石时间(5.0±2.8)min。

    Results Totally 610 patients were treated successfully by ballistic lithoclast with a cure rate of 97.6 % ( 90.3 % in upper ureter , 96.8 % in middle ureter , 100 % in lower ureter ) .

  15. 目的比较输尿管镜钬激光碎石术与体外冲击波碎石术(ESWL)治疗输尿管结石的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To compare the safety and efficacy of ureteroscopy with holmium : YAG laser lithotripsy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy ( ESWL ) for ureteral calculi .

  16. 目的探讨经皮肾穿刺输尿管镜治疗ESWL后输尿管上段石街的疗效及安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolflhotomy ( mini-PCNL ) with ultrasonic and pneumatic lithotripter in treating upper ureteric stone street after ESWL .

  17. 目的:比较输尿管镜术(URSL)与体外冲击波碎石(ESWL)治疗输尿管远端结石的临床疗效。

    Objective To compare the efficacy of ureteroscopic lithotripsy ( URSL ) extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ( ESWL ) for distal ureteral calculi .

  18. 方法应用输尿管镜于直视下采用气压弹道碎石、钬激光碎石,或联合ESWL碎石,共治疗上尿路结石梗阻并急性肾功能衰竭28例。

    Methods A total of 28 cases of acute renal failure caused by ureteric obstruction were treated with ureteroscopy combined with pneumatic lithotriptor , holmium YAG laser , and ESWL .

  19. 目的:比较体外冲击波碎石术(ESWL)与输尿管镜治疗输尿管下段结石的结石排净率和并发症。

    Purpose : To determine the efficacy and morbidity of extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy ( ESWL ) compared with pneumatic ureteroscopy ( URS ) in the treatment of lower ureteric calculi .

  20. 方法回顾性分析170例经尿道输尿管镜(URS)术诊治急性输尿管梗阻的临床资料。

    Clinical data of170 patients because of acute ureteral obstruction and treated by trans-urethral ureteroscoscope ( URS ) was analysed respectively .

  21. 目的探讨输尿管镜取石术(URL)及微创经皮肾取石术(MPCNL)治疗复杂性输尿管上段结石的疗效及安全性。

    To evaluate clinical efficacy and safety of ureteroscopic lithotripsy ( URL ) and minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy ( MPCNL ) in the treatment of complex proximal ureteral calculi .

  22. 方法回顾性分析85例采用U-100双频双脉冲激光碎石器经输尿管镜治疗的上段输尿管结石患者的临床资料。

    Methods 85 cases of upper ureteral calculi underwent ureteroscopy and the FREDDY laser lithotripsy were retrospectively reviewed .

  23. 通过B超、静脉尿路造影(IVU)、逆行肾盂造影、CT、尿脱落细胞学及输尿管镜等检查,术前诊断符合率为92.3%(36/39)。

    Percentage of confirmed diagnosis of TCC of upper urinary tract by B ultrasound , intravenous urography ( IVU ), retrograde pyelography , computed tomography ( CT ), cytological analysis and ureteropyeloscopy was 92.3 % ( 36 / 39 ) .

  24. 目的:比较微创经皮肾镜取石术(MPCNL)与经尿道输尿管镜碎石术(URL)治疗输尿管上段结石的方法。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of the minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy ( MPNL ) in management of impacted upper ureteric calculi , comparing with transurethral ureteroscope lithotripsy ( URL ) .

  25. 输尿管镜碎石术(URL)是当前治疗输尿管中下段结石的主要微创方法,但术后相应并发症如:结石残留、疼痛、感染、血尿、肾功能下降等困扰医患双方。

    PURPOSE : Ureterscope lithotripsy ( URL ) is mainly used minimally invasive therapy for middle / lower ureteral calculi . But complications such as residual stone , pain , infection , haematuria , decline of renal function cause trouble to both doctor and patient .

  26. 两组患者痊愈率和好转率的差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论利用现有的输尿管镜设备,临床上能够进行精囊和射精管腔内的检查和治疗,提高临床治疗效果。

    There were significant differences in cure rates and improvement rates between the two groups ( P0.05 ) . Conclusion : Just by using existing ureteroscopy equipment in clinical , we can examine and treat the seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct , in order to improve clinical outcomes .

  27. 目的评价U-100双频双脉冲激光经输尿管镜粉碎上段输尿管结石的疗效。

    Objective To assess the application of U-100 frequency-doubled double-pulse neodymium : YAG laser ( FREDDY ) in ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy for upper ureteral calculi .

  28. 方法采用F8/9·8Wolf硬性输尿管镜、JUN-AIR气压弹道碎石机治疗110例输尿管结石。

    Methods A total of 110 cases of ureteral calculi were treated by using 8 / 9.8 F Wolf rigid ureteroscope and JUN-AIR pneumatic lithotripter .

  29. 方法采用输尿管镜钬激光碎石术治疗输尿管结石159例168侧,其中结石直径≥1cm者76侧,<1cm者92侧。

    Methods 159 patients ( 168 sides ) underwent ureteroscopy with holmium : YAG laser lithotripsy , including 76 sides of calculi 1 cm or greater and 92 sides of calculi less than 1 cm in diameter .

  30. 方法对65例肾结石的患者采用微创经皮肾穿刺输尿管镜碎石取石术将肾结石粉碎并取出,术后3&5天拔除肾造瘘管,4周后拔除输尿管内留置的D-J管。

    Methods A total of 65 patients was diagnosed as kidney calculi , all received minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy . The average nephrostomy tube indwelling time was 3-4 days , average retention time of D-J tube was 4 weeks .