
shū xuè fǎn yìnɡ
  • transfusion reaction
  1. 非溶血性输血反应与HLA抗体

    Nonhemolytic Transfusion Reaction and Anti - HLA

  2. 结论该例同种抗体为特异性抗Mur抗体,在临床会引起溶血性输血反应。

    Conclusions This alloantibody is a specific anti-Mur antibody , and it can cause the hemolytic transfusion reaction .

  3. 结果输注RH(-)冷冻RBC制品无一例输血反应发生。

    Results Blood transfusion reaction do not happen after transfused RH ( - ) freezing red blood cell .

  4. 结论输注RH(-)冷冻RBC是避免或减少输血反应的理想制品。

    Conclusion Transfusion of RH ( - ) freezing red blood cell is an ideal product which can avoid or reduce the blood transfusion reaction .

  5. 红细胞悬液组输血反应率低于全血组输血反应率11.3%,两组间的差异显著性意义(P0.05)。

    After transfusion , the reactivity rate of Erythrocyte suspending liquid group is lower 11.3 % than that of whole blood group . There is significant meaning in difference between the two groups ( P0.05 ) .

  6. ABO同型配血,结果检出1例不完全抗体,76次配血,没有发生输血反应;

    The results showed the incomplete antibodies were examined in 1 case of ABO compatible crossmatching test , and no transfusion reactions were observed after transfusion with 76 blood matching tests .

  7. RhD抗原的高免疫原性常常会引起胎儿和新生儿溶血病(HDFN)、溶血性输血反应和自身免疫性溶血性贫血等疾病。

    The highly immunogenic RhD antigen is often involved in hemolytic disease of the fetal and newborn ( HDFN ), hemolytic transfusion reactions and autoimmune hemolytic anemia .

  8. Rh血型系统是具有重要临床意义的血型系统,该系统的抗原不相容能引起溶血性输血反应、新生儿溶血病(HDN)和自身免疫性溶血性贫血。

    The Rh blood group system is one of the most significant red blood cell systems in transfusion medicine , incompatible Rh antigens are associated with hemolytic transfusion reactions , hemolytic disease of the newborn and autoimmune hemolytic anemia .

  9. 结论:在37℃恒温水浴箱中水浴5min的悬浮红细胞,复温后输注可有效地降低输血反应的发生率。

    Conclusion The reaction ratio would be reduced effectively when transfused the reheated suspension RBCs which been reheated by the 37 ℃ constant temperature water bath for 5 minutes .

  10. 目的评价临床输注去白细胞红细胞悬液和浓缩血小板预防非溶血性发热性输血反应(FNHTR)的效果。

    Objective To assess the clinical efficiency of preventing febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions ( FNHTR ) with transfusion of leukocyte filtration RBC and platelet concentrates .

  11. 悬浮红细胞复温后输注的输血反应调查

    Investigation of Transfusion in Transfusing Suspension Red Blood Cells after Blood Warming

  12. 目的为了解我区非溶血性输血反应的发生情况。

    Objective To find out incidence of non - hemolytic transfusion reactions .

  13. 使用非那根预防非溶血性输血反应必要性分析

    Study on the necessary of using promethazine to prevent non-hemolytic transfusion reaction

  14. 非溶血性输血反应的影响因素分析

    Study on the Factors for Non - hemolytic Transfusion Reaction

  15. 紫外线照射氧合血在28℃保存条件下降低输血反应的作用

    Efficacy of UBIO on reduce the transfusion adverse reaction under 28 ℃

  16. 血清;不规则抗体;溶血性输血反应。

    Serum ; Irregular antibody ; Hemolytic transfusion reaction .

  17. 地塞米松和异丙嗪预防非溶血性输血反应的观察

    Activities of Dexamethasone and Diprazine Against Nonhemolytic Transfusion Reaction

  18. 通过血型血清学检测来寻找输血反应原因。

    The causes of transfusion reaction was detected by antiglobulin test of Coombs .

  19. 抗-Jk~a致溶血性输血反应结果分析

    Analysis of anti-Jk ~ a induced hemolytic transfusion reaction

  20. 滤除白细胞对降低输血反应的临床意义

    Decreasing Transfusion Reaction by Filtering out White Blood Cells

  21. 结果:输血反应主要表现为皮疹及发热。

    Results The typical symptoms of reactions of the blood transfusion were tetter and fever .

  22. 目的观察白细胞过滤器预防输血反应的效果。

    Objective The effect of white blood cell filtrator was observed to prevent transfusion reaction .

  23. 目的探讨使用非那根预防非溶血性输血反应是否必要。

    Objective To study whether it is necessary to use promethazine to prevent non-hemolytic transfusion reaction .

  24. 目的研究白细胞过滤器过滤前后,供者血液有关参数的变化及临床输血反应的比较。

    Objective To compare relative parameters and clinical transfusion reaction of donors blood with filtered whole blood .

  25. 对有同种抗体的患者输入相应抗原阴性的红细胞后,患者未发生溶血性输血反应;

    No hemolytic transfusion reaction occurred in patients with isoantibody after infusion of blood with corresponding antigen negative .

  26. 没有寻获造成问题的捐血者,类似的输血反应或急性肺损伤将无法避免。

    Without identifying the blood donor implicated in the disorder , transfusion reactions or TRALI will be inevitable .

  27. 为探讨非溶血性输血反应的影响因素,对510例次输血进行了调查。

    In order to study the factors for non hemolytic transfusion reaction , 510 case time transfusion was investigated .

  28. 血型检测与输血反应检查的深入分析三种血细胞分析仪检测结果比较分析

    In-depth Analysis of Blood Group Test and Transfusion Reaction Examination Evaluation of Determination Results from 3 Kinds of Hematology Analyzers

  29. 目的:观察复温后的悬浮红细胞输注的输血反应发生率。

    Objective To observe the reaction occurring ratio after the blood transfusion of reheated suspension Red Blood Cells ( RBCs ) .

  30. 结论非溶血性输血反应与性别、输血次数、血成分制品及受血者过敏体质等有关。

    Conclusions The non-hemolytic transfusion reactions was related with sex ? numbers of transfusion ? blood products and the allergic constitutions of recipient .