
  • 网络Tianquan County
  1. 梯级电站带来了大量的财政税收,促进了天全县医疗条件的改善和教育程度的提高。

    Cascade Station has brought a lot of financial revenue , improved the medical conditions and increased the educational level in Tianquan .

  2. 梯级开发促进了流域经济的发展,2008年天全县国内生产总值比2000年增长了83.6%;人均国内生产总值增长了80.8%。

    Cascade exploitation promoted the economic development of the basin . In 2008 , the GDP in Tianquan increased by 83.6 % compared with 2000 , and the per capita GDP increased by 80.8 % .

  3. 基于GIS的天全县东部土壤质量定量评价

    The Quantitative Evaluation of Cultivated Soils Quality in the Eastern Part of Tianquan County Based on GIS

  4. 天全县几种退耕还林类型林地土壤理化性质年际动态变化研究

    Dynamic Variation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil in Different Patterns of Returning to Forest