
  • 网络sphere systems
  1. 类星体和X射线双星等很多宇宙中的天体系统的能量都来源于引力能,而吸积正是释放引力能的一种有效机制。

    Gravitational energy is the energy source of many astrophysical systems in the universe , such as quasar and X-ray binaries , etc , and accretion is an effective mechanism of releasing gravitational energy .

  2. 成团天体系统成员概率计算的有效性问题

    Effectivity of membership probability calculations for clustering celestial bodies

  3. 天体系统和粒子系统的相似性归纳

    The induction of the similarities between the celestial system and the particle system

  4. 建立自己的天体系统,并观看重力芭蕾。

    Build your own system of heavenly bodies and watch the gravitational ballet .

  5. 太阳系是银河系中一个小的天体系统。

    The solar system is one small system in the whole of the Milky way .

  6. 《莱斯特法典:论水、地球与天体系统》。

    " Leicester statute book : By water , Earth and heavenly body system " .

  7. 我们知道太阳系是由9大行星和许许多多的小行星、星组成的一个天体系统。

    As we already know , our solar system contains nine planets and many comets and other objects .

  8. 太阳系是银河系中一个小的天体系统。最小的细菌就是这样一个综合体。

    The solar system is one small system in the whole of the Milky Way . The smallest bacterium is that complex .

  9. 双重星系或天体系统,用动力学方法测定其质量时,观测到的视向速度和距离间距,都是各自值的投影值,可用统计方法,求出一个关于它们的平均投影因子。

    Both of the observed radial velocity and separation being projective values , in order to determine the mass of binary galaxies the average projection factor may be derived by a statistical method .

  10. 归纳给出宏观天体系统和微观粒子系统在运动形式、系统结构、作用力形式和电磁特性等4个方面的相似特性。

    The four similar characteristics , namely , motion form , system structure , effort form and elec - magnetic feature are induced about the macroscopic celestial system and the microcosmic particle system .

  11. 本文尝试着将应用于天文导航的天体测量系统应用于大地天文测量中。

    This paper attempts to apply celestial measurement system which used in celestial navigation to astronomical geodesy .

  12. 哥白尼的美学观反对等分,这是他否定托勒密的天体运行系统的重要动机。

    Copernicus'aesthetic objections to [ equants ] provided one essential motive for his rejection of the Ptolemaic system * .

  13. 由于天体物理系统中物质的密度一般都很低,热传导基本上是可以忽略的,目前对辐射已经做了大量的研究,但对流方面的工作则不多。

    Because of the low density of matter in the universe , conduction can be essentially ignored . Nowadays , people have done a lot of works about radiation but only few works for convection .

  14. 太阳系是由受太阳引力约束的天体组成的系统,它的最大范围约可延伸到1光年以外。

    Solar system is by receives the system which the gravitational pull restraint the heavenly body is composed , its most wide range approximately may extend to 1 light year outside .

  15. 天体光谱自动识别系统的主要目标是对天体进行分类和参数测量。

    The main objective of an automatic recognition system of celestial objects via their spectra is to classify celestial spectra and estimate physical parameters automatically .