
  1. 旋转自动导向钻井技术PDC钻头自动焊接技术

    Rotary steering drilling technology AUTO-WELDING TECHNIQUE FOR PDC BIT

  2. 本研究对科学自动优化钻井具有参考价值。

    This research has reference value to scientific automatic optimization drilling .

  3. 自动垂直钻井工具纠斜控制实验研究

    Experimental study on automatic vertical drilling tool inclination control

  4. 该自动垂直钻井工具包含井下微处理器、井斜角测量传感器及井下可控稳定器等。

    The tool comprises a microprocessor , an inclination sensor and a controlled stabilizer .

  5. 旋转自动导向钻井技术旋转导向闭环钻井系统

    Rotary closed-loop steerable drilling system spin control

  6. 自动垂直钻井工具的设计及自动控制方法

    The design and control ways of the downhole automatic closed loop of vertical drilling tool

  7. 基于虚拟仪器自动垂直钻井工具纠斜控制理论与实验研究

    Research on Automatic Vertical Drilling Tool Anti-deviation Control Theory and Experiment Based on Virtual Instruments

  8. 纠斜推力的测控是自动垂直钻井系统中的关键技术。

    The deviation thrust correcting measurement and control is a pivotal technology in automatic vertical drilling system .

  9. 本文详细阐述了井斜测量在自动垂直钻井方面的研究意义及国内外发展现状,介绍了现有的井斜测量方法和基于加速度传感器的测斜技术。

    Introduced the currently existing hole deviation measurement methods and the inclination measurement technology based on acceleration sensor .

  10. 自动降解钻井液在水井钻进中的应用水井钻机和工程钻机的现状及展望

    The application of auto-degradated drilling fluid in water well works Present Situation and Prospect of Water Well and Engineering Rigs

  11. 深井自动垂直钻井工具工作于数千米深的井下,对其上的液压导向机构的性能有较高的要求。

    The deep well automatic vertical drilling tools positioning at thousands of meters , the hydraulic steering mechanism of them is demand of upper performances .

  12. 自动垂直钻井中井斜动态测量理论与实验研究自动垂直钻井系统及其相关技术研究

    Theoretical and experimental investigation on dynamic measurements of hole inclination in automatic vertical drilling process The Research on Automatic Vertical Drilling System and Related Technology

  13. 使用该装置可有效地解决套管自动灌钻井液和遇阻解阻的问题,大大提高钻井实效,保证下套管的质量。

    The device can be used to effectively solve the problems of automatic fluid charging and casing releasing , by which drilling effect is greatly improved and casing running quality is guaranteed .

  14. 自动垂直钻井工具能在保证井眼垂直的条件下,有效释放钻压,能够很好的应用于我国西部高陡构造地层的油气开采。

    Automatic vertical drilling tool can ensure a vertical wall , at the same time effectively release drilling pressure , which can be well applied in oil and gas exploration of high and steep stratigraphic in western China .

  15. 在甘肃张掖和广西柳州等多处水井钻进的实践证明,这种自动降解钻井液能解决钻进时护壁堵漏与恢复地层渗透性的矛盾。

    Finally , the several applications of auto-degradated drilling fluid in Gansu province Zhangye city and Guangxi province LiuZhou city was introduced in detail . The practice made sure that it can solve the contradiction of protecting the hole and recovering the filtration of the formation in water well works .

  16. 自动防斜钻井系统控制策略的研究

    Control Strategy for Automatic Anti - Deviation Drilling System

  17. 因此对自动控向钻井技术的研究成为钻探技术发展总的趋势。目前国外在这个领域的研究有了很大的发展,但由于高科技研究的保密性,使得我国无法获取该技术。

    Hence Automatic Directional Drill has become a trend for the research on drilling technology , which has witnessed tremendous development in foreign countries while we are declined the access to due to the privacy policy .

  18. 自动控向钻井技术是在钻进时随钻测量钻孔的偏斜,发现孔斜后随即通过控制系统给出纠斜力,使得钻孔轨迹沿着设计的方向前进;

    Automatic Directional Drilling aims to restrain the drilling path to the desirable track by imposing forces for well straightening through control system immediately when detecting the deviation of drilling hole through MWD ( measurement while drilling ) .

  19. 基于ANSYS的动臂塔式起重机臂架系统有限元装配参数化建模参数化设计和自动装配技术在钻井工具设计中的应用

    Parametric assembly modeling technique of the tower crane boom system based on ANSYS Application of Parametric Design and Automatic Assembly Using Pro / TOOLKIT in Drilling Tools

  20. 自动防斜垂直钻井系统(简称AADDS)是我国自主研制的特别针对我国地形构造特点的石油钻井工具。

    AADDS is one of the drilling tools which is studied for our country 's lay land by ourselves .

  21. 参数化设计和自动装配技术在钻井工具设计中的应用

    Application of Parametric Design and Automatic Assembly Using Pro / TOOLKIT in Drilling Tools

  22. 基于局域网的自动监控系统在钻井平台的应用

    The Application of Automatic Monitor and Control System Based on LAN in the Offshore Drilling Platform

  23. 井控轨迹自动控制技术是钻井行业急待解决的最前沿课题,用可控偏心器可以实现井眼轨迹自动控制,提高井眼轨迹控制精度,降低钻井成本。

    Automatic control of borehole trajectory is one of the most frontier research areas in drilling engineering . This paper presents the results of a study on the realization of automatic trajectory control with controllable eccentric to improve the precision of control and reduce drilling cost .

  24. 简要介绍了自动化钻井系统,详细介绍了其子系统即地面自动控制系统、井下自动控制系统和钻井信息系统的组成及原理。

    This paper outlines a automated drilling system , and articulates the components and mechanisms of its sub system , namely the surface automatic control system , down hole automatic control system and drilling information system .

  25. 自动遥测泥浆流变仪,实现了计算机控制、实时自动检测循环钻井液流变性的目的。

    The automatic remote mud rheometer is controlled by computer and can automatic detecting circle drilling fluid rheology in real time .