
  • 网络Ultrabasic;ultramafic;ultrabasic rocks
  1. ICP-AES法测定超基性岩石样品中的磷、锡、钒、铬、锰

    The determination of elements P , Sn , V , Cr and Mn in ultrabasic rock samples using ICP-AES method

  2. CSAMT法对基性、超基性岩体的低阻和矿化体及矿体的特低阻能进行电性分层,同时也能反映断裂构造带、蚀变矿化带的异常特征;

    The CSAMT method can divid the electric property beds and reflect the anomalous features of fracture zone and altered mineralization zone based upon the low resistance in basic and ultrabasic intrusions and the specific low resistance in the mineralized rocks and ores .

  3. 同一化学群的陨石,变质程度越高吸收谷越深。而地球火成岩反射谱,则依酸性、基性和超基性逐渐显示出H群球粒陨石的反射谱型。

    The same chemical group of meteorites feature deeper and deeper absorption valleys with increasing metamorphic grade .

  4. 伴随玄武岩的大量喷发有许多基性-超基性岩体、岩脉的侵入活动,在这些侵入体中已发现较多的V-Ti-Fe、PGE、Ni-Cu等矿床。

    Accompanying the vast eruption of the basalts , there are a lot of mafic-ultramafic intrusions and dikes , in which magmatic V-Ti-Fe , PGE and Ni-Cu deposits have been detected .

  5. 赋矿的碱性超基性杂岩体生成于203~248Ma,产状为岩盆,由三期侵入岩和一期脉岩组成,具层状岩系特征和韵律结构。

    The alkali-ultrabasic complex , occurring as a lopolith and aged 203 ~ 248Ma , includes three phases of intrusive rocks and one phase of dike rock , characteristic of bedding and rhythm .

  6. 金川铜镍矿床超基性岩体的矿物岩石学

    Mineralogy and petrology of Jinchuan ultrabasic rock body with copper-nickel deposits

  7. 沈阳陨石&对超基性岩体的新认识

    Shenyang meteorites & a new understanding on ultrabasic rock body

  8. 多元统计分析在超基性岩体含矿性评价中的应用

    The Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Mineralization Assessment of Ultrabasic Rocks

  9. 与超基性&碱性岩浆有关的碳酸岩。

    Carbonatites genetically related with the alkaline or ultrabasic magma .

  10. 论超基性岩体的蛇纹石化问题

    On the problem of the serpentinization of ultra basic rocks

  11. 四川攀西地区基性超基性层状岩体锶同位素比值

    Strontium isotopic ratios in BASIC-ULTRABASIC layered rocks of Panxi area , Sichuan Province

  12. 新疆黄山铜镍矿床是一个与基性-超基性岩体有关的隐伏大型铜镍矿床。

    The Huangshan copper-nickle deposit is a large blind one related with basic-ultrabasic rocks .

  13. 祁连山地区铬铁矿和超基性岩体的地球物理特征及物探找矿方法

    Geophysical Characteristics of Chromites and Ultrabasic Rocks in Qilian Mountain District and Their Prospecting Methods

  14. 福建新生代碱性超基性火山岩地球化学特征及构造意义

    Geochemical Features of the Cenozoic Alkaline Ultramafic Volcanic Rock in Fujian and Their Tectonic Significance

  15. 作者首次于金川含铜镍超基性岩体中发现了岩浆包裹体。

    Magmatic inclusions were first found in the Jinchuan copper-nickel-bearing ultrabasic intrusion by the authors .

  16. 变质超基性岩石中的非金属矿产

    Non-metal mineral resources in meta-ultrabasic rocks

  17. 四川南江坪河超基性-碱性岩体矿物学与地球化学研究

    Study on mineralogy and geochemistry of the Pinghe ultrabasic alkaline rock body , nanjiang , Sichuan

  18. 文章通过我国金伯利岩型金刚石矿床伴生金的试验研究,确定该类型伴生金矿与超基性火成岩有关。

    Results of the paper show that gold is the by-product of diamond deposits in kimberlite pipes .

  19. 甘肃礼县-宕昌地区新生代钾质碱性超基性火山岩的特征及成因

    Cenozoic Potassic Alkaline Ultrabasic Volcanic Rocks and Its Genesis in Lixian - Dangchang Area , Gansu Province

  20. 超基性岩浆作用中硫的化学活动性增加与其碱度增加直接有关。

    The increase of sulfur chemical activities in ultrabasic magmatic processes is directly related to its alkalinity .

  21. 长江上游地区几个层状基性-超基性侵入体的岩石特征及有关岩石学问题

    Petrographic characteristics and several other related problems of the layered BASIC-ULTRABASIC intrusives in the upper Yangtze Valley

  22. 俄罗斯远东地区碱性-超基性杂岩体成因与地幔之关系

    The relationship between the origin of Alkaline-Ultrabasic complex and the mantle in far east area of Russia

  23. 云南金平县铜矿山地区超基性-基性岩体含矿性探讨

    A discussion on ULTRA-BASIC and basic rocks of copper mine areas of Jinping county , Yunnan Province

  24. 高精度磁测技术在铬铁矿勘探中的应用效果&以仁布超基性岩体为例

    The application effect of high-precision magnetic survey in exploring chromite deposits & an example of Renbu ultrabasic rocks

  25. 沿南天山北缘的古洛萨拉-乌瓦门-拱拜子一带,分布有一条基性-超基性杂岩带。

    A basicultrabasic complex belt occurs along GuluosalaWuwamenGongbaizi zone in the northern margin of southern Tianshan folding belt .

  26. 本文研究了四川盐边基性-超基性杂岩体环状对称分带的特点;

    This paper studied the characteristics of the ring-shaped symmetrical zoning of basic-ultrabasic complex in Yanbian , Sichuan province .

  27. 与造山运动共生的许多超基性岩体沿着走向断层出露,表现出假的整合关系。

    Many ultrabasic bodies in the orogenic association occur along strike faults , which gives a simulated concordant relationship .

  28. 成矿作用及成矿系列研究,取得了一系列意义重大的新认识,有利地支持了对金平地区基性-超基性杂岩带的成矿作用进行重新深入研究认识。

    These achievements are favorable for further study on metallogenesis of basic-ultrabasic mixed rock strip in Jinping , Yunnan Province .

  29. 辉砷钴矿的成分和Co/Ni比值揭示钴的成矿作用与基性超基性岩浆有关。

    The composition of and ratio of Co / Ni in cobaltite suggest cobalt ore-formation is related to basic-ultrabasic magma .

  30. 基性、超基性岩样中稀土元素和其它微量元素的热中子、超热中子活化分析

    Determination of Rare Earths and Other Trace Elements in Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks by thermal and Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis