
  • 网络SuperStar Digital Library
  1. 介绍了超星数字图书馆发布系统的特点,重点阐述了如何用超星发布系统来发布图书馆自建数据库。

    This paper introduces the features of the publishing system of superstar digital library , and expounds how to use the publishing system of superstar digital library to publish the self-built database .

  2. 论述了数字图书馆用户界面评价的意义、原则和标准,并以中国数字图书馆、超星数字图书馆、国家科学数字图书馆、上海数字图书馆为例,对其用户界面进行具体的评价分析。

    This paper analyses the significance of the evaluation of the digital library user interface , puts out some evaluation criterions , and evaluates four digital libraries in China , they are China Digital Library , Superstar Digital Library , the National Science Digital Library and Shanghai Digital Library .

  3. 分析MARC在网络环境下存在的问题,提出基于都柏林核心的中文全文文献元数据格式,介绍超星数字图书馆按该格式进行大规模中文文献元数据标引和实现资源共享的成功实践。

    Analyzes the existing problems of MARC under the network environment , brings forward the format of Chinese Text Metadata based on Dublin Core , and introduces a successful example of the execution of Chinese text metadata index and resource-sharing by SSR Digital Library .

  4. 超星数字图书馆的服务质量研究

    Study on Service Quality of Super Star Digital Library

  5. 对超星数字图书馆的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on the Digital Library of SuperStar

  6. 指出超星数字图书馆的不足,对数字图书馆的发展提出建设性的意见。

    Point out superstar digital deficiency of library , put forward the constructive suggestion to digital development of library .

  7. 超星数字图书馆的创举&兼谈传统图书馆与数字图书馆的联系与区别

    The New Measures of the " Superstar " Digital Library & The Connection and Difference of the Traditional Library and the Digital Library

  8. 在研究服务体验模型、个性化和数字挖掘技术中得到启示,通过建立基于读者兴趣的个性化主动式服务模型来提高超星数字图书馆的服务质量;4;

    Get revelation from the research of service experience model , personalization and digital digging technology , and then improve the service quality of the library through the establishment of personalization model depending on the customers ' interest ;