
  • 网络Cai Zhenhua;Chen-Hua Tsai
  1. 蔡振华为其他奋起直追的国家点燃了希望之光,他指出成功应该伴随着责任。

    One glimmer of hope for the chasing nations is offered by Cai Zhenhua , who said success carries with it responsibility .

  2. 高级体育官员蔡振华当时曾表示:从目前来看,金花们单飞之后的表现并不理想。

    The players flying independent have not had an ideal performance , Cai Zhenhua , a senior sports official said at the time .

  3. 蔡振华教练是中国乒乓球队的帅才。要统帅这些队伍,需要惊人的将才。

    Cai Zhenhua is a born commander of China 's ping pong team . It needed a prodigious amount of generalship to marshal these forces .