
  1. 人口与劳动经济研究所所长蔡昉估计,中国的潜在国内生产总值(GDP)增长率将在2016到2020年间跌至6.1%。

    Cai Fang , director of the Institute of Population and Labour Economics , estimates China 's potential gross domestic product growth will fall to 6.1 per cent from 2016-20 .

  2. 中国社会科学院(ChineseAcademyofSocialSciences)研究员蔡昉的一篇论文称,“自2004年以来,沿海地区的民工荒逐渐演变为普遍的招工难和涨薪潮”。

    A paper by Cai Fang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences states that " labour shortage has become rampant throughout the country since it broke out in coastal areas in 2004 . In 2011 , manufacturing enterprises came across unprecedented and universal difficulties in recruiting labour . "

  3. 蔡昉的论文给出了令人信服的证据,证明其结果是实际薪资上涨和利润缩水。

    Mr Fang 's paper gives compelling evidence of the consequent rise in real wages and shrinking profits .

  4. 蔡昉说:从2005年到2010年,农民工人数的增长率是4%。

    Mr Cai said : From 2005 to 2010 , the growth rate of migrant workers was 4 per cent .

  5. 蔡昉,该报告的笔者之一,敦促政府增加医疗保健和教育上的投资。

    Cai , one of the writers of the report , urged the government to increase investment in healh care and education .

  6. 根据学者蔡昉建立的模型推算,中国经济增长中的1/4可以归功于人口红利。

    According to scholars , Cai established model projections , China 's economic growth in the1 / 4 can be attributed to the demographic dividend .

  7. 蔡昉说,允许农民工享受城市福利的改革可以扩大劳动力规模,进而支持中国经济增长。

    Reforms that allow migrants to tap urban benefits could boost the size of the labor force , supporting China 's growth , Mr. Cai said .

  8. 但大多数经济学家(包括劳动力问题研究方面最知名的经济学家之一蔡昉)相信真正的比例要小得多。

    But most economists , such as Cai Fang , one of the most prominent economists on labour issues , believe that the real number is much smaller .

  9. 但蔡昉说,负激励效应已经开始出现苗头,尤其是工薪阶层家庭的学生,他们觉得学费和工资损失的代价太大。

    Cai said , myopia is already starting to set in , particularly for working-class students for whom the combination of tuition and lost wages can seem too large a sacrifice .

  10. 蔡昉说:“从2005年到2010年,农民工人数的增长率是4%。去年这一增长率仅为1.3%。今年这个数字可能出现缩减。”

    Mr Cai said : " From 2005 to 2010 , the growth rate of migrant workers was 4 per cent . Last year it was only 1.3 per cent . Maybe this year it will contract . "

  11. 中国社科院人口与劳动经济研究所所长蔡昉说,中国户籍制度使2亿多农民工无法全部进入劳动力市场参与就业。中国户籍制度是一个社会管理体系,将医疗和养老等福利与居民出生地联系在一起。

    China 's hukou system -- a social management system that ties benefits like health care and pensions to a person 's place of birth -- prevents 200 million-plus migrant workers from fully participating in the labor market , said Cai Fang , director of the Institute of Population Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .