
  • 网络Chinese domain name
  1. 研究了一种基于Agent结构的中文域名系统。

    Proposed an agent-based Chinese domain name system .

  2. 中文域名:是指含有中文文字的域名。

    Chinese domain name refers to the domain name that contains Chinese characters .

  3. 基于IPv6的中文域名系统实现

    The Chinese DNS and its Implementation Based on IPv6

  4. 基于泛中文域名的网页关键词超链接功能探讨与实现

    Introduction and Implementation of WebPage Content Keyword HyperLinks Based on Wildcard Domain Name

  5. 中文域名技术的研究和展望

    The Study and Prospect of Chinese Domain Name Technique

  6. 多语种域名及中文域名技术的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Multilingual Domain Name System and Chinese Domain Name System

  7. 中文域名信息资源管理与保护

    Management and Protection of Chinese Domain Name

  8. 中文域名的法律调整

    Legal Adjustment to the Chinese Header

  9. 一种解决中文域名技术的方法研究

    A method Chinese Domain Name Technology

  10. 浅析中文域名

    Discussion on Chinese Domain Name

  11. 中文域名国际化是大势所趋,顺应世界发展潮流。

    The internationalization of Chinese domain names is the trend of the times , comply with the world development trend .

  12. 会员服务、广告服务、电子商务、网站建设、中文域名、域名注册,中介诚信贸易,买卖双方沟通等。

    Member services , advertise services , e-business , web design , Chinese domain , domain registration , trade of credit agency , trading communication , etc.

  13. 结合国际上的最新研究成果,本文将系统介绍多语种域名及中文域名的技术难点和解决方案。

    This paper will give a whole introduction to the technical difficulty and solution of multilingual domain name system and Chinese domain name system , which are the latest research result of international research area .

  14. 这个列表里包括两种不同渠道我们用来翻译中文网域名。‘机器翻译’就是指使用谷歌翻译服务;

    This is a list of two English interpretations for the Chinese IDNs . 'Machine translation'means a service like Google translate was used .

  15. 他们写道,批准中文网络域名注册标志着该机构“渴望与中国政府建立密切关系,而一旦美国政府不再进行控管,中国可能继续朝着令人不安的方向前进”。

    Approving a Chinese internet registrar was a sign of the body 's " desire to build a close relationship with the Chinese government which could continue to move in a troubling direction once the US government ends its oversight , " they wrote .

  16. 利用这种技术开发出了具有WHOIS网络功能的服务器组件,并且用该组件完成中文界面的全球域名查询系统。

    Using this method , a component with the WHOIS function is completed and used in a domain search system in Chinese interface .