
  • 网络practical talent
  1. 潍坊市农村实用人才开发与培训研究

    Development and Training Research on Rural Practical Talent of Weifang

  2. 王安石十分强调人才培养的重要性,主张通过学校教育来培养实用人才,并为此提出了一整套的关于人才培养、选拔和任用(教、养、取、任)的思想。

    Wang Anshi emphasized the importance of the personnel training , advocated training the practical talent by school and pointed out the thought of the personnel training , selection and appointment .

  3. 在此基础上,采用Probit模型,分析农民参与实用人才再培训的意愿及影响因素。

    The Probit model was used to analyze the willingness and influential factors of farmers participating practical talents training .

  4. 重视英语教学,培养实用人才

    The Importance of English Teaching in Training the Practical Talented People

  5. 民办高校要成为实用人才的培养基地

    Non-governmental Higher Schools should Become the Bases to Train Applied Talents

  6. 强化技能训练培养实用人才

    Intensify the Training of Technical Skill and Talents in Surveying Specialty

  7. 高等院校开展的会计实验教学,就是为了提高学生实际工作能力,为培养会计实用人才发挥作用。

    The purpose of accounting experiment is to train practical accountant .

  8. 潍坊市农村实用人才队伍建设问题研究

    Study on the Rural Practical Talents Personnel Team Foundation in Weifang

  9. 基于农民行为的农村实用人才开发研究

    The Study of Rural Practical Talents Development Based on Farmers ' Behavior

  10. 对创新型实用人才职业道德要求的思考

    Thoughts on requirements of professional ethic for innovatively pragmatic talents

  11. 农村实用人才创业培训的实践与研究

    Practice and Research on Entrepreneurial Training of Rural Practical Talents

  12. 推进教学管理创新培养创新实用人才

    On the promotion of the teaching management innovation and training innovative practical talents

  13. 山西省农村实用人才资源综合开发研究

    Study on the Comprehensive Development of Rural Serviceable Talents Resource of Shanxi Province

  14. 湖南农村实用人才队伍建设问题与对策研究

    Studies on Problems and Solutions of Rural Practical Personnels Development in Hunan Province

  15. 试析农村实用人才职业教育的可持续发展

    Sustainable Development of Vocational Education of Rural Practical Personnel

  16. 北京市农村实用人才管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Management System of Rural Human Resource of Beijing Area

  17. 关于加强农村实用人才队伍建设的思考

    Thoughts on Troops Construction of Rural Practical Talents

  18. 新农村建设中农村实用人才培养存在的问题及改善措施

    Existing Problems and Improvement Measures of Rural Serviceable Talents Training in New Rural Construction

  19. 农业高校农村实用人才培训体系建设研究

    Research on the Establishment of Training System for Rural Talents in Higher Agricultural Education Institutes

  20. 因此,对农村实用人才开发研究意义重大。

    Therefore , the research would be of a great significance on rural practical talents .

  21. 强化实践教学培养实用人才

    Enhancing Practical Teaching and Training Qualified Talents

  22. 创新教育模式培养实用人才&筹划全程式人才培养模式的尝试

    Innovating Educational Mode for Cultivating Practical Talents

  23. 加强医患关系教育培养优秀实用人才

    To strengthen the education about the relationship between doctor and patient and train excellent practical talents

  24. 从实践上讲,为宋朝国家提供了一批赞襄变法的实用人才,而且,研究王安石的人才理论,对当今之素质教育,必当提供一定的借鉴。

    Additionally to study Wang Anshi 's talents theory will be of much help for quality-oriented education today .

  25. 但目前农村实用人才资源开发滞后的局面仍没有得到根本改变。

    But the present countryside practical human resources development lag aspect has still not obtained the radical change .

  26. 因此,必须提高农村人口的科技文化素质,大力培养农村实用人才。

    Therefore , we must improve the rural population technology and culture quality , vigorously develop rural practical talents .

  27. 农村实用人才匮乏是当前我国农业农村发展面临的重大现实问题。

    " Shortage of rural practical talents " is major issue in current agricultural and rural development in China .

  28. 如何立足实际,加强实用人才队伍建设成为当前一项重要课题。

    How to be realistic and strengthen the construction of rural practical talents become an important subject at the present .

  29. 长期以来,农村实用人才一直活跃在农村经济社会建设中,为农村的经济社会发展做出了巨大贡献。

    Over the years , the rural practical talents have involved and made the tremendous contributions in the rural construction .

  30. 作为培养创新型医学实用人才和开展创业教育的重要场所,高等医科院校应该充分发挥校园文化这一渠道的巨大潜力,努力提高医学生的创业能力。

    To improve their abilities in enterprise , all medical academies and schools should make best use of campus culture .