
  • 网络Real Time multi-tasking Operation System;RTOS;real time operating system
  1. 装置以高速高性能微处理机及实时多任务操作系统为基本开发手段,实现水电站中同步发电机快速并网或事故处理后迅速恢复系统安全供电,具有良好的快速自动准同期控制功能。

    Based on high speed and perfect performance micro-processor and RTOS platform , the equipment can be applied to deal with quick interconnection of synchronous generator for hydro power station or resume supply rapidly after an event occurring .

  2. 按照MSEA模型,本文在RTXC实时多任务操作系统下实现了该综合系统。

    According to MSEA model , we have realized the synthetic system under RTXC real time operating system .

  3. 一种用于PC系列微机的实时多任务操作系统

    The Multitasking Real-time Operating System of Appling in PC-series Computers

  4. 采用嵌入式实时多任务操作系统μC/OS-II作为系统软件平台,用VHDL语言实现执行电路的设计。

    VHDL language is used realizing the design of executive circuit .

  5. Internet经过若干年的发展,已出现不同的接入技术,本文主要介绍基于实时多任务操作系统的嵌入式Internet接入技术。

    With the development of several years , kinds of different Internet connection technologies have appeared . This article mainly introduces embedded Internet connection technology of RTOS .

  6. 面向控制实时多任务操作系统RTK

    A control-oriented real-time & multi-task operating system RTK

  7. 该嵌入式模块采用实时多任务操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ,实现了雷达系统中PC主控机和信号处理/发射机之间的实时通讯。

    The embedded module realizes the real-time communication between the PC console and signal processing / transmitting parts by using the real-time multitask operating system μ C / OS - ⅱ .

  8. 在软件设计上,采用了实时多任务操作系统(RTOS)作为FTU的运行平台。

    A RTOS is introduced as the software platform of the FTU .

  9. 并结合最新的32位MCU、DSP芯片及实时多任务操作系统,提出一套先进的保护方案,可达到快速鉴别涌流的日的,使变压器差动保护动作更加快速可靠。

    In the end an advanced protection scheme is brought forward , which is based on 32-bit MCU . DSP chip and real-time operation system .

  10. DMOS分布式实时多任务操作系统的设计与实现

    On the Design and Implementation of DMOS , a Distributed Real-Time Operating System

  11. 对于基于PC的数控系统来说,采用的软件平台对系统的成本和性能有关键性的影响,基于PC的开放式数控系统的理想软件平台是实时多任务操作系统。

    To the CNC system based on PC , the software platform adopted has greatly determined the system cost and performance . The real-time multi-task OS is the ideal software flatform for the CNC system based on PC.

  12. CX-1小卫星实时多任务操作系统的设计

    Design and Implementation of Real-time Multi-processing OS in CX-1 Micro Satellite

  13. 本文详细介绍了实时多任务操作系统在STD总线微机工业锅炉监控中的应用。

    The design and application of the operation system with real time multi & task in STD bus microcomputer overseeing as well as controlling industry oven are introduced in this paper .

  14. 全文共分五章,主要包括:嵌入式技术和WINDOWSCE.NET实时多任务操作系统简介、嵌入式平台的硬件研制、WINDOWSCE.NET的定制、应用软件的设计等几个部分。

    There are six chapters in this dissertation , which mainly includes : the brief introduction of embedded technology and RTOS windows CE . NET , design of the hardware , the customization of windows CE . NET , design of the software etc.

  15. 实时多任务操作系统CMX在自动摊铺机系统中的应用

    Application of RTOS CMX in the System of Auto-paver

  16. 实时多任务操作系统(RTES)是嵌入式应用软件的基础和开发平台。

    RTOS is the basic end exploiting platform for embedded application software .

  17. 介绍了硬件开发平台BL2000和软件开发平台动态C和实时多任务操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ。

    The hardware development platform BL2000 and the software developmentplatform dynamic C and μ C / OS - ⅱ( Real-Time multitask Operating System ) are introduced in this part too .

  18. 完成μC/OS-II实时多任务操作系统在DSP中的移植,外设驱动程序的编写,以及基于操作系统的应用程序设计。主要包括并口通讯,NANDFlash存储管理,液晶显示与键盘控制和运动控制管理等。

    The transplant of μ C / OS-II in DSP system , the driver for peripheral based on the operation system and also the application software including parallel communications , Nand-Flash memory , LCD & keyboard control and motion control management . 4 .

  19. 实时多任务操作系统RMTOS简介

    A Brief On RMTOS & Real-Time Multitasking OS

  20. 本文介绍了实时多任务操作系统pSOS,在对该微内核利用与二次开发的基础上,实现高可靠的卫星实时多任务软件体系。

    The paper introduces embedded real-time , multi-processing operating system pSOS , and studies the application of the pSOS in the micro satellite software based optimization in pSOS .

  21. 本文基于CIMS环境,分析了目前适用于PC/AT总线工控机的实时多任务操作系统AMX,RTX(PAX),conduct/RT及VRTX。

    It is analyzed by this paper that RT / MT & OS used in PC / AT BUS based on CIMS , included AMX , RTX ( PAX ) . Conduct / RT and VRTX .

  22. 实时多任务操作系统在窄带钢热连轧机的应用

    Application of Real Time Operating System to Narrow Hot Strip Mill

  23. 工作站控制器用实时多任务操作系统分析与评价

    Analyzing and Appraising the Real-Time Multiple-Task Operating System for Working Station Controller

  24. 一种嵌入式实时多任务操作系统的研究与应用

    Study and Appliance of One Embedded Realtime Multitasking Operation System

  25. 其次,阐述了星载实时多任务操作系统中混合任务调度算法的设计。

    Secondly , the algorithm in the real-time multi-tasks operation system is designed .

  26. 星上数据管理中的实时多任务操作系统设计

    Design of multi task real time operating system in on board data handing

  27. 实时多任务操作系统响应性能预估和测试

    Evaluation and test of the response performance of a real-time multi-tasking operating system

  28. 实时多任务操作系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Real Time Multi-Tasking Operation System

  29. 实时多任务操作系统在电厂监控系统中的应用

    The Application of Real Time Multitask Operating System in Supervision System of a Power Plant

  30. μC/OS-II是一种适用于嵌入式系统的源码开放的占先式实时多任务操作系统。

    C / OS-II is a fully preemptive real-time kernel , and is applicable to embedded systems .