
zhōnɡ duàn qǐnɡ qiú
  • interrupt request;IRQ
  1. 如果任务生吞中断请求,则worker线程将不知道有一个被请求的中断,从而耽误应用程序或服务的关闭。

    If the task were to swallow the interrupt request , the worker thread might not learn that an interrupt was requested , which could delay the application or service shutdown .

  2. 从设备FPGA内部模块主要包括本地总线周期,VME总线周期,中断请求器模块,以及定时器模块等。

    The internal modules of slave FPGA equipment mainly include : the VME bus cycle , the interrupt request module , timer module and so on .

  3. 设计了一个通用的ISA总线DMA和中断请求电路。

    A general design method of request circuit on DMA and Interrup based on ISA .

  4. CPU电源状态程度越深,采取的电能节省措施就越多&比如说停止处理器时钟或停止外部中断请求。

    The deeper the C state , the more power saving steps are taken & steps like stopping the processor clock or stopping interrupts from coming in .

  5. 根据对锁的需求,还针对bottomhalf和中断请求(IRQ)对读/写自旋锁进行了修改。

    You 'll also find variants of reader / writer spinlocks for bottom halves and interrupt request ( IRQ ) saving depending on the situation for which you require the lock .

  6. 另外,设计了故障保护电路,当出现故障时封锁所有的开关控制信号,同时向DSP发出一个中断请求。

    In addition , protect circuit was designed . When there is fault in the circuit , it will close off the control signal and send out an interrupt request to Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ) .

  7. 所有由I/O设备提出的IRQ(中断请求)产生可屏蔽中断。

    All Interrupt Requests ( IRQs ) issued by I / O devices give rise to maskable interrupts .

  8. 讨论了实现A/D转换的PTS具体操作,包括采样时间的设定、采样通道的选择及相应的中断请求等;

    The ( concrete ) PTS operation to perform A / D conversion is discussed , in which the set of sampling time , choice of sampling channel and corresponding interrupt request etc are concluded .

  9. 结合皮秒时间相关单光子计数光谱仪的PCI总线数据采集卡设计,对驱动程序设计过程中的关键技术如存储器映射、I/O访问、中断请求、驱动程序与应用程序间的通信等做了讨论。

    Taking PCI bus sample card design as a reference , author discusses some key techniques in programming the WDM driver such as memory mapping , the accessing to I / O port , the requesting for interrupt and the communication between application and driver .

  10. 当透过F-P滤波器的光波长与Bragg反射波长重合时,就产生中断请求信号,DSP响应中断后就对有用的信息进行处理,进而得到相应被测参量的变化。

    When the light wavelength permeating the F-P filter equals to the Bragg reflection wavelength , there is an interrupt request signal , DSP deals with the useful information after DSP answers interruption , and then obtain the corresponding changes of the measured parameters .

  11. 并行接口在EPP模式下能实现8位数据的双向传输,具有数据/地址线、控制线和状态线,能响应中断请求,已初步具有总线的接口特性,为开发平台的实现提供了基础。

    This kind of interface provides 8-bit bidirectional communication , has data / address bus , control bus and status bus , and responds to the requirement of interruption . It almost has the features of microcomputer bus and makes the design feasible theoretically .

  12. 目前,该编码器能够响应外部UART串口的中断请求来实现编码标准的切换,并能够实时采集数据,实时完成AC-3编码算法,通过S/PDIF接口实时输出编码码流。

    Currently , this encoder can response to the external UART serial port interrupt to implement the encoding standard switching , and sample PCM in real time , accomplish AC-3 encoding algorithm without delay , transmit the encoded stream through S / PDIF interface .

  13. 中断请求配合低功耗模式从软件方面保证了热量表的低功耗。最后,在理论上对热量表的功耗进行了演算,结果表明可以实现3.6V锂电池工作5年的要求。

    Interrupt request with the low power mode ensures the low-power of heat meter in the aspect of software . Ultimately , this paper calculates the power consumption of every modal , the results shows that it can work 5 years with the 3.6V Li battery .

  14. 使处理器跳转到中断请求接收的编码。

    Code that the processor jumps to on receipt of an interrupt request .

  15. 输入输出中断请求寄存器

    Input / output interrupt request register

  16. 您可以随意忽略中断请求,但是这样做的话会影响响应。

    You are free to ignore an interruption request , but doing so may compromise responsiveness .

  17. 采用开关选择式口地址译码和跳线选择式中断请求电路。

    Make use of selection switch for interface address decode circuit and selection jumper for interrupt request circuit .

  18. 收集如客户端中断请求或当客户端连接中断时的所有关注事件。

    Collects all attention events , such as client interrupt request or when a client connection is broken .

  19. 仅仅因为一个任务是可取消的,并不意味着需要立即对中断请求作出响应。

    Just because a task is cancelable does not mean it needs to respond to an interrupt request immediately .

  20. 串行通信接口在数据传输完成后,会向微控制器核发出中断请求。

    When a data transfer is done , the serial communication interface issues a interrupt request to the microcontroller core .

  21. 在计算机系统中,由外部设备引起的一种中断请求,它与编写在计算机程序中的软件中断不同。

    In computing , an interrupt request by a peripheral unit , as opposed to a software interrupt written into a computer program .

  22. 中央处理机的一种基本特性,在下一条指令执行完毕前允许屏蔽中断请求。

    Basically , a feature of the CPU that permits the machine to mask an interrupt request until the following instruction has been completed .

  23. 主程序的一般结构是先进行各种初始化,然后等待采样周期信号的中断请求。

    The master routine general structure is carring on all kinds of initialization , and then waiting for the sampling period signal interrupt request .

  24. 对于中断请求,不阻塞但是仍然要花较长时间执行的方法可以轮询中断状态,并在被中断的时候提前返回。

    Methods that do not block but that still may take a long time to execute can respect requests for interruption by polling the interrupted status and return early if interrupted .

  25. 如果在应用程序重新启动时还是会发生延迟,这可能被HTTP服务器插件解析为中断,请求在另一台服务器上重试。

    This can occur even with affinity a delay in application restart could be interpreted by the HTTP server plug-in as an outage , with the request being retried on another server .

  26. 为来自某些虚拟驱动器(cobd(块设备)、conet(网络)、cocon(控制台))的中断和请求进行代理转发。

    Act as a forwarder of interrupts and requests from several virtual drivers : cobd ( block device ), conet ( network ), and cocon ( console ) .

  27. 无法在中断时请求独占的信号灯。

    Cannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time .

  28. 通话中断,请求再接通。

    Asking for is connected again .

  29. 您将看到一条消息,告知您和该代表的连接已经中断并请求您等待几分钟以重新连接到通信线路上。

    You can see the message telling you and the representative that connections have been dropped and asking you to wait a few minutes for reconnecting of the communication lines .

  30. 因一方提出请求而引起的时效中断的请求表达方式,可以是多种多样的,只要权利人表达了不放弃权利的意思表示,均不影响时效中断的成立。

    Modes of indication that interruptions of prescription are caused by one party 's claims , may be varied , but interruptions of prescription will occur as long as the obligee does not indicate that he has abandoned his rights .