
  1. 该墓墓志的发现,为研究东方朔故里提供了宝贵的实物资料。

    The discovery furnishes the valuable material for researching his hometown .

  2. 实物资料包括各种遗迹和遗物。

    Physical material including various sites and belongings .

  3. 它填补了史籍记载的缺失和田野考古的不足,为人类社会发展史研究提供了珍贵的实物资料,在科学研究、发展旅游业、繁荣民族经济等方面具有重要价值。

    They are valuable for science research , development of tour and nationality economy .

  4. 其发现丰富了毕升墓碑深入研究的实物资料。

    It also enriches the data for study of the Bi Sheng tomb stele .

  5. 只要您的实物资料,滚塑级是用来储水罐。

    Just for your kind information , rotomolding grade is used in making water storage tanks .

  6. 为云冈石窟诸多领域的研究提供了重要的实物资料。

    All this provides important tangible data for the research of many aspects of the Yungang Grottos .

  7. “翰林”、“盈”字款白瓷是研究唐代邢窑生产性质及唐代社会政治、经济的重要实物资料。

    Wares bearing these marks are important for studying the sociopolitical and economic history of the Tang .

  8. 上述明墓的发现,为研究明代藩王制度和葬俗提供了实物资料。

    Those findings provide material data to the research on system of enfeoffment and rite of funeral .

  9. 除了实物资料之外,唐代史料中有不少关于狩猎活动的记载。

    In addition , the historical books of Tang Dynasty record a lot about the hunting activities .

  10. 同时,也为我国汉字由篆、隶、章草、楷、行、草的演变提供了直观的实物资料。

    These unearthed artifacts also provide material objects of development of the writing style of Chinese character .

  11. 岩画产生于文字之前,是人类历史非常重要的实物资料。

    Rock art is very important information for history of human beings which produces before the Character .

  12. 同时,传统民居从一个侧面记录下了苏州政治、经济和文化的发展进程,是研究和了解苏州历史、传统文化的重要实物资料。

    What 's more , Suzhou folk dwellings are also important records of the politics , economy , and culture .

  13. 本论文采用文献记录、图像和实物资料三者的对照研究方法,系统地研究中亚织锦的图案。

    This paper systematically studies the pattern of Central Asian brocade by using comparative studying between literatures , images and substance .

  14. 新中国考古事业的发展,为认识河北古代的历史面貌提供了珍贵的实物资料。

    The development of archaeology enterprise in China provides a rare material of object for recognizing the visage of archaic Hebei .

  15. 保圣寺大殿为北宋中期江南木构殿常,现仍保存有部分较为翔实的文献和实物资料。

    Baosheng temple 's main hall is a wooden architecture of the South Changjiang River in the middle Northern Song Dynasty .

  16. 在这三类对照中,同时列举一些此类关键词在其他清代史料或者实物资料中的范例。

    In three comparison mentioned , we also list examples from other history references and concrete solids for those three key words .

  17. 此墓的发现为研究汉代的社会生活、丧葬习俗、绘画艺术等提供了珍贵的实物资料。

    This excavation provides precious date to the research on social life , burial rite and painting art of the Han Dynasty .

  18. 考古学是根据古代人类活动遗留下的实物资料,来研究人类古代社会历史的一门学科。

    Archaeology of ancient human activities in accordance with the physical legacy data , to study the ancient history of a human subject .

  19. 笔者预将文献资料和考古实物资料相结合对内蒙古地区西夏城址作初步研究。

    I will make a preliminary study for walled town of the Western Xia Dynasty in Inner Mongolia using documents and archaeological data .

  20. 该套制玉工具为深入了解和研究当时的制玉生产及工艺流程提供了宝贵的实物资料。

    This set of jade production tools provides valuable information for studying jade production and the flow of crafts during that particular period .

  21. 该墓地的发掘,为研究郑州地区两汉时期社会经济、丧葬习俗等提供了新的实物资料。

    The excavation of the cemetery provided some new materials for studying on the social economy , funeral customs of Han dynasty in Zhengzhou .

  22. 为研究随州地区宋、明时期的政治、经济以及葬俗等方面增加了新的实物资料。

    The excavation enriches the data for study of politics , economy , burial customs of the Song and Ming dynasty at Suizhou region .

  23. 该墓的发掘为研究东周时期的物质文化、社会生活和丧葬习俗提供了丰富的实物资料。

    The excavation provides plentiful data to the searches on the material culture , social life and funerary custom of the Eastern Zhou period .

  24. 本论文以问卷为主,实物资料分析为辅收集资料;问卷采取方便抽样,研究对象为金门地区和厦门地区公立幼儿园的部分教师。

    Using questionnaire and material analysis ; the questionnaire adopts convenience sampling , chooses the Jinmen and the Xiamen Area Public Kindergarten partial teachers as study object .

  25. 文化遗址是研究古代历史、艺术和科学技术发展的极其重要的实物资料。

    Cultural Heritage sites are the very important material data in the research of the ancient history , culture , art and the development of science and technology .

  26. 考察这些实物资料,对于认识戏曲发展的历史面貌,探索戏曲艺术形态的历史成因等,具有重要的意义。

    Investigate these real objects data for knowing the history feature that drama develop , investigate the history of the drama art appearance to have the important meaning .

  27. 该剑是南阳地区首次发现的巴蜀文物,为研究巴蜀历史及古代巴蜀与南阳的关系提供了实物资料。

    As the first Ba-Shu style artifact ever found in Nanyang , this sword thus provides an important clue to understand the relationship between Nanyang and the Ba-Shu people .

  28. 温家山坑状遗迹的发现,为研究商文化南渐及其发展、演变以及与周邻地区同时期诸考古学文化的关系提供了丰富的实物资料。

    The discovery of the site offers considerable materials for study on south-forward expand and development of the Shang culture and the relationship between Shang and its surrounding cultures .

  29. 结果共进行现场观察17次,访谈学生135人次,老师79人次,收集并分析实物资料六大类,共5113份。

    RESULTS In the process evaluation , we observed 17 activities , interviewed 135 person-time students and 79 person-time teachers , and collected and analyzed 5,113 materials developed by the schools .

  30. 本次发掘的六座墓葬时代有一定跨度,自西汉武帝至王莽时期,为了解西汉平民的生活状况提供了新的实物资料。

    The excavation of 6 tombs during the reign from Han Wu Emperor to WANG Mang provide new data to make clear the live condition of the commons in Han dynasty .