
dēnɡ jì bù
  • register;registry
  1. 先生,请在酒店登记簿上签字好吗?

    Could you sign the hotel register please , sir ?

  2. 他在酒店的登记簿上签了名。

    He signed the register at the hotel

  3. 于是,已经打开登记簿的地理学家,削起他的铅笔来。

    And , having opened his big register , the geographer sharpened his pencil .

  4. 在不违反第(1)款(c)项的前提下,提供任何商业登记簿的证明或摘录;

    Subject to paragraph ( 1 )( c ), the furnishing of any certificate of , or extract from , a register of commerce ;

  5. 这样一个登记簿如何实际运行的问题将在今年6月于波恩召开的下一场UNFCCC会议上得到讨论。

    How such a registry would work in practice will be discussed in the next UNFCCC meeting in Bonn in June .

  6. 一个登记簿将记录各国的NAMAs供国际承认。

    A registry would record countries'NAMAs for international recognition .

  7. 增强查询功能;增加可疑交易登记簿查询。

    Enhanced query capabilities ; increase in suspicious transaction register queries .

  8. 急诊科急救药品管理登记簿的临床应用

    Clinical application of managing register of first-aid medicine in emergency department

  9. 教区记载出生、结婚及死亡的登记簿。

    The parish register of births , marriages , and deaths .

  10. 在旅馆的登记簿上,我应如何写自己的身份呢?

    How shall I set myself down in the hotel register ?

  11. 该公司股份登记簿显示,外管局持有该公司发行的1亿股份中的99999999股。

    This shows SAFE holds 99,999,999 of the 100m shares issued .

  12. 第三部分,不动产登记簿的制度环境。

    The third part , the real property register system environment .

  13. 编制费用报表和维护固定资产登记簿;

    To prepare expenses reports and maintain fixed assets register ;

  14. 丢失或擅自销毁发票存根联以及发票登记簿;

    Los or scrap the counterfoil and invoice registration book ;

  15. 咨询和检测数据从登记簿收集。

    Data on counselling and testing were collected in registers .

  16. 他正忙着往登记簿里录入条目。

    He was busy filling up entries in his register .

  17. 你查了投票者登记簿上的那个名字吗?

    Did you look up the name in the register of voters ?

  18. 我在旅馆登记簿上以作家的身份登记。

    I set myself down as a writer in the hotel register .

  19. 最后,讨论了不动产登记簿的重要性和特点。

    At last , it discusses the importance of the real property register .

  20. 把一个孩子记录在危险登记簿上。

    To place a child on the at-risk register .

  21. 未按规定设置发票登记簿;

    Fail to set up an invoice registration book in accordance with stipulations ;

  22. 我们看过我们的登记簿并发现了您的名字赫伯特太太。

    We 've looked through our registers and find your name Mrs. Herbert .

  23. 我将约会登记簿放在办公室里。

    I keep ray engagement book in my office .

  24. 请你在登记簿上签名。

    If you 'd just sign the register .

  25. 在登记簿上登上某人的名字

    Enroll sb . 's name in a register

  26. 租金登记簿、租赁协定、收租人。

    A rent book , agreement , collector .

  27. 请填写宾馆登记簿。

    Please fill in the hotel registration form .

  28. 投诉登记簿应当保存5年的期限。

    The complaint register shall be maintained on record for a period of5 years .

  29. 请在登记簿上签个字。

    Sign a word on the register please .

  30. 巴恩斯小姐的名字记入来访登记簿了吗

    Did you put Miss Barnes in the visitor 's ledger ? Not yet .