
  1. 正如CNN记者詹姆斯·麦克唐纳告诉我们,日本有一个著名的登山家已经用了几乎一生的时间来清理山坡上的垃圾。

    As James MacDonald tells us one renowned Japanese mountaineer has made it his life 's works to clean up the slopes .

  2. 2012年,德国登山家拉尔夫·杜伊莫维茨(RalfDujmovits)拍摄了一张令人震撼的照片,照片拍摄的是一群攀登珠峰的登山者排队登顶的情景。

    In 2012 , German mountaineer Ralf Dujmovits captured a shocking image showing hundreds of climbers lining up to reach the summit .

  3. 他心目中的英雄大都是20世纪初期的登山家,有乔治·马洛里(GeorgeMallory)、汤姆·隆斯塔夫(TomLongstaff)、弗雷迪·查普曼(FreddieChapman)等人,他们都是仅靠一身花呢上装和一双皮靴就征服了众多世界高峰的人。

    His heroes were the alpinists of the early 20th century , George Mallory , Tom Longstaff , Freddie Chapman and the rest , who had climbed the world 's greatest peaks in tweed jackets and leather boots .

  4. 提尔曼是个著名的探险家,登山家,水手和作家。

    Tilman was a famous explorer , mountaineer , sailor and writer .

  5. 扎西现在是一个成功的生意人,作家和登山家。

    Tashi is now a successful business owner , author and mountain climber .

  6. 许多登山家都登上过那座大山的顶峰。

    Many mountaineers have reached that mountain peak .

  7. 1975年这一天,日本登山家田部井纯子成为到达珠峰峰顶第一位女性。

    1975-Climber Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest .

  8. 罗杰·佩恩,登山家,雪崩专家。7月13日遇难,年仅55岁。

    Roger Payne , alpinist and avalanche expert , died on July 12th , aged 55

  9. 野口健(日本登山家):日本富士山全球闻名。

    KEN NOGUCHI ( JAPANESE MOUNTAINEER ) : Mount Fuji is known around the world .

  10. 探险队由10个职业登山家和30个本地村庄的脚夫组成。

    The expedition was made up of ten professional climbers and thirty porters from local villages .

  11. 自然而然地,许多国内外的登山家来到此地挑战南半球的阿尔卑斯山脉。

    Naturally , many local and foreign mountain climbers come here for the challenge of these Southern Alps .

  12. 42岁的意大利登山家莱茵霍尔德-梅斯内首次完成该目标。

    The first person to scale all14 peaks was Italian Reinhold Messner , who completed the task in1986 at age42 .

  13. 当被问及为何要攀珠峰时,她引用了英国传奇登山家乔治•马洛里的一句名言:“因为它就在那里。”

    She cited the reason why legendary British mountaineer George Mallory wanted to climb Qomolangma : " Because it 's there . "

  14. 朋友和阿里提到一位自行车旅行家,也是登山家。很有名气。

    Another bicycling traveler is mentioned by Arie and one of our friends , the guy is also a mountain climber , very famous .

  15. 詹姆斯·麦克唐纳:对野口健这样的登山家来说,垃圾即是一种耻辱,也是一种激励,它激励全球登山者清理掉他们所攀登的山峰。

    JAMES MAC DONALD : For mountaineer Ken Noguchi the trash is a disgrace and the inspiration for a global crusade to clean up what he climbs .

  16. 1937年,英国两位著名的登山家哈罗德·威廉·提尔曼和艾力克·伊尔·施普顿对乔戈里峰北壁及其附属冰川进行了探险和勘测。

    Two famous British mountaineers , Harold William Tilman and Eric Earle Shipton , explored and surveyed the north face of K2 and its subsidiary glaciers in1937 .

  17. 现年55岁的黄怒波是一名积极的登山家和诗人,他表示,他之所以被冰岛吸引,是出于对大自然的热爱,以及在大学期间与冰岛室友结成的友情。

    A keen mountaineer and poet , the 55-year-old says he was drawn to Iceland by his love of nature and his friendship with an Icelandic room-mate during his college years .

  18. 但是不要让这些成为你登顶的障碍。如果你是一个经验丰富的登山家,你完全可能成为每年成功登顶的150个人中的一位。

    But don 't let that dissuade you . If you 're an experienced mountaineer , you can be one of the 150 people that attempt to reach the summit each year .

  19. 野口健是日本最有名的登山家,他曾经是登上世界七大山峰的最年轻的人,但是当他第一次登山珠穆朗玛峰后,他发现珠穆朗玛峰与他期望值相差很多。

    Noguchi is Japan 's most famous alpinist , at one time the youngest man to summit the world 's seven highest peaks , scaling Mount Everest for the first time he found the Himalayas wonder wasn 't exactly what he expected .