
  1. 科拉超深钻的钻进和探测首次提供了以前无法达到的深度的有关古老大陆地壳成分和构造的直接资料。

    The drilling and investigation of the Kola Superdeep Borehole for the first time provided direct data on the structure and composition of the ancient continental crust at previously inaccessible depths .

  2. 但是,当这一古老的大陆解体时,生命变得更加繁盛。

    But when that ancient continent broke up , life got lusher .

  3. 事实上,这里可被认为是伊朗最为古老的大陆块,曾经历过多次地质变化。

    In fact , this zone can be counted as the place of the oldest continent in Iran which has been passed over many geological events .

  4. 由于欧洲经济混乱,全球前景不确定,目前人们并不急于到这片古老的大陆投资。

    With the European economy in turmoil and the global outlook uncertain , there is , as yet , no great rush to invest in the old continent .

  5. 如今,这位宠儿将以美国总统的身份首次出访古老的欧洲大陆。

    Now the beloved one is paying his first visit as US president to the old continent .

  6. 这在大规模,古老的盘古大陆动物传播后二叠纪灭绝结束。

    This animal spread across the massive , ancient continent of Pangea after the end of the Permian Extinction .

  7. 比地球上的生命古老,也比大陆和它们之间的海洋古老。

    older than life on Earth , older than the continents and the oceans between them .

  8. 素有古老的热带高原大陆之称的非洲,自然风光神奇绚丽、人文景观异彩纷呈,历史古迹、民族风情、宗教文化等旅游资源各具特色,引人入胜。

    Known as " The oldest tropical plateau continent ", Africa is famous with its spectacular tourist resources , such as wonderful and rare natural scenery , colorful ethnic customs , historic sites and religious culture .