
  1. 还有对古代水利工程的记录呢。

    They also include records of ancient water control works .

  2. 都江堰是我国著名的古代水利工程。

    Dujiangyan Irrigation Project is one of the most famous projects in China .

  3. 都江堰是一项伟大的古代水利工程,位于四川省成都市西北方向约50千米处的都江堰市。眠江是长江上游的一条较大的支流,发源于四川省北部高山地区。

    Dujiang Yan ( The Dujiang River Dyke ) is a great ancient irrigation project situated about 50 kilometers northwest of Dujiang Yan City , Sichuan Province .

  4. 正是对环境岩土工程问题的这些正确处理使古代水利工程得以与环境和谐发展。

    They even have been utilized these problems properly . It is the rational treatment to the problems of environmental geotechnology that make the ancient engineering develop harmoniously with natural and mankind .