
  • 网络Landing on Mars;the Mars Landing;Take On Mars;Space Trek;Roving Mars
  1. 当登陆火星的梦想终于实现的时候,所有人都屏住了呼吸。

    Mankind holds its breath as the Mars landing finally becomes reality .

  2. NASA官员表示,这个小行星重定向任务在预算范围之内,而且可以推动最终登陆火星所必需的技术发展。

    NASA officials contend that this asteroid redirect mission would be within its budget and would develop technologies necessary for the eventual trip to Mars .

  3. NASA官员表示,这个“小行星重定向”任务在预算范围之内,而且可以推动最终登陆火星所必需的技术发展。

    NASA officials contend that this " asteroid redirect " mission would be within its budget and would develop technologies necessary for the eventual trip to Mars .

  4. 新的太空舱名为猎户座(Orion),这次试飞不会载人,但NASA希望它会开启包括登陆火星在内的人类新一轮太阳系探索的第一步。

    No one will be aboard this flight test of the new capsule , Orion , but NASA hopes it is the first step toward human exploration of the solar system , including an eventual landing on Mars .

  5. 三个登陆火星的国际任务中的首个任务于周二准备就绪,由日本的H-2A火箭搭载阿联酋的“希望号”宇宙飞船进入太空,开始为期七个月的通往这颗红色星球的航行。

    The first of three international missions to Mars gets underway Tuesday when a Japanese H-2A rocket boosts a United Arab Emirates spacecraft known as " Hope " into space for a seven-month voyage to the red planet .

  6. 人类登陆火星的时机需要把握准确。

    A manned voyage to Mars will have to be time just right .

  7. 美国宇航局近来宣布将推出人类登陆火星的任务。

    Recently NASA announced its plan to launch a human mission to Mars .

  8. 2008年的5月25号,“凤凰”号成功登陆火星北极附近的永久冻土带。

    Phoenix successfully landed Mars'far-northern site on May25,2008 .

  9. 首次成功登陆火星的太空船所带回的试验性证据,而是在南极荒原上所发现的证据。

    The first successful Mars landing , but rather from evidence uncovered in the Antarctic wastes .

  10. 该公司预计第一个居民将在2023年登陆火星,后续每两年就会新增更多的定居者。

    The first inhabitants will land in 2023 , followed by more settlers every two years .

  11. 庆祝好奇号登陆火星一周年

    Curiosity Celebrates an Earth-Year on Mars

  12. 这也标志着向马斯克的终极目标——登陆火星迈出了重要一步。

    It also marks a significant step towards Mr Musk 's ultimate ambition : to land on Mars .

  13. 未来的人类登陆火星活动需要高强度的劳动,这将预示着宇航员火星服将可能遇到严重损伤。

    Future manned Mars activities will be rather labor-intensive , presenting significant risk of damage to the Marssuit .

  14. 该计划着眼于运送人类到更远的空间飞行,而不登陆火星或月球。

    It would focus on humans flyingaround space farther from Earth but without landing on Mars or the moon .

  15. 在那些日子中,唯一成功登陆火星的是两个维京号着陆器,

    In those day , the only successful landings that take place on Mars were the two Viking Landers ,

  16. 但当美航局选择登陆火星时,这个太空船计划就以流产告终。

    But when NASA opted for a Mars lander instead , the plans for a space boat were scuttled .

  17. 航天飞机上也能种菜?据英国《每日电讯报》8月29日报道,科学家称,执行搭乘第一艘载人飞船登陆火星任务的宇航员们可能就要在航天飞船上打理一个“菜园子”了。

    Astronauts on the first manned missions to Mars could tend " kitchen gardens " onboard spaceships , scientists claim .

  18. 在未来十年中,有望登陆火星的宇航员们也许会找到大量的用以解渴的水。

    Astronauts who are expected to go there in the next decade may find plenty of water to slake their thirst .

  19. 这架名为“机智号”的直升机目前安装在上个月登陆火星的“毅力号”探测器的机腹上。

    The helicopter called Ingenuity is currently attached to the belly of the Perseverance rover , which landed on Mars last month .

  20. 中国计划在2020年前发射第一个火星探测器,并实现环火星轨道飞行,登陆火星并进行探索。

    China plans to launch its first Mars spacecraft by 2020 , which will orbit , land and explore the Red Planet .

  21. 好奇号火星车在2012年8月6日登陆火星,在2014年9月11日到达夏普山脚下。

    The rover landed on Mars on August 6 , 2012 and reached the base of Mount Sharp on September 11 , 2014 .

  22. 你可以登陆火星去建立军事的堡垒,或是怀着求知和尊敬去寻找新生命和物种。

    You may land on Mars and build armed citadels , or you may look for life-forms and species to learn from and respect .

  23. 美国航空航天局“勇气号”探测器登陆火星已有五年,这个六轮的地质探测机器人还有他的好兄弟“机会号”仍在继续工作。

    Five years after the NASA rover Spirit landed on Mars , the six-wheeled robotic geologist and its twin Opportunity are still on the job .

  24. 据《南华早报》援引《京华时报》消息,中国航天局计划在2020年登陆火星。

    According to the Beijing Times , quoted by South China Morning Post , China 's space agency plan to touch down on Mars by 2020 .

  25. 上月,凤凰号登陆火星发现火星表面有冰的痕迹,但它是结冰的并被红色的灰尘覆盖着。

    Last month the Mars Phoenix Lander found ice on the surface of the planet , but it is frozen hard and covered by red dust .

  26. 这个发现与凤凰号登陆火星探寻使团的分析相符,他们除冰外,还发现了可以使生命存活的碱性泥土。

    The findings fit with the analysis from the Phoenix Mars Lander mission , which , besides ice , found alkaline soil that could have supported life .

  27. 美国航空航天局“凤凰”号火星探测器成功登陆火星北极附近地区,开始了为期3个月的探测火星土壤及地下冰的任务。

    The U.S.space agency 's Phoenix space probe has landed successfully near Mars'northern pole to begin a three-month mission to explore Martian soil and look for buried ice .

  28. 迄今为止,任何可能的实施火星任务的日期都没有确定,但是像美国宇航局和中国等国家一直都对登陆火星非常感兴趣。

    No firm date has been set for any potential Mars mission , but it remains of keen interest not just to NASA , but also others , such as China .

  29. 人类的探索欲永无止境。登陆火星计划的挑战带来一个很大的好处,这样一项宏伟的任务或许需要全球合作。

    And one of the big advantages of the challenge of getting a manned mission to Mars is that it is such a big project that it probably requires global cooperation .

  30. 他的团队使用火星侦察影像频谱仪和其他工具登陆火星侦查轨道,观察火星上因太阳反射而产生的颜色。

    His team used the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars ( CRISM ) and other instruments on board NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to look at colors in reflected sunlight .