
xuě bēnɡ xiào yìng
  • avalanche effect
  1. 为了设计适于UWB通信用的脉冲发生器,在对各种脉冲发生器总结的基础上,改进了基于雪崩效应的纳秒级脉冲发生器,产生了纳秒级单脉冲波形。

    We studied and made improvements on avalanche effect nanosecond impulser , and generated nanosecond UWB monocycle .

  2. 本文主要做了如下的研究工作:1.本文提出的动态明文变化函数来对MD5算法进行修改,能使其产生更敏感的雪崩效应,以此来有效防止差分分析攻击,提高MD5算法的安全性。

    In this paper , we advance the variable plaintext function ( VPF ) can be more sensitive to the avalanche effect , as to effectively prevent the differential analysis attack and increase the security of MD5 .

  3. 利用雪崩效应中强烈的非线性电感特性,基于非线性器件谐波提取的思想,对倍频器电路进行了优化仿真,采用雪崩倍频二极管研制了W波段雪崩高次倍频器。

    Based on the principle of harmonic frequency extraction in nonlinear device , we present the avalanche diode high order frequency multipliers in W band .

  4. 将嵌套式细胞自动机用于HASH函数,并结合了混沌特性,使这种HASH函数雪崩效应显著,同时很好的抵御现有的已知密文攻击和差分线性攻击。

    Based upon the character of chaos and the cellular automata with a nesting structure , we bring up a model of HASH function .

  5. 利用晶体管的雪崩效应,通过两级雪崩晶体管阵列,得到了7ns、6A的大电流窄脉冲。

    Such generator outputed current impulses of 7 ns wide and 6 A high from the two-stage avalanche transistor matrix using the avalanche effect .

  6. 另外,本文从雪崩效应角度分析了算法的安全性。

    Finally , this paper analyzes the security of this algorithm on Avalanche effect .

  7. 结果表明,等离子体的产生是由于电子束对氦原子的碰撞电离及其雪崩效应引起的。

    The results reveal the plasma is produced owing to the collision ionization of the He gas filled in the tube by the relativistic electron beam and its avalanche ionization effect .

  8. 在对无尺度网络雪崩效应建立数学模型的基础上,该文首先探讨了在无尺度网络中由于中心节点遭受攻击而使得其负载在网络中重新分布而发生雪崩效应的机理。

    Based on modeling the cascade on the scale-free networks , the paper firstly researchs the principle on how to bring the cascade in the scale-free networks by attacking the central nodes deliberately .

  9. 依赖性测试表明:四个新算法是完备的,其雪崩效应度约为0.9993,其严格雪崩准则度约为0.992。

    The dependence test results accorded with the demands . Each new algorithm was complete ; its degree of avalanche effect was about 0.9993 ; its degree of strict avalanche criterion was 0.992 or so .

  10. 外资银行不愿提供这些担保或中资银行要求的其它让步,因为这会提高资本费用,而且它们担心会引发雪崩效应,导致全世界的银行都提出类似要求。

    Foreign banks are reluctant to provide these guarantees or other concessions being demanded because it would lead to higher capital charges , and they fear it would trigger a cascade of similar demands from banks across the world .

  11. SiGeHBT中雪崩击穿效应对电流电压特性的影响

    The Avalanche Effects on Current and Voltage Characteristics in SiGe HBT

  12. 半导体中的雪崩倍增效应

    Avalanche multiplication effect in semiconductors

  13. 本文研究了电子束蒸铝MOS结构的热电子雪崩注入的界面效应。

    This Paper studies interface effect of avalanche hot electron in MOS structures .

  14. MOS结构的雪崩热电子界面效应

    Interface effect of avalanche hot electron in MOS Structures

  15. 基于雪崩三极管雪崩效应,研制出了一种数千伏、纳秒级脉冲源。

    Based on the avalanche effect , a kind of kilo-volt nanosecond pulsers has been designed , by using microwave PCB ( printed circuit board ) .

  16. 设计了一种基于MarxBankGenerator脉冲发生原理而设计的ns级上升沿调Q开关雪崩三极管高压脉冲发生器。基于雪崩三极管雪崩效应,研制出了一种数千伏、纳秒级脉冲源。

    A generator which can produce high voltage pulse with nanosecond rise time was designed . Based on the avalanche effect , a kind of kilo-volt nanosecond pulsers has been designed , by using microwave PCB ( printed circuit board ) .