
  • 网络Lunar Exploration
  1. 我国还将继续载人月球探测等研制工作,重点加快推动北斗导航等国家重大科技工程在民用航空等领域应用落地。

    China will continue to research manned lunar exploration , and will foster the application of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System ( BDS ) and other major projects in civil aviation and other fields .

  2. 基于XML/WebServices的月球探测数据管理与集成技术研究

    Studies on the Management and System Integration Based on XML / Web Services for the Lunar Exploration

  3. 面向月球探测多机器人通信系统的adhoc路由协议优化设计

    Optimization Design of Ad hoc Routing Protocol for the Communication of Lunar Exploration Multi-robots System

  4. 基于D-S证据理论的月球探测机器人的信息融合

    Lunar robot information fusion based on D-S evidence theory

  5. 基于MDO方法的月球探测卫星总体设计

    The System Design of Lunar Exploration Satellite Using MDO

  6. NASA的人造月球探测卫星运行到了一个距月球表面相当近的距离,足矣看清当年宇航员在月球上的行进轨迹。

    Nasa 's lunar reconnaissance orbiter got close enough to see the spacemen 's path when they walked on the moon .

  7. 为了保证月球探测工程中光学成像探测系统及其采集处理系统的的质量,本文针对CCD立体相机的辐射定标和探月工程光学成像探测系统科学数据判读展开了讨论和研究。

    In order to insure the optics imaging system and the collecting system to work , the paper discusses and studys the radiometric calibration of the CCD camera and the interpretation of the scientific data .

  8. 文中以月球探测车的驱动控制为背景,针对这类非线性MIMO系统,提出一种组合自适应模糊控制方法,用于系统模型不能准确获知的情形。

    A combined adaptive control method is presented in this paper for a sort of nonlinear MIMO systems such as driving system of lunar rover . These systems are nonlinear MIMO systems with unknown dynamics .

  9. 同时,利用XML作为月球探测数据交换和信息传输的格式,也为实现与异构系统数据的互操作提供了理想的解决方案。(2)基于WebServices的分布式信息系统集成的体系结构。

    Meantime , we also proposed the better solution to mutually operate the heterogeneous systems ' data resources by using XML as the data format for interchange and transmit of the Circumlunar Exploration ( 2 ) The system architecture of distributed information system based on Web Services .

  10. 根据月球探测卫星任务及环境的特点,在将多学科设计优化(MDO)方法用于卫星总体概念阶段的设计。

    Multidisciplinary design optimization ( MDO ) was used in conceptual system design for lunar exploration satellite according to the task and characteristics of the lunar satellite in this paper .

  11. 这项由德国PTScientists参与的项目,将使用4G网络,将来自月球探测车的高分辨率信息发送至月球着陆器,而后着陆器就能够与地球进行通讯。

    The project with PTScientists in Germany would use a 4G network to send high-definition information from rovers back to a lunar lander , which would then be able to communicate it back to Earth .

  12. 提出了一种由两个机器人单元组成的管道形、轮腿式月球探测机器人(PWLER)。

    A new type of pipeline-shaped wheel-legged lunar exploration robot ( PWLER ), which comprises of two robot parts , is presented .

  13. 为适应未来嫦娥月球探测工程,CVN将扩展成含有4个观测站和2个相关处理机(硬件、软件)的实时VLBI网。

    To satisfy the requirements of the Chinese lunar exploration project , CVN will be upgraded to a realtime VLBI network , including 4 stations and two new realtime correlators ( hardware and software ) .

  14. 日本月球探测计划(SELENE)定于2004年夏季利用HIIa火箭发射一组共3颗绕月人造卫星。他们是主卫星、跟踪中继卫星和空间VLBI电波源。

    Japanese lunar exploration mission , SELENE , has been planned to be launched into space by using H II-a rocket in the Summer of 2004 . This mission is composed of 3 subsatellites , a main lunar orbiter , a relay satellite and a free flying VLBI radio source .

  15. 用虚拟现实技术研究月球探测中的开拓性问题

    Innovative Studies on Moon Exploration by Means of Virtual Reality Technology

  16. 月球探测中通信跟踪(C&T)技术遇到的新问题

    New Technical Problems Encountered in C & T of Lunar Explorations

  17. 成斌说,中国人很显然对月球探测感兴趣。

    Cheng said the Chinese were clearly interested in lunar exploration .

  18. 月食引力效应观测结果引力透镜效应月球探测势在必行

    The Consequence of Observation Gravitational Effect During the Lunar Eclipse Occurrence

  19. 基于摇臂-转向架结构月球探测车的越障能力分析

    Analysis of Obstacle Capability of Lunar Rover with the Rocker-bogie Structure

  20. 月球探测机器人运动控制算法研究

    Study on the Locomotion Control Algorithm of a Lunar Roving Robot

  21. 我国月球探测的总体科学目标与发展战略

    Scientific objectives of Chinese lunar exploration project and development strategy

  22. 近年来月球探测已经进入了一个全新的时代。

    Lunar exploration has come to a new period during these years .

  23. 我国月球探测工程发展概述

    Summary of the Development of Explore the Moon Engineering in Our Country

  24. 人类航天活动的基地理想的太空观测站月球探测的过去、现在和未来

    Journey to the Moon Moon , Mankind 's Space Base

  25. 月球探测技术&探测初期测控通信系统

    Technology of the Moon Exploration & TTC System during the Initial Stage

  26. 月球探测车模糊变结构协调驱动控制

    Fuzzy Variable Structure Control for Concerted Driving of Lunar Rover

  27. 空间探测是航天技术发展的三大领域之一,月球探测则是初期空间探测的重点。

    Space detection is one of the three developments of space technology .

  28. 月球探测技术&发展历程和特点

    Technology of the Moon Exploration & Development Course and Characteristics

  29. 今后几年的月球探测和月球科学

    The Lunar Exploration and Lunar Science in the Coming Years

  30. 月球探测车是对月球表面实施探测的重要工具。

    Lunar Exploration Rover is an important tool for exploring moon surface .