
zhù shù
  • write;compile;write and compile;authorship
著述 [zhù shù]
  • [write and compile] 撰写;编著

  • 从事著述

著述[zhù shù]
  1. 1865年南方联邦战败后,他回到墨比尔研习法律并著述他的战斗经历。

    After the defeat of the Confederacy in1865 , he returned to mobile to practice law and write about his war experiences .

  2. 除了给予我用于完善研究和著述工作的时间之外,战役研究分院的主任也很支持我再度前往中国,进行另一次的科研之旅。

    This not only gave me time to refine my research work and write , but the Director , CSI , also supported me taking another research trip to China .

  3. 关于移民政策方面的著述几乎总是会一成不变地批评政府。

    The literature on immigration policy is almost unrelievedly critical of the state

  4. 依照亨利的看法,这本书是关于该主题的最佳著述。

    The book is , in Henry 's opinion , the best book on the subject

  5. 语篇(text/discourse)在不同学者的著述中,有不同的含义,有些语言学家认为,语篇既指书面语言,又指口头语言。

    In different scholars ' works , text / discourse has different meanings . Some linguists believe that it refers to both spoken language and written language .

  6. 在他的家庭圈子中,妻子的哥哥艾伦•戴瑞克特(AaronDirector)也是一位经济学家,虽然著述不多,但他的学识在弗里德曼的圈子内备受重视。

    His family circle included his wife 's brother , Aaron Director , an economist who published little but whose wisdom was much cherished in the Friedman circle .

  7. 为更好地了解该领域当前的进展,我们研读了相关的文献,包括核移植过程中核质互作、核重编程、线粒体命运、端粒变化以及X染色体失活等机理方面的著述。

    For better understanding of current progress in this field , we gathered reports on molecular ways affecting the success of animal cloning , such as nuclear cytoplasm interaction , epigenetic reprogramming , mitochondrial fate , telomere changing and X chromosome inactivation , etc.

  8. 它是约翰·雷(JohnRay)和弗朗西斯·维鲁格比(FrancisWillughby)的著述《鱼类溯源》中的组图之一,该书于1686年由英国皇家学会出版,并于近日上传到互联网,以飨五州学者。

    It is one of a set from John Ray 's and Francis Willughby 's book " Historia Piscium , " published in 1686 by the Royal Society and recently put online by them for the edification of scholars everywhere .

  9. 这种无法专注是现代人忙碌状态的副产品,有关它的著述不少,它会引起作家布里吉德•舒尔特(BrigidSchulte)所说的淹没感。

    Such an inability to focus is a well-documented byproduct of the modern busyness , leading to what writer Brigid Schulte described as the overwhelm .

  10. 包括中国历代净土大师著述,亦有在家律、龙树菩萨著作等其它内容,经文大多取自CBETA,不少经文为压缩档,网站为简体字。

    A no-frills simplified Chinese stop for works of Chinese Pure Land masters , Nagarjuna , etc. , most texts are from CBETA , files often zipped .

  11. 关于数量成分的分布问题,有些学者在其著述中涉及到了,但是没有作为专题研究。开展中高含水期合理利用天然能量开发、CDG调驱技术、聚合物实验等提高采收率技术的专题研究。

    Some special studies to improve recovery factor should be made , such as rational exploitation with natural energy at middle and high water-cut stage , Common Detector Gather ( CDG ) investigation and driving oil technology , experiment of polymer , and etc.

  12. 澳门土生葡人汉学家玛吉士(JoséMartinhoMarques)一生著述颇丰,他的中文著作《新释地理备考》的出版是鸦片战争后澳门文化史上一件很有意义的事情。

    Jose Martinho Marques , a Macanese Sinologist , wrote a lot of writings during his life . The publication of his Chinese work Xin-shi di-li bei-kao is an important thing in the history of Macao 's culture after Opium War .

  13. 对1997-2005年SCI-E论文的分析表明,新疆基础科学研究发展态势良好,但科学著述指标有待进一步提高。

    Based on the data abstracted from SCI-E database during the period 1997-2005 , the paper shows that basic science in Xin jiang has made a good progress , while the scientific writing index is still lower and need to be increased .

  14. 因而,本文也遵循了马克思著述的时间顺序。

    Therefore this article has followed the Marx writings time order .

  15. 误断与误解&傅山相关研究著述中的两个问题

    Misreading and Misunderstanding : Two Problems in Works on Fu shan

  16. 唐代佛教著述的时空分布特征

    The Space-time Characteristics of Buddhism Works ' Distribution in Tang Dynasty

  17. 时代著述之风&总结作文之法著作的盛行。

    3 , the popular writing atmasphere & summary composition widely accepted .

  18. 中国古代书法著述的存在方式与表达方式&从文体的视角

    The Existence and Expression of Ancient Chinese Calligraphy Writing & On Stylistics

  19. 简述刘子翠的生平与著述。

    A brief account of Liu Zihui 's life story and writings .

  20. 该文第一部分论述了论文及著述的阶梯;

    The First Part introduces the ladder of publication materials .

  21. 是否应当更多地以法语进行科学著述和研究呢?

    Should more scientific writing and studies be in the French language ?

  22. 编排体例与著述性质。

    Second : the style of arrangement and the quality of writing .

  23. 朱熹音乐著述文化背景之探究

    A Research on the Cultural Background of Zhu-xis Musical Writings

  24. 滇南、滇东南地区明代著述者和著述数在全省所占比例分别为22.2%和19.0%;

    22.2 % and 19.0 % of the total province .

  25. 权力是福柯后期著述中的一个重要概念。

    Power is a very important concept in Foucault 's latter works .

  26. 该章介绍和评述了经济学中有关外资利用和经济发展的理论著述,探讨了西部开发中外资的作用问题,为整个问题的分析提供基本理论框架。

    It discusses the role of foreign capital in the western region development .

  27. 文学史家当以什么样的态度来著述中国文学史?

    What attitude should historians take in writing the history of Chinese literature ?

  28. 他二十刚出头就开始从事著述。

    He took to authorship in his early twenties .

  29. 法学著述中不容忽视的现象

    An Important Phenomena Which Can Not Be Ignored in the Written Work of Law

  30. 地方人士著述采集理论新探

    On Collection Theory of Local Figures ' Works