
tóng shí bìng jǔ
  • go hand in hand with;develop simultaneously;simultaneously carry out
同时并举[tóng shí bìng jǔ]
  1. 工业和农业同时并举的方针

    The policy of simultaneous development of industry and agriculture

  2. 在实施教育的过程中,二者结合的方式是基础性教育、针对性教育和预防性教育的同时并举;

    In the process of educational measurement , both of them are basic education , directed education and precaution education ;

  3. 教师没有根据职业能力和高等教育同时并举的原则传授体育知识;

    Teachers do not pass on the athletics knowledge according to the principle of employing both occupational ability and higher education .

  4. 但是在这个条件下,必须实行工业与农业同时并举,逐步建立现代化的工业和现代化的农业。

    But with this pre-condition , we must develop industry and agriculture simultaneously and build up a modern industry and modern agriculture step by step .

  5. 产业结构失衡状况和低级状态一直是困扰我国经济增长的难题,解决办法只能是合理化和高级化同时并举。

    Industrial structural imbalance and elementary state have always been a tickler in our economic growth , the only solution will be rationalization and upgrade simultaneously .

  6. 本文提出并探讨了我国官德建设要结合刚性约束机制与柔性约束机制同时并举的方针。

    The thesis has proposed and discussed in conjunction with official construction of rigid and flexible restraint mechanism both at the same time the principle of restraint mechanism .

  7. 如果他们能够将战争和重新设计全球经济同时并举,那么我们也能够同时应对危机和重新设计全球性机构。

    If they could fight a war and redesign the global economy at the same time , so can we fight a crisis and redesign global institutions simultaneously .

  8. 企业既要盈利,又应当承担其他的社会责任,怎样使两者同时并举,特别是怎样做到让两者相互促进、相得益彰,是摆在经营者面前具有挑战性的任务。

    An enterprise should not only make profits but also bear other social responsibilities . It is a challenging task to make both done and bring out the best of them .

  9. 因此,对旅游企业人员流动问题的研究已刻不容缓。在开发中,开发与保护应同时并举,注意可持续发展。

    Thus the study of the transfer of the employed in tourism has no time to delay . Both development and protection are employed in tourism industry development , taking notice of sustainable development .

  10. 新疆农产品加工业目前的竞争格局是在总量规模偏小、整体发展水平滞后的背景下的过度竞争,其产业组织优化要与整体规模扩张同时并举。

    The current excessive competition of agricultural product processing industry in Xinjiang is under the background of small scale and laggard economy , so it must expand the overall scale with the industry organizations simultaneously .

  11. 在政府的指导下,鄂伦春族经历了以猎为主、以猎业饲养业同时并举、单一农业生产阶段、农林结合多种经营阶段、林业向农业转产阶段等历程。

    Under the guidance of the government , the Oroqen experienced the process of hunting , hunting and raising industry simultaneous , agricultural production , agriculture and forestry with a variety of prosecution , forestry changing to agricultural production .

  12. 1世纪初,卫星的发展将形成高、中、低轨道综合利用,大、中、小同时并举和单个卫星和星座互相促进的局面。

    The development of satellite forms the aspect of the comprehensive utilization of high , median and low earth orbit , of the simultaneous development of big , middle and small satellite , and of the mutual promotion of single satellite and constellation .

  13. 各地整风,不应当在所属一切单位同时并举,而应当分期分批地推行。被这种河谷切割的侵蚀面后来可能成为地层层序中的不整合性。

    The authorities in various places should not start rectification in all the units under them at the same time , but should stagger it and carry it out by groups . The erosional surface dissected by such valleys may subsequently become an unconformity in the stratigraphic sequence .

  14. 同时,多种产业并举的格局,使得地勘单位不得不在落后的起跑线上参与市场的竞争。

    Meanwhile , the pattern of a variety of industries forces the backward geological exploration units to participate in market competition into the starting line .

  15. 同时,H.同时用G.在开发中,开发与保护应同时并举,注意可持续发展。

    Both development and protection are employed in tourism industry development , taking notice of sustainable development .