
  • 网络Entity Relationship Diagram;entity-relationship diagram;ERDs;erd;E-R
  1. 数据库模型:包括SOA使用的数据库的实体关系图。

    Database model : Includes an entity relationship diagram for the databases the SOA uses .

  2. 同时本文采用实体关系图(ERD)对系统数据库进行设计建模。接着,本文以温度监控子系统和条形码打印子系统为例,描述了系统的详细设计,采用面向对象技术设计了各顺序图。

    Meanwhile , the database design of this system models with entity relationship diagram ( ERD ) . This paper takes temperature monitoring subsystem and bar code print subsystem as example , and describes minutely the whole procedure that the system from design to realization .

  3. 实体关系图(ERD)是实现数据库可视化的最流行的图示类型。

    The entity-relationship diagram ( ERD ) is the most popular diagram type for visualizing databases .

  4. 在完成需求分析的基础上,分别绘制技术管理、销售管理、采购管理、生产管理、库存管理等主要管理业务的数据流图和实体关系图,并完成ERP相关业务管理模块的设计工作。

    Based on the detailed analysis , it completes ERP business management module design work and draws out the data flow and relationship diagram of technology management , sales management , procurement management , production management , and inventory management .

  5. 熟悉各种模型形式,如实体关系图(Entity-RelationshipDiagram,ERD)、UML和其他面向系统的建模方法,将提供广泛的建模选项。

    Familiarity with a variety of model forms , such as entity-relationship diagrams ( ERDs ), UML , and other system-oriented modeling approaches , will provide you with a wide range of modeling options .

  6. 使用SchemaSpy创建实体关系图(ERD),归档数据库中的表格和关系。

    Creating entity-relationship diagrams ( ERDs ) to document the tables and relationships in a database , using SchemaSpy .

  7. 用于连接实体关系图中的各个进程。

    Use to connect processes in your Entity Relationship diagram .

  8. 依据实体关系图可以建立物理的数据库。

    The physical database should be created by the entity relationship diagram .

  9. 用于将类别连接到实体关系图中的某个子表。

    Use to connect a category to a child table in your Entity Relationship diagram .

  10. 对系统进行了详细设计,设计数据实体关系图和创建数据库。

    Author carried out a detailed design , designed entity-relationship ( ER ) and create database . 5 .

  11. 然后对数据库的设计进行了详细的介绍,并绘制了实体关系图。

    And then it has introduces the design of database in detail , and drawn entity relationship diagram .

  12. 用于指定实体关系图中一个或多个表是另一个表中的类别。

    Use to specify that one or more tables are categories in another table in your Entity Relationship diagram .

  13. 对于传统的建模技术,例如实体关系图或数据流程图,没有可用的特定测试技术会过时。

    For traditional modeling techniques , such as entity relationship diagram or data flow diagram , no specific test techniques are available to date .

  14. 给出了基于C/S和B/S混合结构模式的设计与实现的完整流程,包括工程指令管理系统的需求分析,功能模块图,数据库的实体关系图,以及各关键技术的应用。

    Based on the analysis , the database design of progress management system is given . In this way , the mixed mode has the advantages of both C / S and B / S , which can satisfy those special requirements of different users .

  15. 数据分类与绘制实体-关系图的计算机实现

    The Implementation of Data Classification and Drawing Entity - Relation Graph With Computer

  16. 系统采用结构化系统分析方法对人事管理进行分解和抽象,然后得出人事管理信息系统的数据流程图和实体-关系图。

    System uses a structured method of personnel management system decomposition and abstraction , and then come to the personnel management information system data flow diagram and entity - relationship diagram .

  17. 接着,给出了每个模块相应的详细设计,包括主要参与者的用例图,项目进度管理模块流程图,系统数据库的具体设计,各子系统的实体-关系图。

    Thirdly , the detail design for each module is given including the use case figures of the main actors , the flowchart of the management of project process module , the detail design of system database , and the E-R figures .

  18. 通过具体功能模块实体间的关系图及部分业务流程的时序图,对党员信息管理系统部分核心功能进行了详细设计。

    Through the business process diagram and timing diagram between specific functional modules , the core function of the system can be designed with great details .

  19. 进行了科研项目管理系统的技术需求分析,确立了整个工作数据流程的实体对象,画出实体关系图、数据流程图、数据字典,由此生成数据库表。

    Analyze the requirement of the system ; establish the entity object and the database tables .

  20. 对区域土壤信息系统应具备的功能和信息类型进行了描述,根据实体关系方法,分析数据之间的关系,绘制了实体关系图。

    The functions and types of data given by regional soil information system were described . According to the method of entity-relationship , the relations of data were analyzed and entity relationship diagram was drawn .