
  • 网络Runtime;JRE;Runtime Environment;run time;Java Runtime Environment
  1. 在WebSphereCastIronStudio中成功测试编排后,您可以将其部署到运行环境。

    After successfully testing the orchestration in WebSphere Cast Iron Studio , you can deploy it to the runtime .

  2. 不幸的是,寄望将现有的API导入新的高级语言和运行环境,并能正常工作,几无可能。

    Unfortunately , you can 't just port your existing API to the new , higher-level language and runtime and expect it to be pleasing .

  3. NET的运行环境、框架类库及ASP。

    NET common language runtime and . NET framework class library and ASP .

  4. 智能传感器中的Java机虚拟运行环境

    Virtual Running Environment of Java Machine in Smart Sensor

  5. 在Eclipse中创建一个Web应用,然后设置Tomcat6作为它的运行环境。

    Create a dynamic web application in Eclipse and set up Tomcat 6 as its runtime .

  6. 微机有限元软件包FEM的运行环境设计

    Design of running environment for FEM software package

  7. 低配置DSP内核指纹识别系统上应用的算法不同于普通的PC运行环境下运行的算法,它需要在算法软件以及和硬件相关软件上采取不同的方法。

    The algorithm applied in fingerprint recognition system of low-configure DSP core is different from the algorithm applied in ordinary PC.

  8. 详细分析了Internet动态服务平台的设计及实现,包括服务平台编程语言的选取、系统的运行环境、后台的数据库支撑及技术流程等。

    The design and realization of dynamically Internet service including the programming language , running environment , database and the technical flow , are presented in detail .

  9. 并在此基础上设计一种透明的,可扩展的互操作框架,取代现有方式,以更好适应移动Agent的运行环境。

    Utilize open implementation and reflection to design an inter-operation framework for mobile agent system which are well flexible and extensible instead of the traditional way .

  10. 该系统在客户端采用通用浏览器软件,基本运行环境为Windows系列平台及其图形界面以方便用户使用。

    The client end is common browser , and the running environment is Windows and its graphic interface for customers ' conveniently use .

  11. 本文介绍了IBMSPT,并论述了它的运行环境。

    This article introduced the IBM SPT and discussed the context in which to use it .

  12. 平台运行环境(RCP或者RAP)会加载正确的bundle。

    The platform runtime environment ( RCP or RAP ) will load the correct bundles .

  13. 在任何一种情况下,都会产生一个请求事件加入到JSF的运行环境中。

    In either situation , a request event is generated and added to the JSF context .

  14. 文章简单介绍了CGI技术,并分析了CGI程序的运行环境。

    CGI technology is introduced briefly and the run time environment of CGI program is analyzed .

  15. J2EE提供了一个企业级的计算模型和运行环境,用于开发和部署多层体系结构的应用。

    J2EE offers calculation model and running environment of a enterprise layer , is used for developing and disposing the application of the multi-layer system structure .

  16. 本系统的原型实现采用Java作为开发语言,IBMAGLET作为移动Agent运行环境。

    The prototype of this system is realized by using Java as the programming language , and by setting IBM Aglet as the mobile agent environment .

  17. 一套能在脱离MATLAB运行环境下独立完成测量和分析功能,但在分析功能中不包含小波分析模块;

    One can finish measurement and analysis function independently by in breaking away from MATLAB running environment , but not including the wavelet transform function in module of analysis function ;

  18. 当运行环境改变较大时,利用QL继续进行学习。

    While the running environment changes larger , QL continues .

  19. 阐述了建立基于GIS的城市交通规划信息系统的设计背景、目标和开发运行环境。

    The design background , goal and developing and running circumstance of an information system of urban traffic planning based on the geographic information system ( GIS ) were discussed in this paper .

  20. 运行环境现在已经安装,这个任务可以在Rational软件中,也可以在headless操作模式中运行。

    The environment is now set up , and the task can be run within Rational software , as well as in headless mode .

  21. 实体Bean容器是实体Bean的运行环境,持久化管理器是其中具体负责持久化的组件。但是该规范没有规定后两者的实现方法。

    Entity Bean Container provides the runtime environment for Entity Bean . As a component of Entity Bean Container , the persistence manager takes the responsibility of persisting .

  22. 文章阐述了ASP的工作过程和运行环境,并探讨了其通过ADO操纵后台数据库的方法。

    This paper introduces working course and running environment of ASP . The paper discusses which the method that ASP use ADO to control background database .

  23. 它提供关于GC使用的建议、识别热方法、突出显示锁争用区域,提供关于应用程序的运行环境的信息。

    It makes recommendations on GC usage , identifies hot methods , highlights areas of lock contention , and provides information on the environment the application is running in .

  24. 温度传感器和CMOS摄像头负责对系统运行环境的温度和图像进行实时采样,并通过控制中心反馈给客户端软件。

    Temperature sensor and CMOS camera is responsible for collecting the temperature and image of the operating system environment , and feedback it to the client software through control center .

  25. Mashup客户端的作用是提供Mashup组件的运行环境,并进行数据聚合和Mashup组件下载。

    The function of Mashup client is to provide the operating environment of the Mashup components besides data aggregation and Mashup components downloads .

  26. 从Web服务器、应用服务器以及后台数据库服务器等三个方面阐述了系统的运行环境,并选择了Windows2000Server+Apache+JBoss+MSSqlServer2000的方案。

    The running environment including Web server , application server and database server is discussed . Windows 2000 Server + Apache + JBoss + MS SQL Server 2000 is chosen as the running environment of this system .

  27. 在系统的各个模块中,脚本与数据库模块之间的数据交换采用COM技术实现,与图形界面运行环境之间实现多线程调用。

    Of all the modules within the system , the script uses COM technology to implement the data exchange with library module and multithreading is also implemented between different running modules .

  28. 而在一个自动测试系统中,测试程序集(TPS)及其开发与运行环境又起着至关重要的作用。

    Test program system ( IPS ) in an Automatic Test System ( ATS ) and its development and runtime environment occupies the leading function .

  29. 随着LED显示系统应用的深入,用户对显示效果、显示内容、显示方式和运行环境提出了不同程度的需求,对系统的安全性、容错性、稳定性和性价比等也有较高要求。

    With the wide application of LED display system , much more attention had been paid to display effect , display content , display mode and operate environment . And also a safety , stability , and cost-effective system are required .

  30. 本文以Linux引导启动模块的剖析为核心,主要实验对启动过程的裁减和优化,研究了在给定的条件下如何更快速地建立起系统的可运行环境。

    This paper analyzes the whole boot process of Linux , and attempts to cut down the code of the boot module , in order to create a system environment for user applications faster every time the computer starts .