
yùn yíng
  • operate;run;be in motion and do business
运营 [yùn yíng]
  • [run] [车船等] 运行和营业

  • 狠抓事故苗头,确保安全运营

运营[yùn yíng]
  1. 当然,运营模式的变化,势必会造成较大的震动,我国的商业银行可以立足自身的实际情况,分阶段改革。

    Certainly , be in motion and do business pattern change , definitely is able to bring about bigger " oscillation ", the reality being able to base self on oneself , reforms commercial bank of our country by stages .

  2. 新运营方式要求光通信网络具备更丰富的光纤路由、更完善的网络结构、更充足的传送带宽,同时确保业务配置更灵活便捷、业务传递更高效可靠。

    Be in motion and do business newly way requires that the photo-communication network has richer fibre-optical route , more perfect network structure , more sufficient conveyer belt width , ensure that business deploys more nimbly at the same time convenient and rapid , business delivery more high-effect reliable .

  3. 罢工过后,列车运营已经恢复正常。

    Train services have returned to normal after the strike .

  4. 该站将于一月份全部恢复运营。

    The station will be fully operative again in January .

  5. 新机场现在可全面投入运营。

    The new airport is now fully operational .

  6. 火车11点开始发出,每小时一班,一直运营到16点。

    Trains start at 11.00 and an hourly service will operate until 16.00

  7. 运营成本从8,530万英镑激增至9,500万英镑。

    Operating costs jumped from £ 85.3m to £ 95m .

  8. 它通过最大限度地降低运营成本生存了下来。

    It has survived by cutting its costs to the bone

  9. 要是审查表明你们公司的运营状况基本良好,请继续往下读。

    If the examination shows your company enjoys basically good health , read on

  10. 大批新的运营商将获准进入该市场。

    A plethora of new operators will be allowed to enter the market .

  11. 我们正努力让这些医疗机构恢复正常运营。

    We 're trying to get the medical facilities up and running again .

  12. 没有现金,你无法运营。

    You can 't stay in business without cash .

  13. 燃料价格下来了,运营费用也会跟着下降。

    Running costs are coming down because of cheaper fuel

  14. 商业电话服务已不再运营。

    The commercial telephone service was no longer operative

  15. 参观者带来的收入使得这个博物馆能够独立运营。

    The income from visitors makes the museum self-supporting

  16. 目标是每年将运营成本减少9,000万英镑。

    The aim is to cut running costs by £ 90 million per year .

  17. 他们可以确保传统烹饪不会被商业运营模式完全破坏。

    They can ensure that traditional cuisines are not totally corrupted by commercial practices .

  18. 克里斯托弗将管理日常的运营。

    Christopher will direct day-to-day operations .

  19. 每个区域经理在他们各自负责的地区的运营上都享有高度的自主权。

    Each of the area managers enjoys considerable autonomy in the running of his own area .

  20. 这笔交易可能促成大型传媒公司和电信运营商结成类似的联营关系。

    The deal is expected to result in similar tie-ups between big media companies and telecommunications operators .

  21. 核运营成本的计算由于其他燃料的降价而出现了偏差。

    The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels

  22. 核工业被要求证明其在运营与安全各方面都进行过充分的研究。

    The nuclear industry was required to prove that every operational and safety aspect had been fully researched .

  23. 管理者们终于意识到自己不能再安于低效率的运营了。

    Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations .

  24. 我们必须密切关注所有的运营成本,这一点我想您肯定会赞同。

    I 'm sure you will appreciate that we must keep a careful eye on all our running costs

  25. 除了“铁网特快”夜班列车将会停开外,目前的运营线路会保持下去。

    The current level of service will be maintained except that the evening ' Network Express ' trains will be withdrawn .

  26. “海联”轮渡公司称,这是其5个星期以来头一次全面运营。

    One ferry operator ' Sealink ' said it was now running a full service for the first time in five weeks .

  27. 这项新的法律将会让电话运营公司“稳赚不赔”,但是消费者利益可能会继续受到侵害。

    The new law could create a ' no lose ' situation for the phone companies that could leave ratepayers worse off .

  28. 铁路是在什么时候开始普遍投入运营的?

    When did the railway come into common use ?

  29. 第二个航空站是1998年开始运营的。

    A second terminal was opened in1998 .

  30. 基于该分析,系统内的各院校运营高效,这令人质疑追求大规模外包业务的价值。

    System institutions are operating very efficiently based on this analysis , raising the question of the value of pursuing a broad scale outsourcing initiative .