
yùn dòng wěn dìng xìng
  • Motion stability;kinetic stability
运动稳定性[yùn dòng wěn dìng xìng]
  1. 船载火炮系统的运动稳定性研究

    Study on Kinetic Stability of Trawler System with Howitzer

  2. 在开发的软件平台上对船载火炮系统的运动稳定性和轮式突击炮在不同火线高、不同坡度、不同射角以及不同装填条件等多工况的动力学特性进行了预测。

    The third , kinetic stability of trawler system with howitzer and dynamic response of wheel self-propelled gun at different firing line , slope , firing angle and propellant charge are studied on the developed software platform .

  3. GPS技术在汽车运动稳定性实时测试系统中的应用

    The Application of GPS Technology in the System of Vehicle Stability Measuring and Testing

  4. 基于PID控制的主动磁轴承-飞轮转子系统运动稳定性研究

    Study on Dynamic Stability of Flywheel Rotor Supported by AMB Based on PID Controller

  5. 本文详细讨论了当n=2时Arnold系统在小强度的随机参数激励扰动下,系统的运动稳定性及分叉。

    In this paper , the influence of small stochastic parametric perturbations on the Arnold systems is discussed in detail .

  6. SWATH运动稳定性的分析计算在运动方程基础上进行。

    The analysis of stability of SWATH rests upon the motion equations .

  7. 利用模型A和模型B研究了车辆系统的非线性运动稳定性,利用模型E和模型F研究了列车系统的非线性运动稳定性。

    The vehicle nonlinear stability is studied by use of Model A and Model B. While Model E and Model F are used to investigate the train nonlinear stability .

  8. 应用能量-Casimir方法研究充液卫星系统的运动稳定性

    The nonlinear stability of the liquid-filled satellite with four-flexible-attachments using the Energy-Casimir method

  9. 运用ANSYS软件对影响抽油机运动稳定性的滑轨进行了结构动力学分析,实现了两种方案滑轨结构的优选。

    Do structural dynamics analysis on rails and realize the superior of the two rails with ANSYS software , which affects the stability of motion of the pumping unit .

  10. 用独立变量表示的约束Birkhoff系统的运动稳定性

    Stability of Motion for a Constrained Birkhoff 's System in Terms of Independent Variables

  11. 机械系统运动稳定性分析的Routh-Hurwitz法

    Routh - Hurwitz Method of Motion Stability Analysis for Mechanical System

  12. 通过试验确定了船舶的平衡系泊点及其Liapunov运动稳定性。

    The equilibrium points of mooring and their stability of motion in the sense of Liapunov were investigated by means of experiments .

  13. 着重介绍了基于IO板的机器人控制系统VB软件设计,并分析了机器人的运动稳定性和灵活性;

    The fol - lowing introduction is focused on the VB program design of the robot 's control system and the analysis of the kinematical stability and flexi - bility of our robot .

  14. 对刚性约束的非线性动力系统进行研究,得到了该动力系统周期运动稳定性分析的Floquet特征乘子计算的半解析法。

    A semi-analytic calculation method of Floquet multipliers is presented for the stability analysis of periodic motions in nonlinear dynamic systems with rigid constraints .

  15. 本文对极限环的求解也做了较为详细的研究。(2)利用模型A和模型B研究了车辆系统的非线性运动稳定性,利用模型E和模型F研究了列车系统的非线性运动稳定性。

    The method used to determine limit cycles is also introduced in the thesis . ( 2 ) The vehicle nonlinear stability is studied by use of Model A and Model B. While Model E and Model F are used to investigate the train nonlinear stability .

  16. 研究了过载因子ny从1到4时对该机运动稳定性的影响,用根轨迹图和表示特征向量的阿冈德(Argand)图识别和分析了各运动模态的特性。

    The dynamic stability is studied for load factors ranging from 1 to 4 . The charactristics of mode of motion are identified and analysed by root locus plots and Argand diagrams .

  17. 在自主水下航行器(简称AUV)壳体外形确定后,可以适当对舵面大小与重心位置进行调节来满足不同速度下的AUV水平面运动稳定性。

    Fin sizes and the center of the gravity can be properly adjusted to maintain the stability of horizontal motion of AUV with different velocities when the cell of the autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) is established .

  18. 如果守恒量的组合能够成为Liapunov函数,便可用来研究系统的平衡稳定性和运动稳定性。

    If a conserved quantity or a combination of some conserved quantities became a Liapunov function , then it can be used to study the stability of equilibrium and the stability of motion of the system .

  19. 我们建立了该系统的关于部分变元的Floquct理论;同时给出了该系统关于部分变元运动稳定性的Liapunov直接方法,最后我们研究了第一次近似决定的非线性周期系统的关于部分变元的稳定性。

    We establish the Floquet 's theory and give the Liapunov 's direct method for the systems with respect to part of variables , in the and , of this paper we study the partial stability determined by the first approximations for nonlinear periodic systems .

  20. 但是较小的水线面积导致纵倾恢复力矩减少,尤其在中高速时,由于作用在水下船体上的MUNK力矩的作用容易使船丧失纵向运动稳定性,最后使船失去正常航行能力或造成船舶颠覆。

    But the trim counter rotating is always deduced , especially when ships are in high speed because of the small waterline areas . Furthermore , the ' MUNK ' toque makes it easy to lose the stability , even lose the ability of navigation and commutation .

  21. 非线性磁悬浮控制系统的周期运动稳定性研究

    The periodic motion stability analysis of the nonlinear maglev control system

  22. 分析了运动稳定性、幅频响应曲线的拓扑结构等。

    The motion stability , topology structure of amplitude-frequency response curves etc.

  23. 基于有限元技术的运动稳定性实时仿真分析

    Real time simulation analysis on motion stability by finite element method

  24. 流体运动稳定性方程组椭圆特性的分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of Ellipticity of Stability Equations on Fluid Mechanics

  25. 刚柔耦合系统的几何非线性运动稳定性

    Stability of nonlinear motion of a rigid - flexible coupled system

  26. 铰链具有间隙的曲柄滑块机构运动稳定性研究

    Stability of Motion of Slider-Crank Mechanism with Clearances in Joints Considered

  27. 分段线性振动机械周期运动稳定性研究

    Stability of Periodic Motions of Nonlinear Mechanism with Piece wise Linearity

  28. 轮式移动宜人化服务型机器人运动稳定性研究

    Research of Motion Stability of Service Humanoid Robot with Wheel Assemblies

  29. 非线性系统运动稳定性的一种判据

    A Criterion for the Stability of Motion of Nonlinear Systems

  30. 首次积分与临界情形运动稳定性

    First Integral and Stability of Motion in the Critical Cases