
  • 网络Sport kite;Stunt kite;power kite
  1. 近来,他又开始尝试新的极限运动-风筝冲浪,在这项运动中,冲浪者依靠一个大的风筝掌舵来拉着自己横越水面。

    Recently , he has been testing new limits with the sport of kite surfing , in which a surfer holds onto a large kite to steer and pull himself across the water .

  2. 这项运动是将风筝放飞到空中,同时随着风控制手中的线板。

    Piloting a kite in the sky while steering a board on the crest of a wave .

  3. 三是全民健身运动广泛开展与风筝运动的发展。

    Third , national fitness campaign is broad and the development of kite sports .