
  • 网络transportation;Transportation Problem
  1. B运输问题及其应用

    B Transportation Problem and Its Applications

  2. 后者是一类非线性多目标规划问题,我们把它称为B运输问题。

    The later is a nonlinear multiobjective programming , and it is called B Transportation Problem .

  3. 本文建立了B运输问题的数学模型,并给出了一种求解方法。

    In this paper , the mathematical model of B Transportation problem is set up , and a solving method is given too .

  4. 带固定费用的运输问题是一类NP难题,没有多项式算法可以求解。

    The transport problem with fixed charge is a kind of NP problem , and there is no polynomial algorithm which can solve it .

  5. 然而天然气在全球范围内分布并不均匀,这必然涉及到运输问题。现在天然气主要是通过管道和LNG船(液货天然气船)进行运输。

    While the natural gas is not uniformly distributed on a global scale , it is mainly transported through the pipeline and LNG carriers ( liquid natural gas carriers ) .

  6. 弹药采样问题是一类特殊的非满载车辆运输问题,单车运输,采样点多,构成了一类特殊的TSP问题,称之为类TSP问题。

    Ammunition sampling is a special conveyance problem with unfull loading , transportation with one vehicle , much more sampling point , constituted a special problem of TSP , called " mimetic traveling salesman problem "( m-TSP ) .

  7. 多元Monge-Kantorovich运输问题研究

    Multivariate Monge-Kantorovich Transportation Problem Analysis

  8. 本文是用同一个算法,根据不同的输入数据,来解决线性二端网络流的各种类型问题,这在运输问题及CPM日程问题中,使用较为方便,也适合在计算机上实现。

    This paper offers an algorithm with different input data , which can be used to solve various linear two terminal network flow problems . This algorithm can be easily used in transportation and critical path scheduling problem , and it is suitable for computer realization .

  9. 在分析传统FPP方法不足的基础上,提出了一种求解存贮运输问题的新方法&运输费用分解法。

    On the basis of the analysis of the defects of the Fixed Partition Policies ( FPP ) method , a new heuristic method for solving Joint Inventory and Transportation Problem ( JITP ), Transportation Cost Partition Policies ( TCPP ) method is proposed .

  10. 确定有上界的运输问题的初始基可行解的一种方法

    An algorithm for determining feasible basic solution of capacitated transportation problem

  11. 地区超市有时间窗口的固定路线运输问题

    A Fixed Routes Problem with Time Windows for a local Supermarket

  12. 最短时限运输问题及解法

    The Transportation Problem of the Shortest Time Limit and Its Algorithm

  13. 战时装备保障的多目标运输问题及其求解

    Solving the Multi-objective Transportation Problem in the Supply of War Equipment

  14. 产销不平衡运输问题的遗传算法研究

    Study on Unbalanced Production-Marketing Transport Issue from Aspect of Genetic Algorithm

  15. 表格作业法用于最佳运输问题&计算机算法及实例

    Optimum Freight Transportation Problem by the Table Operation Method-algorithm and examples

  16. 区间数多目标多模式运输问题的模糊规划方法

    Fuzzy Programming Approach for Multi-objective Solid Transportation Problem with Interval Parameters

  17. 随机机会约束规划生产运输问题分析

    Study on Stochastic Chance-Constraint Programming for a Production and Transportation Problem

  18. 加工、推销和分销包括运输问题工作队

    Working Party on Processing , Marketing and Distribution , including Transportation

  19. 我们现在可以接着讨论运输问题了吗?

    Can we move on now to the problem of transportation ?

  20. 涉及运输问题,应当向船运公司提出索赔。

    Claim concerning transportation should be referred to the shiping company .

  21. 需求区间型运输问题的求解算法

    An Algorithm for Solving the Transportation Problem With Interval of the Demands

  22. 广义运输问题不能用运输问题的表上作业法进行求解。

    Generalized transportation problem can 't be solved by table working method .

  23. 提出了一个求解单目标运输问题的新算法。

    A parallel algorithm for sloving transportation problems is presented .

  24. 关于发展我国船舶冷藏运输问题的看法和建议

    Proposals for the Development of China 's Marine Refrigerating Transportation

  25. 一类带配送中心运输问题的容量扩张模型研究

    On capacity expansion model of transportation problem with distribution center

  26. 优化运输问题初始方案的一种方法

    A Method of Optimizing the Primary Plan for Transportational Problems

  27. 目标函数为极大化型的运输问题的直接解法

    A Direct Algorithm for the Transportation Problem with the Maximized Objective Function

  28. 我国交通运输问题的成因与对策

    The Causes and Countermeasures of the Problems in the Transportation of China

  29. 用自适应的遗传算法求解双准则三维运输问题

    Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Solving Double Standard Solid Transportation Problem

  30. 随机运输问题的对偶森林迭代算法

    Dual Forest Iteration Method for the Stochastic Transportation Problem