
  • 网络The actual controller
  1. 董事会中的独立董事对实际控制人有约束和制衡作用。

    But the independent directors can constraint and balance the actual controller .

  2. 上市公司股东关系分析:基于实际控制人的视角

    Analysis on relationship between shareholders based on the viewpoint of actual controller

  3. 第五章围绕着证券公司股东或实际控制人重组模式展开。

    Chapter 5 focuses on the securities company shareholders and actual controllers .

  4. 第五,各个类型的实际控制人都有侵占动机。

    Fifth , all different types of actual controllers have entrenchment motivations .

  5. 上市公司实际控制人与信息披露透明度研究

    The Study on Ultimate Controlling Owner and Information Disclosure Transparency of Listed Company

  6. 上市公司实际控制人、股权集中度与业绩之间的关系

    The Relation between Actual Controller 、 Ownership Concentration and Performance of Listed Firms

  7. 实际控制人对信息披露透明度的影响

    Influence of ultimate controlling owner on information disclosure transparency

  8. 公司实际控制人是公司和证券法律制度中的重要概念。

    Actual controller is an important concept in the corporate and securities legal system .

  9. 作为最具有隐蔽性的控制股东,实际控制人理应受到更多的关注。

    As the most covert controlling shareholders , the actual controllers deserve more attention .

  10. 实际控制人类型、法律保护与会计师事务所变更&基于国企民营化的经验研究

    Ultimate Controller , Investor Protection and Auditor Switching & An empirical research based on privatization

  11. 股权的制衡和完善的投资者保护才是规范实际控制人行为的关键所在。

    The key to restrain actual controllers ' behavior lies in well-developed corporate governance and investor protection .

  12. 指明清算义务人的范围应包括公司董事、控股股东和实际控制人。

    The scope of liquidation obligor shall include the company directors , the controlling shareholders and actual controller .

  13. 其中,重点论述了实际控制人的界定标准和会计师的披露义务。

    Among them , the article focus on the define standard of ultimate controller and disclosing obligation of CPA .

  14. 关联交易是实际控制人实施掏空的重要手段。

    Related Transactions is the important method by which the actual controllers carry out the action of " tunneling " .

  15. 受同一实际控制人控制的销售客户,应合并计算销售额;

    The sales amounts from the sales clients who are controlled by the same controller shall be combined for calculations ;

  16. 实际控制人不同于控股股东、经营者、关联方、一致行动人等其他法律概念。

    Actual controller is different from controlling shareholders , operators , affiliates , persons acting in concert and other legal concepts .

  17. 当投资者保护机制缺失时,控制权和所有权分离是实际控制人转移上市公司资源和利润的制度根源和内在原因。

    With weak investor protection , the seperation of ownership and control motivates actual controller to tunnel resources out of firms .

  18. 上市公司股东和实际控制人应严格履行其所做出的承诺,不得擅自变更或者解除。

    Shareholders and actual controllers of listed company shall perform their undertakings strictly , and shall not change or dissolve them unauthorizedly .

  19. 控股股东是上市公司的实际控制人,决定着现金股利政策的制定。

    Controlling shareholder , who is the actual controller of listed company , has a great impact on making the dividend policy .

  20. 对公司实际控制人的资信状况进行评估,必要时要求控制人提供担保;

    Assess the credit state that the company controls people actually , demand to control people and tender guarantee in case of necessity ;

  21. 我国《公司法》第149条所规定的归入权的规范对象过窄,应将公司监事、控股股东、实际控制人以及受益所有人等纳入到规范对象范围内。

    Supervisor should be controlling , and the shareholders and actual controllers as well as the beneficial owner are objects into the regulation range .

  22. 上市公司的战略行为充分体现在控股股东或实际控制人的决策结果之中,严重侵害了流通股股东的利益。

    The strategic behaviors of the listed companies are fully showed up in the decision-making results of the proprietary shareholders or the actual controllers .

  23. 首先,按照实际控制人类型,将样本分为了国有企业样本和民营企业样本。

    First , in accordance with the type of the actual controller , the sample is divided into the state-owned enterprises and private enterprises samples .

  24. 从利益驱动的角度来看,企业实际控制人更加追求企业净资产值以及净现金流量增加为目的的股权融资利益。

    Driven by more profits , the real controllers of the enterprises will seek equity financing targeted to increased net assets and net cash flow .

  25. 从这个意义上说,实际控制人与其他掌握着公司控制权的主体一样,在公司治理结构中处于核心的法律地位。

    In this sense , actual controllers , in the same way of other controllers , are at the core of the corporate governance structure .

  26. 收购人应当说明其控股股东、实际控制人所控制的核心企业和核心业务、关联企业及主营业务的情况;

    Acquirers shall describe their controlling shareholders , core enterprises controlled by their actual controllers and the core business , related enterprises and main business ;

  27. 其次,对隐名股东的法律特征进行了阐述,并在此基础上比较其与实际控制人的区别。

    Secondly , the author expounds the legal characteristics about hidden name shareholder , and on this basis compares them with the " actual controller " .

  28. 文章引用德隆系这一案例,说明法律仍然为公司实际控制人利用非法事实权利谋取个人利益留有空间。

    The article is the case that laws are still in practical control for the company , using illegal facts power , for personal interests with space .

  29. 经济学家早就意识到公司所有人(股东)和实际控制人(董事会和高管)的分离所造成的问题。

    Economists have long recognized the problem of separating between who owns a company ( shareholders ) and those who control it ( the board and executives ) .

  30. 发行人的控股股东、实际控制人有过错的,应当与发行人承担连带责任。

    A recommendation party shall bear the joint and several liabilities together with the relevant issuer , except for one who is able to prove his exemption of fault .