
  • 网络Zhihu;commando
  1. 据《澎湃新闻》报道,中国广受欢迎的问答网站知乎于日前宣布,该公司已经完成了2.7亿美元的E轮融资,这是其历史上最大规模的融资。

    Chinese popular question-and-answer website Zhihu announced it has completed a $ 270 million E-round financing , the biggest in the company 's history , The Paper reported .

  2. 知乎,这家社会化问答网站就和美国的Quora如初一辄。

    Zhihu , a question-and-answer service , looks a bit like Quora , an American firm .

  3. 知乎(中国版Quora)上有一种很常见的论调:

    One commonly seen comment on the emoji in Zhihu , the Chinese version of Quora , is :

  4. 一些科技公司使用“漂亮的女性”来吸引男程序员进公司,这让他感到困扰。去年十月,他在中国版的Quora问答网站——知乎发帖称,如果西方公司也发布类似的广告,在他们的国家是会被起诉的。

    He was so disturbed that some tech companies were using " beautiful women " to draw male programmers to their companies that he wrote a post last October on Zhihu , China 's version of Quora , the question and answer site , saying that Western companies would be sued back home if they posted similar ads.

  5. 知乎没有公开投资者的名单或估值。

    Zhihu didn 't disclose the investors list or the valuation .

  6. 并且知乎已经积累了超过1.1亿个回答。

    Zhihu has accumulated more than 110 million answers .

  7. 在文言文中,知乎的名字的含义是“你知道吗?”

    In classical Chinese language , the name translates as " Do you know ? "

  8. 从2017年起,该公司创立了两个重要的部门:商业广告以及知识服务。这也是知乎的两种收入模式。

    Since 2017 , the company has established two important departments : commercial advertisement and knowledge service , which are also Zhihu 's two income modes .

  9. 截至今年6月底,知乎注册用户的数量达到了1.8亿,比去年同期增长了一倍多。

    By the end of June , the number of Zhihu 's registration users reached 180 million , more than double that from the year-ago period .

  10. 去年1月,通过D轮融资,知乎筹集了1亿美元,这使其获得了超过10亿美元的“独角兽估值”。

    In January last year , Zhihu raised $ 100 million in a D-round financing , which gave it a " unicorn valuation " of more than $ 1 billion .

  11. 知乎方面表示,在这轮融资后,公司会加速知识平台的构建,投资更多人工智能、内容生态、知识服务和商业化。

    Zhihu said that after this round of financing , the company will speed up the construction of knowledge platform , invest more in artificial intelligence , content ecosytem , knowledge service and commercialization .

  12. 一名“玉米”在知乎上写道,“这么高的情商,你会觉得李宇春值得你去爱。她用行动鼓励大家,展现出一个独立、高尚的女性可以依靠自己摆脱误解、获得成功。”

    One fan wrote on Zhihu.com that , " with her high emotional intelligence , you feel that Li deserves your love . She inspires people with her actions and shows that an independent and virtuous woman can shrug off misunderstandings and succeed on her own .

  13. 你是否清楚确知自己是属乎基督?

    Are you really sure you belong to Christ ?

  14. 但一些知情人透露,本轮融资可能使知乎的估值接近25亿美元。

    But some sources said this round of financing could value the company at almost $ 2.5 billion .