
  • 网络Intellectual Property Academy
  1. 在这方面,你们暨南大学,通过成立广东省首个知识产权学院,已经迈出了一大步。

    Jinan has established a College of Intellectual Property , the first of its kind in Guangdong Province .

  2. 而就在刚才,我还与你们知识产权学院的一些学生见了面。

    And just now , I had the opportunity to meet with some of the students from your College of IP .

  3. 只有这样,才能在未来几十年里为象你们这样的创新者提供激励。在这方面,你们暨南大学,通过成立广东省首个知识产权学院,已经迈出了一大步。

    And your school , Jinan University , has taken a huge step to empower innovators like you for decades to come.Jinan has established a College of Intellectual Property , the first of its kind in Guangdong Province .

  4. 到目前为止,来自发展中国家的1294名知识产权官员在该学院接受了培训。

    Thus far , 1294ip officials from developing countries had been trained at the institute .

  5. 正象我对副校长所说的那样,有你们这样专门讲授和研究知识产权及其保护的学院,这个事实本身就体现了中国在这方面取得的巨大进步。

    As I told the Vice Dean , the fact that an entire school is devoted to the study of intellectual property and its protection indicates the impressive progress China has made in the area .

  6. 今天早上,我出席了“珠三角创新与知识产权国际论坛”。而就在刚才,我还与你们知识产权学院的一些学生见了面。

    Earlier today , I participated in the " Pearl River Delta International Forum on Innovation and Intellectual Property . " And just now , I had the opportunity to meet with some of the students from your College of IP .