
  • 网络Knowledge Source
  1. 针对企业中存在大量分布式异构知识源问题,提出了基于ontology的企业知识集成方法,探讨了知识需求和多ontology管理等关键技术。

    Enterprise integration method is proposed to solve the problem that there are a great lot of distributed heterogeneous knowledge sources . Key technologies , such as knowledge need and multi-ontology management are discussed in the paper .

  2. EMDIS采用黑板结构,共有三种知识源,即基于规则的知识源、神经网络知识和程序知识源。

    EMDIS is based on blackboard architecture and contains three kinds of knowledge sources ( KSs ), i.

  3. 基于Hypertext和多知识源的智能汉语教学系统

    Hypertext and Multi-Knowledge Source based ICTS

  4. 本文从工人智能与数据库技术结合的角度出发,提出一种以管理信息系统(MIS)的数据为知识源的知识获取方法。

    In this paper , by combining artificial intelligence with data base technology a knowledge-acquisition method by taking the data of MIS ( Management Information System ) as the knowledge source is derived .

  5. 本文首先给出了ICTS的总体结构和各主要部分的设计思想,提出了基于多知识源的推理机制;

    In this paper , the system structure and the idea of design for some main parts are presented , it involves a reasoning method which is based on multi-knowledge source ;

  6. 生成规则构成了XMGEN的主要知识源,共分五个子模块,分别实现句子、名词短语、动词短语、形容词短语和副词短语的细化生成。

    The generation rules make up of the major knowledge resource of XMGEN , which include five submodules : Sentence , Noun Phrase , Verb Phrase , Adjective Phrase , Adverb Phrase .

  7. 多知识源融合的自动摘要系统研究与实现

    Research and design of summarization system based on multi-knowledge sources fusion

  8. 基于多知识源的中文词法分析系统

    Research on Chinese Lexical Analysis System by Fusing Multiple Knowledge Sources

  9. 知识源于教育,同时也是通往智能较稳当的一条路。

    Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom .

  10. 基于多种知识源的汉语自动分词

    A Chinese Word Segmenting Scheme Based on Multiple Knowledge Sources

  11. 基于多知识源的同音词识别方法

    Approaches for Recognition of Chinese Homophone Words Based on the Multiple Knowledge Sources

  12. 竞合环境中知识源开放知识的动力研究

    On the Driving Force of Knowledge Source Opening Its Knowledge in Competition-cooperation Environment

  13. 基于分散知识源的冲压工艺决策系统研究与开发

    The Research and Development of Dispersed Knowledge Bases Based Press Process Decision System

  14. 多知识源信息综合中对不知信息的处理

    How to Treat the Ignorance in the Aggregation of Information from Multiple Knowledge Sources

  15. 一种多知识源汉语语言模型的研究与实现

    Research on a Chinese language model based on multi knowledge sources and its implementation

  16. 概念联通的目的之一就是通过概念联通帮助发现不同知识源的知识之间的不一致性,尽可能保证所获取知识的完备性和精确性,建立一个大型的军事专业知识库。

    Conceptual can help us to find inconsistent knowledge in a large knowledge base .

  17. 基于知识源的专家系统知识获取技术

    The Technologies for Knowledge Acquirement in Expert System

  18. 基于档案管理的企业知识源梳理模式

    The Mode of Merging Sort for Enterprises ' Knowledge Source Based on Archives Management

  19. 个人知识源起于对传统的教师公共知识的批评与诘难。

    Personal knowledge originates from the criticism and questioning of traditional teacher 's public knowledge .

  20. 本文介绍了自然语言处理系统的一个重要知识源概念词典,以及基于超文本的概念词典管理系统概念浏览器。

    Concept lexicon is one of the important knowledge sources of natural language understanding systems .

  21. 外部知识源下的集群创新能力培育路径

    The Path to Fostering the Capability of Cluster Innovation : Based on the External Knowledge Source

  22. 搭配是汉语自动句法分析的重要知识源,而动词是句法分析的核心和前提。

    Collocations play an important role in parsing and verbs are the nucleus and precondition of parsing .

  23. 在决策层中,提出了空战决策的一种多知识源模型。

    In the decision layer , we proposed a multi-knowledge bases model for the air combat decision process .

  24. 提出了任务的概念,每个任务代表一种知识源。

    This paper puts forward the concept of task , which essentially stands for an independent knowledge source .

  25. 以互联网为知识源的基于语段分析的交互式机器翻译技术的研究

    The Study of the Interactive Machine Translation Technology Used the Internet as Information Source and Based on Discourse Analysis

  26. 企业中存在的非结构化信息是重要的知识源,具有数据量大、增长速度快等特点。

    Unstructured information , which is huge and grows rapidly , is the vital source of knowledge in enterprises .

  27. 知识源组织的知识开放水平不但受多方面因素的影响,还往往受到它们多种措施的控制。

    In the Co competitive environment , the source of the knowledge usually controls the transparency level of knowledge .

  28. 第二,知识源企业、知识接受企业和知识属性是传统的知识管理研究的基本影响因素。

    Second , knowledge-source enterprises , knowledge-receiving enterprises , knowledge attributes are basic affecting factors for traditional knowledge management studies .

  29. 并给出了为实现系统目标的各个知识源和控制器的算法。

    Finally , they given various knowledge sources and control algorithm for realise the system objective and the result of simulation .

  30. 但是,由于研究还处于起始阶段,因此各个知识源的算法还不成熟。

    However , our research work is still on the start stage , so the algorithm of each knowledge source is immature .