
  1. 土样经消解处理后,以火焰原子吸收法进行测定,以SPSS、Origin等软件进行数据处理。

    After the soil samples had been digested , heavy metals were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry . And the data were processed by SPSS , Origin and other softwares .

  2. 我们采集梅花鹿和白唇鹿的毛、血样,用低温灰化方法和温法消解处理样品,用ICP分析了毛、血清中微量元素的含量。

    The hair and serum samples of sika deer and white lip deer were collected and processed using the method of low temperature ashing and wet digestion . The contents of trace elements in hair and blood were analysed using ICP method .

  3. 生活垃圾高温蒸汽消解处理工艺初探

    Probe into High-temperature Vapor Slaking Treatment Technique for the House Refuse

  4. 仪器分析中样品的微波消解处理

    The Microwave Clear - up Treatment of Samples in Instrument Analysis

  5. 采用计算专有名词可信度的方法,在专有名词识别发生冲突时,进行消解处理;

    Calculation of proper names reliability , which is helpful to resolve PNs recognition conflicts ;

  6. 结果表明,绘制工作曲线时可不进行消解处理;

    The results show that drawing curve do not need digesting treatment and digesting time can be shorten .

  7. 文章评述了微波技术在分析样品预处理方面,特别是在地质和冶金样品消解处理方面的应用。

    The application of microwave technique to the pretreatment of analytical samples , especially digestion of geological and metallurgical samples , was reviewed .

  8. 指代消解处理是自然语言处理的关键环节,也是众多语言工程项目的核心任务。

    Anaphora resolution is a key step in Natural Language Processing ( NLP ) and a kernel task in many language engineering applications .

  9. 使用微波消解处理样品,火焰原子吸收光谱法测定了兰州鲶中的铁、锌、镁含量。

    The sample was digested by microwave , magnesium , zinc , iron in the Silurus lanzhouensis Chen were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry .

  10. 建立了微波消解处理样品、离子交换树脂分离富集,石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定钛铁矿中砷的方法。

    A method for the determination of arsenic in ilmenite by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry ( GFAAS ) with microwave digestion and ion exchange resin separation was established .

  11. 介绍了人发样品(生物类)和植物根茎类样品进行微波消解处理的处理程序,较之常规的电热板加热消化处理,可节约试剂50%,节省时间60%以上,消解效果良好。

    Compared with the normal electrothermal treatment , the reagents can be saved 50 % and time more than 60 % by using this method , which demonstrates that this clear-up technique is very effective .

  12. 本文采用微波消解处理中药样品,结合应用原子吸收光谱仪和电感耦合等离子体质谱仪定量测定了85种中药,包括63种中草药和22种中成药中的48种元素;

    In this article , we cleared up sample of Chinese traditional medicine using microwave digestion instrument . And we determined 48 elements in 85 kinds of Chinese traditional medicine including 63 kinds of herbal medicine and 22 kinds of patent medicine by FAAS and ICP-MS.

  13. 利用生石灰对湿排粉煤灰进行消解预处理产生的Ca(OH)2激发粉煤灰的活性。

    The activeness of fly ash is stimulated by using Ca ( OH ) 2 , which is the result of pretreating wet discharged fly ash with lime .

  14. 采用微波消解法处理样品,运用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)和质谱法(ICP-MS)测定了大米中微量元素。

    Trace elements in rice digested by microwave are detected by inductive coupled plasma atom emission spectrum and mass spectrum .

  15. 将样品用硝酸消解预处理后,用原子吸收光谱法测定新生儿脐血中微量金属元素Fe、Zn、Cu、Ca、Mg。

    A method for the determination of micro metal of Fe , Zn , Cu , Ca and Mg in the umbilical cord blood of neonate by atomic absorption spectrometry was developed .

  16. 用用微波消解法处理富含油脂的油菜籽样品,氢化物原子荧光光谱法(HG-AFS)测定其中的砷和汞。

    The As , Hg in rapeseed rich in oil were treated by microwave method and determined by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry ( HG-AFS ) .

  17. 采用微波消解方法处理汽油样品,用微波等离子体炬原子发射光谱法(MPT-AES)测定消解液中的铜和铁含量。

    A method for the determination of trace copper and iron in gasoline by microwave plasma torch-atomic emission spectrometry ( MPT-AES ) with microwave digestion for sample pretreatment was developed .

  18. 针对文本检索和句子检索之间的区别,本文主要采用指代消解预处理,改进的编辑距离与向量空间模型相结合的方法,对factoid问题的答案句检索效果显著,准确率为84.71%。

    Meeting the difference of text retrieval and sentence retrieval , a new method using integrating anaphora resolution , improved edit distance and vector space model is proposed in this paper .

  19. 采用HNO3H3PO4H2O2消解体系处理蔬菜样品,建立了微波等离子炬原子发射光谱(MPT-AES)测定蔬菜中微量锗的方法,并对相关实验参数进行了优化。

    A new method , microwave plasma torch atomic emission spectroscopy ( MPT-AES ), was used to determine trace elements germanium in vegetable and soil . The samples were wet ashed and then dissolved by hydrochloric acid . Some experimental parameters are discussed and optimized .

  20. 为测定和分析金樱子茎、根中的微量元素种类及含量,采用酸式(HNO3-H2O2)微波消解法处理样品,原子吸收分光光度法测定了金樱子根茎中的微量元素,统计学处理数据。

    To determine trace elements in stem , root were samples handled with acerbic ( HNO_3-H_2O_2 ) micwave-digestion , and then trace elements of its different parts were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry , and SPSS statistical method was used to deal with data of result .

  21. 微波消解在处理生物样品中的应用

    The application of microwave digestion in the processing of biological samples

  22. 植物中多元素测定的微波消解前处理技术

    Technology of the Microwave Digestion for Determination of Multi elements in Plants

  23. 微波消解预处理测定水和废水中总磷

    Determination of Total Phosphorus in Water and Wastewater by Microwave Digestion Pre-treatment Method

  24. 微波消解预处理技术在食品分析中的应用

    Application of Microwave Digestion Pretreatment to Foodstuff Analysis

  25. 采用家用电压力锅消解污水处理厂水样,测定总磷。

    The TP in the wastewater samples from sewage treatment plant was determined by household electric pressure cooker digestion method .

  26. 试验确定了微波消解器处理样品的条件、仪器最佳工作参数,研究了共存元素谱线的干扰情况。

    The condition of microwave oven processing samples , the optimum operation parameters of ICP - AES and the interference of coexisting elements were studied by experiments .

  27. 针对动物源食品中的铅、镉和铬的测定采用微波消解法处理样品,并用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法进行测定。

    For lead , chromium and cadmium in animal-derived food we use microwave digestion to process the samples and determine them by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry .

  28. 结论两种前处理方法测定白酒中锰的精确度和准确度都较好,需要时可以利用微波消解样品处理系统进行实验。

    [ Conclusion ] Both the two methods are accurate in determining manganese in Chinese white wine ; microwave - dispelling method can be applied for the determination when necessary .

  29. 方法:采用高压封闭消解法前处理,用ICP-AES法测定。

    Methods : Samples were digested with high press obturation microwave and determined by ICP-AES .

  30. 同时,系统在设计实现时还解决了一些关键的问题,如IDL接口的定义、异构模式的消解、查询处理、事务管理等。

    Furthermore , many crucial techniques are resolved during the completing of the system , such as definition of the IDL interface , schematic heterogeneity resolution , query processing and transaction management .