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xiāo wáng
  • wither away;die out;extinct;subduction;disappear;vanish;demise;dissolution;crumble;crater;die
消亡 [xiāo wáng]
  • [wither away;die out] 灭亡;消失

消亡[xiāo wáng]
  1. 文学真的会消亡吗&在中山大学的讲演

    Could the Literature Wither Away Really ? & The Speech for Yat-Sen University

  2. 我们变老,我们到达一定年龄,我们随之消亡。

    We grow little and we get to a certain age then we wither away .

  3. 我们的农村地区正在以惊人的速度消亡。

    Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate .

  4. 当政府最终垮台之日,将不会有人为它的消亡而悲哀。

    When the government is finally brought down , no one will mourn its passing .

  5. 俄罗斯农民濒临消亡。

    The Russian peasantry stood on the brink of disappearance .

  6. 但那并不意味着这种政治主张已经或正在消亡。

    But that doesn 't mean this brand of politics is dead or dying

  7. 延续了几个世纪的仪式似乎要面临消亡。

    The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction .

  8. 各种文明最后都会衰落、消亡。

    Civilizations do eventually decline and perish .

  9. 盖尔语多年来一直濒于消亡,尽管如今孩子们还在学校学习这门语言。

    Gaelic has been a dying language for many years , though children are nowadays taught it in school

  10. 人注定终有一死:长大、衰老,然后消亡。

    A man is deliberately designed to be mortal . He grows , he ages , and he dies .

  11. 一些已经从地球上消失了,些正慢慢地消亡,但它们全都在接触到不断扩展的机械文明过程中经历了变化。

    Some have vanished from the face of the earth , others are dying slowly , but all have undergone changes as they have come into contact with an expanding machine civilization .

  12. 作为一种日常必需品,它将随着阅读纸质报纸的一代人而消亡。

    As a day-to-day essential , it will die off with the generation who read print newspapers .

  13. 几千年来,语言一直在不断地变化,但在当代,诞生的语言越来越少,消亡的语言越来越多。

    Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years , but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going .

  14. ONART关于艺术如果手绘动画是一种消亡的艺术,我们也无能为力。

    If [ hand-drawn animation ] is a dying craft , we can 't do anything about it .

  15. 他赞扬协会的目标,但预期这一协会很快会消亡。

    He praised the union 's aims but predicted its early demise .

  16. 通常来说,一旦其新奇性消失,这种潮流就会迅速消亡。

    The behavior will normally fade quickly once the perception of novelty is gone .

  17. 倘若所有的星星消失或者消亡,

    Were all stars to disappear or die

  18. 此类API和工具包的消亡很大程度上是由于每种抓取工具都有极为特定于应用程序的需求。

    The dearth of such APIs and toolkits is largely due to the extremely application-specific needs of each individual scraping tool .

  19. 当菲律宾群岛以东洋面上空的反气旋环流中心西移稳定至130°-145°E这一区域后,非绝热加热的垂直变化对该环流中心的维持及消亡起主要作用。

    After the anti-cyclonic center to the east of the Philippines moves to130 ° - 145 ° E , diabatic heating vertical change plays a major role in its maintenance .

  20. 另一方面,随着染病动物相继死亡,H5N1型病毒会自然消亡,但它也可能会变异成为传播速度较慢的一种形式。

    Alternately H5N1 may subside naturally as infected animals die off , or it may mutate to a less aggressive form .

  21. 至象山群上段(J2)沉积时,沿江前陆盆地开始萎缩,成为彼此孤立的小盆,直到消亡。

    During deposition of the lower Xiangshan Group ( J1 ), the foreland basin shrank and became small separated basins before disappearance of the foreland basin .

  22. b,r~2值综合分析法表明影响第2、3、4代种群数量消亡的关键虫期分别为4龄、6龄和蛹期。

    The results from the 6-value and r-value comprehensive analysis showed that the key developmental stages within the first generation to fluctuate the 2nd , 3rd and 4th generation populations were the 4th and 6th instar , and pupal stages , respectively .

  23. 在发展连续中型轧机的同时,现有横列式中型轧机部分将自然消亡,部分可加以技术改造继续维持生产,但不宜改造成H型钢轧机。

    Accordingly continuous section mill will grow up , existing , belgian section mill will be shut down , part of them may remain after technical revamping , but it is not suitable to be modified into H beam mill .

  24. [结果]该空气净化杀菌设备在45m3房间,作用30min对自然菌的消毒消亡率达100%;

    After 30 minutes , the disinfection rate of bacteria is 100 % .

  25. 领带的消亡被归咎于Facebook和谷歌等创意产业和在线交易公司的兴盛,这些企业一般不会规定穿正式服装,而倾向于更休闲的装扮。

    Its demise is being blamed on the boom in creative businesses , such as Facebook and Google , and online trading companies where formal dress codes tend to be shunned in favour of a more casual approach .

  26. FlibeEnergy创始人科克•索伦森称:“福岛事故标志着传统轻水反应堆的消亡。”FlibeEnergy位于美国阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔,是一家备受推崇的核技术初创企业。

    " Fukushima marked the death of conventional light-water reactors ," says Kirk Sorensen , founder of Flibe Energy , a highly regarded nuclear technology startup based in Huntsville , Alabama .

  27. 并指出粒子PHD滤波在仅有一个目标且没有新生目标,没有目标的消亡,没有杂波和探测概率为1的条件下便退化为标准粒子滤波。

    The particle PHD filter reduces to the standard particle filter in the case where there is only one target with no birth , no death , no clutter and unity probability of detection .

  28. 在Dan发生发展的不同时期,由大尺度水汽通量流函数和速度势表示的水汽通量输送和辐合也有明显的变化,表明水汽输送和辐合在Dan的发生发展及消亡过程中有一定作用。

    During different periods of Dan , there was great water vapor change as indicated by stream function , velocity potential and vapor budget , which showed the importance of water vapor in the development of typhoon Dan .

  29. 影响西伯利亚南部猛犸象动物群消亡的主要变化可能开始于末次冰期冰盛期(LGM)之后。

    The major change that influenced the demise of the mammoth fauna in southern Siberia was probably initiated after the Last Glaciation Maximum ( LGM ) .

  30. 以相同剂量进行现场喷雾消毒,作用30min对室内空气中自然菌消亡率达90%以上。

    In the field spraying disinfection trial , the same dosage with a 30 min contact time caused over 90 % eliminating rate of natural bacteria in indoor air .