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zhǔ dǎo
  • dominant;leading;guiding;leading factor
主导 [zhǔ dǎo]
  • (1) [leading;dominant;guiding]∶统领全局;推动全局发展

  • 起主导作用

  • (2) [leading factor]∶引导全局并推动全局发展的事物

主导[zhǔ dǎo]
  1. 德国在国际政治舞台上起着主导作用。

    Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage .

  2. 该党奉行何种政策,她起着主导作用。

    She had a leading role in shaping party policy .

  3. 这个地区继续在国际舞台上占主导地位。

    This region continues to occupy centre stage in world affairs .

  4. 西班牙中部在经济上已失去了其主导地位。

    Economically , the centre of Spain has lost its dominant role .

  5. 新教育政策的主导原则是容许选择。

    Choice is the keynote of the new education policy .

  6. 预防在传统医学中也起着主导作用。

    Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine .

  7. 公司已从创业期的微不足道发展成了市场的主导者。

    The company has worked its way up from humble beginnings to become the market leader .

  8. 这些经济制度将毫无疑问地维持他们在金融市场上的主导权。

    These economies will no doubt maintain their dominance of financial markets

  9. 萨姆·纳恩参议员主导着参议院军事委员会。

    Senator Sam Nunn reigns supreme over the Senate Armed Services Committee .

  10. 英国是个世俗主导的多元社会。

    Britain is a plural society in which the secular predominates

  11. 大公司在低端价格领域占主导地位。

    The big companies dominate the lower price points .

  12. 甚至最终,连他们在经济上的主导地位也会受损。

    Eventually even their economic predominance was to suffer .

  13. 在男性占主导地位的法庭上,有多少法官对妇女问题是比较敏感的呢?

    How many judges in our male-dominated courts are sensitized to women 's issues ?

  14. 看来北非经济体几乎注定还将以欧洲为主导。

    It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe

  15. 胚胎发育似乎主要受制于少数主导基因。

    Embryonic development seems to be controlled principally by a very small number of master genes .

  16. 立法是终止汽车作为主导交通工具的唯一途径。

    Legislation is the only route to ending the car 's dominance as a form of transport .

  17. 如今购物者占主导地位,如果商店不降价,他们是不会买的。

    These days the shopper has the whip hand , and will not buy if stores fail to lower their prices .

  18. 自1993年以来,由沙特阿拉伯主导的石油输出国组织欧佩克就一直将石油产量控制在每天2,500万桶左右。

    Since 1993 OPEC , the oil cartel dominated by Saudi Arabia , has kept its output constant at around 25m barrels a day .

  19. “大多数基因是由一组主导基因调控的,”法兰特说道。

    Most genes are regulated by a master set of genes , " Farrant says .

  20. 到目前为止进行的有限研究表明,这一关系在那些重视独立甚于合作、重视和谐甚于对抗的人群中占主导地位。

    The limited research conducted thus far indicates they 're especially dominant among those who value independence over cooperation , and harmony over confrontation .

  21. 但是,这种由来自中产阶级和富裕家庭的亚裔和白人学生主导的竞赛,会变得更加多元化吗?

    But will such contests , which are overwhelmingly dominated by Asian and white students from middle-class and affluent families , become any more diverse ?

  22. 结论是:虽然转基因作物尚未实现其最初的承诺,而且一直由农业企业主导,但我们有理由继续使用和开发它们,以帮助应对可持续地为不断增长的全球人口提供粮食的巨大挑战。

    The conclusion : while GM crops haven 't yet realized their initial promise and have been dominated by agricultural businesses , there is reason to continue to use and develop them to help meet the enormous challenge of sustainably feeding a growing planet .

  23. 创造应该是学生导向并以学生为主导的,否则就会很无聊。

    Making should be student-directed and student-led , otherwise it 's boring .

  24. 接受了这样的指导,许多学生开始把自己看作自己大脑成长的主导者。

    From such instruction , many students began to see themselves as agents of their own brain development .

  25. 如果老师们使它保持形式自由,学生主导,那么它依旧可以和课程或教学计划相联系。

    If teachers keep it form-free and student-led , it can still be tied to a curriculum and an educational plan .

  26. 一些想要取代密歇根州在运输领域的主导地位的州和国家正威胁着我们在汽车研究开发领域的领导地位。

    " Michigan 's dominance in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to replace our leadership in transportation . "

  27. 近几个世纪来,贸易、工业化、民族国家的发展以及义务教育的普及,特别是过去几十年中的全球化和交流的增进,都造成了许多语言的消失,也造就了英语等占主导地位的语言。

    In recent centuries , trade , industrialisation , the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education , especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades , all have caused many languages to disappear , and dominant languages such as English .

  28. 现在,由遗传学主导的潜在解决方法就近在咫尺。

    Now the possibility of a genetics-led solution is at hand .

  29. 中间性格,顾名思义就是包含内向和外向两种特征的性格类型,但两种特征都不占主导。

    Ambiverts , as the name suggests , have both introverted and extroverted .

  30. 有些职员在被赋予了主导权后工作起来更有效率。

    Some employees are more productive1 when they 're put in the driving seat .