
zhèng jú
  • political situation;political scene
政局 [zhèng jú]
  • [political situation; political scene] 政治局势

  • 政局不稳

政局[zhèng jú]
  1. 政局仍然十分动荡。

    The political situation remains highly unstable .

  2. 政局不稳。

    The political situation was unstable .

  3. 证券市场对政局变化非常敏感。

    The Stock Exchange is very sensitive to political change .

  4. 政局混乱只加速了国家经济的衰退。

    The climate of political confusion has only reinforced the country 's economic decline .

  5. 他所传达的信息针对的是以色列政局中尚未表态的中间派。

    His message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of Israeli politics

  6. 就在选举拉开序幕前,君主政体的问题使政局变得复杂起来。

    The issue of the monarchy is complicating politics in the run-up to the elections

  7. 不要问他对政局的看法,他不会知道什么,因为他一味追求吃喝。

    Don 't ask him what he thinks of the political situation , He won 't know for he is a man who makes a god of his belly .

  8. 国内政局激变。

    The domestic political situation changed drastically .

  9. 水资源短缺导致贫穷,使政局不稳,且影响全球的繁荣

    Lack of water perpetuates poverty , increases the risk of political instability , and affects global prosperity .

  10. 目前政局的僵持局面使总统和国会都不能迅速地采取行动以削减预算(罗伯特D.霍马茨)

    The political gridlock that prevented ... the President and Congress from moving expeditiously to cut the budget ( Robert D. Hormats )

  11. 纳迪娅·阿瓦迪(NadiaEl-Awady)报道说,尽管中东地区政局多变,以色列和巴勒斯坦的科研合作还在持续。

    Israeli-Palestinian scientific cooperation persists despite an unstable political atmosphere in the region , reports Nadia El-Awady .

  12. 尽管美国政府和日本执政党自民党(LiberalDemocraticparty)强烈反对,但日本还是终止了这项行动。这表明,日本的政局变化在很大程度上对制定政策造成阻碍。

    The end of the mission , which came in spite of strong objections from Washington and Japan 's ruling Liberal Democratic party , shows the extent to which the altered political situation in Tokyo is crippling policy formation .

  13. 苏丹目前也是政局动荡,并且也拥有诸如女子短跑运动员娜瓦尔•埃尔•杰克(NawalElJack)这样的体育明星。她曾在2006年世界青年田径锦标赛上获得女子400米铜牌。

    Sudan also has political turmoil and athletic stars , such as female sprinter Nawal El Jack , a bronze medalist in the400-meter event at the2006 World Junior Championships .

  14. 鉴于新发现的陆上石油资源多数位于政局动荡的国家,国际能源机构(IEA)预测,未来20年内,非欧佩克国家新增的石油产量中,大部分将来自海上,其中很大部分位于深水水域。

    With most new onshore resources in politically unstable countries , the International Energy Agency predicts that over the next two decades the lion 's share of new non-Opec production will occur offshore , much of it in deep water .

  15. 例如,双方在引进外资及出口市场等方面存在着一定的竞争性、东盟内部政局不稳、离心现象严重等因素都造成了CAFTA发展道路上的障碍与制约因素,从而延缓了CAFTA的建设进程。

    For example , both in the aspects of attracting foreign investment and exporting market , there is a certain competitive , and the internal political instability in ASEAN caused many problems on the road of CAFTA development , which resulted in slowing down the construction of CAFTA process .

  16. 白人公民投票及其对南非政局的影响

    White referendum and its impact on political situation in South Africa

  17. 日本政局与羽田外交走向

    Japan : Political Situation and the Trends for Hata 's Diplomacy

  18. 证券市场对政局变化非常敏感。

    Figurative the stock exchange is very sensitive to political change .

  19. 震动晚清政局的云南报销案

    The Famous Case for Reimbursement in Yunnan in Late Qing Dynasty

  20. 日本政局变化及其政策趋向

    Changes in the political situation in Japan and its policy trends

  21. 印度国内政局和对外政策的变化动向

    India 's Internal Politics and Foreign Po1icy : Trends of Change

  22. 南非是个政局动荡的国家。

    The South Africa is a country seething with political unrest .

  23. 孙毓汶是晚清政局中的一个重要人物。

    Sun Yuwen was an important figure of Late Qing Dynasty .

  24. 政局摆动理论也是如此。

    So it is with the theory of the pendulum .

  25. 政局的稳定反过来促使政策制定保持一致。

    Political stability , in turn , has led to consistent policymaking .

  26. 印度的政局危机:背景及其影响

    Political crisis of india : its background factors and influences

  27. 受社会动荡、政局分裂的影响,魏晋南北朝时期的教育也长期处于时兴时废的状态。

    Influenced by social unrest , education of that times was instable .

  28. 规划环境地政局技术通告

    " Planning , Environment and Lands Bureau Technical Circular "

  29. 中国发展的条件,关键是要政局稳定。

    The key to China 's development is political stability .

  30. 这篇文章论述了政局的各个方面。

    The article treated various aspects of the political scene .