
zhèng wěi
  • political commissar
政委 [zhèng wěi]
  • [commissar] 政治委员的简称

政委[zhèng wěi]
  1. 你如问,是食物、装备对士气更重要呢,还是政委更重要。搞好物质条件是领导工作的一部分。

    You ask is food , equipment or a political commissar more important for morales The care of material conditions is a part of leadership .

  2. 在还没有来得及听取政委意见的时候,两个侦察兵过来向我们报告说看情形可能会有突围的可能。

    But before the political commissar had a chance to speak , two of our scouts returned to report that the situation was favorable for breakthrough .

  3. 她亲手杀了一个以残暴著称的政委。

    Herself killed a commissar famous for his cruelty .

  4. 如果你想讨论这个问题,政委会在星期二回来。

    If you wish to discuss this , the commissar will return tuesday .

  5. 他同时也是越秀区武装部政委。

    Mr. Fang is also political commissar for the Yuexiu Armed Forces Department .

  6. 局里的赵政委出外学习还没回来。

    Political commissar of the bureau 's study abroad not to come back .

  7. 你会让我们被抓住的,政委同志。

    You 'll get us caught , Comrade commissar .

  8. 永垂不朽的中国篮球传奇,再见了“马政委”。

    Farewell ' Political Commissar Ma ' as the everlasting Chinese basketball legendary .

  9. 政委命令:“要有炮塔,”炮塔就出现。

    And gaott said , let there be turret ; and there was turret .

  10. 常到我们连队来的是团政委,知识分子出身、光头、矮个儿。

    One who came to our company often was the commissar , a short bareheaded intellectual .

  11. 为男低音,合唱队和钢琴而作的“政委誓言”。

    " The Oath to the People 's Commissar ", for bass , chorus and piano .

  12. 企业也需要政委&激活型组织的力量

    Business Needs Commissar too

  13. 分区政委和指挥官向这些战斗中的指挥员和战斗员表示致敬和感谢。

    The division Commissar and Commander have saluted and thanked to the commanders and fighters involved in these attacks .

  14. 贵阳舰是参加本次阅兵的其中一艘中国军舰,徐建锋是贵阳舰政委。

    Xu Jianfeng is the leading political officer on the Guiyang , one of the Chinese vessels that the event .

  15. 政委会公平地看待每一个人,但任何怯懦或是软弱的人,他都会将其从视线中抹去。

    A commissar shall judge you fairly , but any sign of cowardice or weakness shall be purged from his sight .

  16. 准确定位政委职责积极探索新时期思想政治工作途径

    On Accurately Locating the Duties of Commissars and Actively Exploring New Approaches to Ideological and Political Work in the New Era

  17. 民兵方队政委史连雪说,在今年的阅兵中,民兵成员经历了艰苦的训练。

    Political Commissar Shi Lianxue of the militia division for this year 's military parade says militia members have trained hard .

  18. 政委看光和棍是好的,就把光和棍混合。

    And g.a.o.t.s.r saw the light and rod , that they were good ; and g.a.o.t.s.r joined the light and the rod .

  19. 一九四七年一月下旬一个寒冷的日子,我坐在薄政委住宅中的一张舒适的太师椅上。

    On a cold day , late in January 1947 , I sat in a comfortable , plush chair in Commissar Po 's residence .

  20. 政委是帝皇法则的传达者,拥有执行判决和惩罚士兵的绝对权利。

    A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor 's Law , and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement , sentence and punishment .

  21. 鲁政委提出了这样一个问题:如果我们找到一种更好的计量办法,但框架仍是旧有框架,又有什么意义呢?

    ' If we have a better measure , ' but not a new framework , ' what 's the point ? ' Mr. Lu asked .

  22. 她的诗诙谐而精致,让人回味无穷,却与国家文化政委规定下的社会主义现实风格格不入。

    Playful , subtle and haunting , her poetry could never be in harmony with the socialist realist style dictated by the country 's cultural commissars .

  23. 兴业银行首席经济学家鲁政委表示称,中央政府此举旨在缓和需求量不断下降的房地产市场。

    Lu Zhengwei , chief economist at Industrial Bank , said the central government has issued the policies to alleviate falling demand in the housing market .

  24. 兴业银行驻上海经济学家鲁政委说,实际上,现在货币政策的制定途径有必要做出改变。

    ' There 's actually a need for a change in the way we make monetary policy , ' said Lu Zhengwei , an economist with Industrial Bank in Shanghai .

  25. 对于任何疏于防范的士兵,政委都会通过自己的方式来向你宣泄帝皇的怒火。液控单向阀控制油的泄漏方式有内泄式和外泄式二种。

    Any man found lacking will feel the wrath of the Emperor , through the actions of His most just commissars . Fluid leakage control one-way valves control the manner of oil and oil-leaking Type II species .

  26. 很多同志提议,一个团两个副团长、一个副政委就可以了,这个意见好。师也可以这样做嘛!

    Many comrades have suggested that in a regiment , in addition to the commander and political commissar , two deputy commanders and one deputy political commissar are sufficient . This is a good idea . It should be applied to the divisions as well .