
zhènɡ lùn jiā
  • political commentator/writer
  1. 爱丽丝·沃克(AliceWalker)是美国黑人女诗人、小说家,杂文家,女权主义者兼政论家。她不仅是当代美国文坛最杰出、最具影响力的作家之一,也是妇女文学与黑人文学的杰出代表。

    As a poet , essayist , novelist and feminist , Alice Walker is not only one of the most prominent writers in contemporary American literary field , but also an outstanding representative of women literature and Afro-American literature .

  2. 蒋廷黻是著名的史学家、政论家和外交家。

    Chiang T'ing-fu is a famous historian , political commentator and diplomat .

  3. 作为中国现代史上著名的新闻出版家和政论家,邹韬奋是一个有着重大影响的历史人物。

    Zou Tao-fen is a great influence person in modern Chinese history .

  4. 当时就连美国政论家都绝对想象不到

    that even critics of the American government up to that point simply hadn 't imagined .

  5. 宋教仁是近代中国一位杰出的资产阶级革命家,也是一名颇具学识和涵养的政论家。

    Sung Chiao-jen was not only a famous bourgeois revolutionist , but also an excellent critic with abundant of knowledge and virtue .

  6. 作为汉初著名的思想家、政论家和文学家,贾谊以其文、赋创作见长,为后人留下了不朽的作品。

    As early Han-known thinkers , publicists and writers , their Jia Yi Wen , Fu creative reflexes left for future generations the immortal works .

  7. 王符是东汉中后期著名的政论家、思想家,是东汉社会批判思潮的重要代表。

    Wang Fu was the famous ideologist and political critics in the mid-or-later the Eastern Han Dynasty , was the important representative of social critical thoughts .

  8. 邹韬奋是我国现代著名的编辑、记者、出版家和政论家,在新闻事业上取得过巨大的成就。

    Zou Taofen is a famous editor , reporter , publisher and political commentator in the modern times of our country and has obtained huge achievement on the journalism .

  9. 王韬作为晚清著名的早期维新思想家和我国历史上第一位报刊政论家,其改革思想在近代中国社会改革思想史上占有重要地位。

    Wang Tao , the first publication political commentator in late Qing Dynasty and our country history , his thoughts hold the important position in modern China social reform thought history .

  10. 出现在报刊上的胡适已俨然是一个在身份上自由与独立的政论家,他时常对时局发表自己的看法。

    In the publication Hu Shi was almost as a political commentator who had freedom and independence in the status , he expressesed his own views on the current political situation frequently .

  11. 薛福成是中国晚清著名的政论家、外交家和思想家,其业绩和思想在中国近代史尤其是近代思想史上留下了不可磨灭的印记。

    Xue Fu-cheng is a famous political commentator , diplomatic , and thinker in the late Qing Dynasty , whose achievement and thoughts have left indelible print in Chinese modern history , especially in modern history of thought .

  12. 萨特是法国存在主义哲学的重要代表,当代法国著名的哲学家、文学家、政论家和社会活动家,是法国20世纪最伟大的思想家之一,以他的存在主义哲学和文学创作闻名于世。

    Jean Paul Satre ( 1905-1980 ), a famous French contemporary philosopher , artist , critic and social activist . As one of the greatest French thinker of the 20th century Jean-Paul-Satre is famous for his existentialism and his literary works .

  13. 王韬是近代资产阶级的第一代思想家、政论家、教育家、新闻工作者,曾在风雨如晦的时代里批判现实,提倡西学,倡导改革,为中国现代化贡献了毕生的精力。

    Wang Tao was a first-generation thinker , political commentator , educator and journalist of modern capitalists , who criticized the reality , advocated the Western learning , initiated reform and contributed all his energy for Chinese modernization in upheaval times .

  14. 这也决定了金庸不仅仅把武侠小说当做历史和文学故事来写,而是自觉不自觉地在其小说创作中宣泄他作为政论家的政治热情,表现其内心的政治思考和抱负。

    This also determines that Jin Yong not only writes kung fu novels as fictions of history and literature , but also consciously or unconsciously depicts in the novels his political enthusiasm as a political essayist to express his inner political considerations and ambitions .