
ɡé mìnɡ zhě
  • a revolutionary
  1. 詹姆斯还有另外一点身为革命者的有利特质:写得一手好文章。

    James had another useful attribute for a revolutionary : good prose .

  2. 你真的认为我象革命者吗?

    Do you really think I look like a revolutionary ?

  3. 革命者放下了武器,其领导人也自愿流亡他国了。

    The revolutionaries laid down their arms and its leaders went into voluntary exile .

  4. 但是我们绝不应把契科夫看成是个左派人物,他更不是革命者。

    But we must not think of Chekhov as a leftist , much less a revolutionary .

  5. 革命者肃清了国内敌对势力。

    The revolutionaries expunged domestic opposition

  6. 人们认为革命者都是满脸胡须,邋里邋遢的。

    People expected revolutionaries to be bearded and unkempt .

  7. 此外,本期中还包含有彼特•塔菲撰写的纪念伟大革命者罗莎•卢森堡(封面照片)的文章,法属瓜德罗普岛罢工运动的报告,以及美国性权平等(LGTB)斗争的报道。

    There are also articles by Peter Taaffe ( cover feature ) on the revolutionary legacy of Rosa Luxemburg , plus reports of the strike movement in Guadeloupe , and LGTB struggle in the U.

  8. 那些革命者来自最好的家族和学生。

    Those revolutionaries come from the best families and the students .

  9. 革命者遭受挫折时是不会灰心的。

    Revolutionaries don 't lose heart when they meet with setbacks .

  10. 这就给革命者时间去成立了一个临时政府。

    This gave the revolutionaries time to declare a provisional government .

  11. 即使是最热心的革命者也不会那样过分。

    Even the most ardent revolutionaries never went that far .

  12. 他对革命者的同情发展成为公开宣传革命。

    His sympathy for revolutionaries spilled over to undisguised advocacy of revolution .

  13. 176.志愿革命者们象火山爆发一样起义了。

    176 . The voluntary revolutionaries revolted like the outbreak of volcano .

  14. 那位革命者为避免被捕在地下躲藏了几个星期。

    The revolutionist eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground .

  15. 到了20世纪50年代后期,萨达姆?侯赛因已经成为一名年轻的革命者。

    By the late 1950s , Saddam Hussein was a young revolutionary .

  16. 我希望人们把我当做一个革命者。

    I would like people to think of me as a revolutionary .

  17. 首先,他们都是革命者,都很伟大。

    First of all , they were revolutionaries , and great ones .

  18. 在国外,法国将成为所有革命者的保护者、帮助者。

    Abroad France was to be the protector and helper of all revolutionaries .

  19. 他父亲和他的叔伯们都是革命者。

    His father and his uncles were all revolutionaries .

  20. 他的行动不是一个革命者所为。

    His actions were not those of a revolutionary .

  21. 中国朝鲜族革命者在南方的革命斗争研究

    The Study on the Revolutionary Struggle of the Chinese Korean Revolutionist in South

  22. 如果生物革命者的观点正确,那这些数字就远远的低估了实际情况。

    If the revolutionaries are correct , these numbers radically underestimate the truth .

  23. 任何真正的革命者都会鄙视这种行为。

    Any true revolutionary will look down on such a conduct as that .

  24. 而革命者会来到他们身边向他们说:“这都是蠢事。”

    The revolutionary would come and say " it is all nonsense . "

  25. 我是个革命者,但不是杀人犯。

    I am a revolutionary but not a murderer .

  26. 那个人可能成为一个懦弱的革命者。

    That man would make a poor revolutionist .

  27. 我们将会想念你和你的革命者。

    We 'll miss you and your revolutionaries .

  28. 这个革命者受到最残酷的拷打,但他什么也没有吐露。

    The revolutionary suffered the most ruthless torture , but he confessed to nothing .

  29. 这些量子革命者最引人瞩目的情况之一就是他们风华正茂。

    One of the most striking things about the quantum revolutionaries was their youthfulness .

  30. 以强烈的狂热为特点;热情洋溢的革命者。

    Characterized by strong enthusiasm ; ardent revolutionaries .