
  1. 党的代表大会常任制历史简要考察

    A Historical Review of the Standing System of the Party Congress

  2. 第五章探讨的是党的代表大会的决策制度。

    Chapter five is discussing the decision-making of Party congress .

  3. 选举符合条件、素质较高、能够代表党员意志的党代表,是开好党的代表大会的基础。

    Voting representatives of accord with standards is the base of congress .

  4. 第四章探讨的是党的代表大会的选举制度。

    Chapter four is discussing the election of Party congress .

  5. 改革和完善党的代表大会制度十议

    Ten Proposals for Reforming and Perfecting the Party Congress System

  6. 党的代表大会还通过了新党章。

    The Party Congress also adopted the new Party Constitution .

  7. 党的代表大会在8月18日胜利结束。

    The Party Congress closed victoriously on August 18 .

  8. 扩大在市、县进行党的代表大会常任制的试点。

    Expand the city and county party congress permanent system of the pilot .

  9. 第三部分,健全党的代表大会常任制的设想。

    The third part offers some assumptions to perfect the system of standing party congress .

  10. 论党的代表大会常任制在党的制度建设中的地位和作用

    The Status And Function Of The Standing System Of The Congress Of CPC On Its Institution Construction

  11. 以党的代表大会作为党的权力中心,是马克思主义的天经地义。

    It is undeniably natural in Marxism to take party congress as the authority center of the party .

  12. 有无完善的代表大会选举制度,反映着党的代表大会制度的健全与否。

    Having a good election system or not reflects the sanity degree of the system of Party congress .

  13. 然后,在9月14日,安排假冒的党员劫持了正义事业党的代表大会。

    Then , on September14th , fake party members planted by the Kremlin hijacked Right Cause 's party congress .

  14. 积极探索党的代表大会闭会期间发挥代表作用的途径和形式。

    We should explore ways to give play to the role of delegates when Party congresses are not in session .

  15. 第二部分,县市党的代表大会常任制试点情况分析。

    The second part analyses the condition of experimental unit of the system of standing party congress in county and city .

  16. 之后,无论是两会还是党的代表大会,每次都会着重探讨实现基本公共服务均等化问题。

    After two or whether it is the Congress party , each will be focused on the equalization of basic public services issues .

  17. 十三大政治报告是经过党的代表大会通过的,一个字都不能动。

    The political report to the Thirteenth National Party Congress was approved by the congress , and not a single word of it can be changed .

  18. 长期以来,由于制度不健全、不完善,甚至存在着某些弊端,党的代表大会制度的职能和作用还没有充分发挥。

    Over the years , there are some deficiencies and even defects in our political system which hinders the system of CPC Congress from functioning effectively .

  19. 党的代表大会常任制是指党的各级代表大会在它的每届任期内都起作用的一种制度。

    The permanent system of the Party Congress is that all kinds of the congresses of the Communist Party of China is effective in it 's period .

  20. 第六章探讨的是党的代表大会的监督制度。

    Studies of CPC 's Theoretical Innovation System from the Sixteenth National Congress to the Seventeenth National Congress Chapter six is discussing the supervision of Party congress .

  21. 全文的主要内容如下:第一章绪论部分主要介绍了问题的提出、研究的现状、研究的思路与方法。第二章集中对实行党的代表大会常任制的内涵、理论依据和现实意义进行论证。

    This paper is divided into four parts : Introduction Part of the problem is introduced to study the status of research ideas and methods . Chapter ⅱ focused on the implementation of the Party congress permanent system of connotation , the theoretical basis and practical significance to demonstrate .

  22. 党的全国代表大会每五年举行一次。

    The National party congress shall be held every five years .

  23. 在党的历次代表大会中,都对党章进行修改。

    Every congress in the past amended the Party constitution .

  24. 本月召开的党的特别代表大会。

    This month 's extraordinary , party congress .

  25. 1997年英国工党在大选中获胜后,决策机制发生了重大变化,由党的全国代表大会方式转变为全国政策论坛程序。

    After winning in the election in 1997 , the policy-making mechanism of the British Labor Party changed greatly from the mode of the Party 's national Representative 's congress to the procedure of national policy forum .

  26. 党的地方各级代表大会由同级党的委员会召集。

    Local Party congresses are convened by the Party committees at the corresponding levels .

  27. 我国自党的十六次代表大会后,开始在行政事业单位推行绩效管理。目的是提高公共部门行政效率,强化政府组织的激励作用和监督作用。

    Since the Sixteenth National CPC Congress , the Government has carried out the performance evaluation system in the administrative units , the purpose of which is to raise the administrative efficiency of public sectors and strengthen the incentive and supervision functions of the government .

  28. 他们在我国现代化经济发展中发挥着日益重要的作用,党的第十六届代表大会把他们定位成中国特色社会主义事业的建设者。

    They are playing an increasingly important role in modern economic development of China .

  29. 回顾党的历史,这次代表大会将是党的第七次全国代表大会以来的一次最重要的会议。

    A review of the Party 's history will show this Congress to be one of the most important since our Seventh National Congress .

  30. 十月红军返至宁冈,乃在茅坪召集边界党的第二次代表大会。

    In October after the red army 's return to ningkang , the second party congress of the border area was held at maoping .