
  1. 关于党员义务的规定,需要在党员中和准备入党的积极分子中,进行广泛的深入的教育。

    Extensive and thorough education in the duties of Party members needs to be conducted among the membership and among activists who want to join the Party .

  2. 关于党员义务的这些新规定,表示党对于党员的要求是更为严格了。

    All these new provisions concerning the duties of Party members indicate that the Party is making more exacting demands on its members than in the past .

  3. 党章草案关于党员义务的规定,比原有条文增加了许多新的内容。社会主义党的6个委员会的席位是在损害保守党的情况下赢得的

    As compared with the relevant articles of the existing Constitution , the draft contains many new provisions concerning the duties of Party members . The Socialists gained six seats on the council at the expense of the Tories

  4. 党章草案把维护党的团结,巩固党的统一列为党员的义务,这个规定的理由,是十分明显的。

    In the draft Party Constitution it is listed as a duty of Party members to " safeguard the Party 's solidarity and consolidate its unity " . The reason for such a provision is obvious .

  5. 他只想要一张党票,对党员的责任和义务毫不关心

    He just wants to be a card carrying Party member and cares nothing about the responsibilities and obligations expected of a party member

  6. 她甚至说服温斯顿,献出他一个晚上,参加热心的党员制造军火的义务献工。

    She even induced Winston to mortgage yet another of his evenings by enrolling himself for the part-time munition work which was done voluntarily by zealous Party members .

  7. 增强党员意识、履行党员义务是保持党员先进性的两个方面。

    Strengthening the Party members ' consciousness and implementing the Party members duty are two aspects to keep the Party members advanced nature .

  8. 增强党员意识是保持党员先进性的基础,履行党员义务是保持党员先进性的具体体现。

    Strengthening the Party members ' consciousness the base of keeping the Party members advanced nature and implementing the Party members duty is a concrete embodiment of keeping the Party members advanced nature .