
  1. 这是对于党员权利的有力的保障。

    This is an effective guarantee of the rights of Party members .

  2. 党章草案在党员权利方面,也增加了一些主要的新的内容。

    The draft Constitution contains some new , important provisions concerning members ' rights .

  3. 我国党员权利保障机制的建设工作尚处于起步阶段。

    In our country establishment of insurance mechanism of the Party members ' rights is still in its starting stage .

  4. 指出存在的问题主要有:主体意识欠缺、党员权利虚置、程序流于形式、党内监督变味。

    Problems are : lack of consciousness ; virtual home rights of Party members ; process a mere formality ; inner-party supervision taste .

  5. 党员权利内容修订的历史为新时期党员权利的建设提供了宝贵经验。

    The history of amendment of rights of party members provided the construction of rights of members in new period with precious experience .

  6. 在党章不断的修改、完善过程中,党员权利的内容也在不断的变化和发展。

    During the process of perfection and modification of party constitution , the content of rights of party members is changing and developing as well .

  7. 并结合修改的经验探讨新时期加强党员权利建设的思路和建议。

    Combined with the experience of amendment , it tries to exploit ways and offer suggestions to improve constructions of rights of party members in new period .

  8. 论权利本位与党员权利保障机制关于金融债权维权的思考

    On ' Rights First ' and the System Protecting the Rights of CPC Member Difficult to safeguard the financial creditor 's rights , first to purify the original source

  9. 本文着重论述了完善党的执政体制的深层基础和改革重点,即以建立健全党员权利保障机制为深层基础,改革和完善党的代表大会制度和党的委员会制度这“两个会议”制度。

    This article discussed about perfecting deep basis and reform emphasis of the Party members ' right to guarantee as deep basis , reform and perfect the institution of two meetings of party representative and the party committee .

  10. 在我们党执政的社会基础和条件以及执政方式都发生了重大变化的情况下,要不失时机地推进改革,建立和完善党员的权利保障机制。

    Since the social environment and the governing way of the CPC have been changed a lot , the CPC should push forward its reform to set up and improve its system to protect the rights of its members .

  11. 党的任何一级组织直至中央都无权剥夺党员的上述权利。

    No Party organization , up to and including the Central Committee , has the right to deprive any Party member of the above-mentioned rights .

  12. 对党的工作中的缺点和错误,党员当然有权利进行批评,但是这种批评应该是建设性的批评,应该提出积极的改进意见。

    Of course party members are entitled to criticize shortcomings and mistakes in Party work , but the criticism should be constructive and should include suggestions for improvement .

  13. 草案把在工作中充分发挥创造性,作为党员的一项权利规定下来,是有原则意义的。

    The draft Party Constitutions states that Party members enjoy the right of giving full play to their creative ability in work . This has the significance of a principle .

  14. 这些修改,提高了对于党员的要求,同时,也扩大了党员的权利。

    These revisions make higher demands on the members and at the same time extend their rights .

  15. 党务公开的组织维度是党组织对党员所承担的保障、维护和促进党员知情权利的正当有序使用之责任。

    The organization dimension is the responsibility of the Party organizations to protect , vindicate and promote its members ' proper use of the rights to know the inside story in a right way .

  16. 党员经过留党察看,确已改正错误的,应当恢复其党员的权利;

    A Party member who during that time truly rectifies his or her mistake shall have his or her rights as a Party member restored .