
  • 网络work secret
  1. 谢谢你帮我保守我的工作秘密。

    Thank you to help me keep my work a secret .

  2. 公务员必须保守国家和工作秘密。

    Civil servants must maintain confidentiality with State and workplace secrets .

  3. 政府信息公开视野中的工作秘密

    The Work Secrets in the Eyes of the Openness of Governmental Information

  4. 婚礼的准备工作是秘密进行的。

    Preparations for the wedding were made under a cloak of secrecy

  5. 由于一些非常重要的原因,WSTF中的大多数工作以秘密方式执行。

    For some very important reasons , most of the work within the WSTF is done in private .

  6. 快乐工作的秘密在于一个词:卓越!想做好一件事的话就要先喜欢这件事。

    The secret of joy in work is contained in one word-excellence .

  7. 再次谈公开工作与秘密工作。公开工作的目的,是为着建立秘密工作。

    Third , the aim of carrying out overt work is to begin covert work .

  8. 过去两年,法德尔一直在辛勤工作,秘密开发一款新的电子器件。

    For the past two years , he has been hard at work quietly building a new electronic gadget .

  9. 因此必须善于掌握革命两面政策的运用,善于进行公开工作和秘密工作的联系。

    Therefore , we should learn how to apply the dual revolutionary policy and co-ordinate both the overt and covert work .

  10. 作为间谍或刺客,忍者们最终腰带工作是秘密的传递情报。

    As spies and assassins for hire , the most important part of a ninja 's job was secretly passing along information .

  11. 你将会获得实行工作的秘密密码将会制造可能的使用一秘密的超级-电脑游戏“加勒比海的危机”的武器。

    The secret codes , which you will obtain carrying out tasks , will make possible to use a secret super-weapon in the computer game " Caribbean crisis " .

  12. 杜威认为哲学家的工作是秘密地从事社会评论,而不是奉献于不切实际的道德的抽象冥思活动。

    Dewey conceived of the philosopher 's role as engaging intimately with social criticism , rather than participating in abstract exercises of contemplation that remained aloof from practical morality .

  13. 以上这些,都说明合法斗争与非法斗争、公开工作与秘密工作,是密切联系着、配合着、互相帮助着的。

    From the above , it is clear that , like the legal and illegal struggle , overt and covert work are closely connected , and are co-ordinated with and complement each other .

  14. 被取证端模块包括自动加载、文件隐藏、进程隐藏、身份认证、隐藏通信和信息采集等模块,实现取证软件取证工作的秘密进行。

    The proxy module is composed of procedures for automatic booting , files hiding , process hiding , authentication , communication hiding and information collecting , which serves the purpose of secretly obtaining evidence .

  15. 此外,学院将提供各种主题活动,包括在中医学术职业生涯最好的职业,获得补助资金,如何找到理想的工作和秘密。

    In addition , the faculty will provide insight on a variety of topics including the best careers in academic medicine , how to locate the perfect job and the secrets to obtaining grant funding .

  16. 他们的工作是在秘密掩护下进行的。

    Their work is carried out behind a veil of secrecy .

  17. 有些人会把工作中的秘密瞒着家里人好几十年,回复我的一个自称是CIA特工的读者就是这样。

    Some people , like a self-described ' CIA operative ' I heard from , kept secrets about their work life from their families for years .

  18. 档案工作与商业秘密保护

    Archival Work and Protection of Trade Secrets

  19. 司法特派员的工作没有什麽秘密可言,他的信件是公开的,供公众监督。

    There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsman 's work , for his correspondence is open to public inspection .

  20. 如果你已经准备好要问自己如何开始迅速找到生涯幸福感,我们可以为你揭露了十个关于工作满意度的秘密。

    But if you 're ready to ask yourself how to kick-start your career happiness , we 've uncovered 10 top secrets to on-the-job satisfaction .

  21. 整个“世峰楼”的筹建工作都是秘密进行的,釜山的政府官员说如果没有特殊的身份证件,连他们都无法接近这座楼。

    Secrecy has surrounded the preparations for Nurimaru , with Busan city officials saying even they are not allowed to approach the house without special identification .

  22. 您也可以选择不显示任何在系统托盘图标,并用密码隐藏选定的窗口,让你的“工作”的秘密!

    You can also choose not to show any icon in the system tray , and to hide the selected window with a password , to keep your " work " secret !

  23. 虽然购买储备性石油的工作都是秘密进行的,但分析师和石油交易员认为,利比亚的局势、以及中东石油供应中断现象可能恶化的前景,或会促使中国加快购买储备石油。

    Although purchases are kept secret , analysts and oil traders believe that events in Libya and the prospect of further supply disruptions in the Middle East could boost strategic buying of crude .

  24. 结果表明,本文的工作使得多秘密共享方案的安全性在一定程度上得到了提高,同时对于多秘密共享的进一步应用有重要价值。

    The experiment shows that the security of multi-secret sharing scheme is improved in a certain extent because of the contribution of this paper , and it has an important value to further application of multi-secret sharing .

  25. 志愿工作的一个秘密是避免考虑钱,因为这就是问题所在。

    One secret of voluntary work is to avoid thinking about money because that is where the problem lies .

  26. 做这项工作是否需要更多秘密的技巧?

    Were secret internal tricks were needed to make this work ?

  27. 这项工作以及它的秘密性和危险性损害了他。

    The work , the secrecy and the danger take their toll .

  28. 他在战争中的工作仍是一个秘密。

    His job in the war is still a secret .

  29. 米勒1953年出生于罗马尼亚,由于拒绝同齐奥塞斯库的秘密组织合作,丢掉了她的教师工作并且一直遭受秘密警察的侵扰,米勒和丈夫于1987年离开罗马尼亚移民到德国并一直居住至今。

    Born in Romania in1953 , she refused to cooperate with Ceausescu 's Securitate , lost her job as a teacher and was the subject of repeated threats until she emigrated in1987 .

  30. 我们很早就认识到,当你把总统的所有工作,所有的秘密服务,所有封条和路障一股脑搬到当地教会,

    We recognized very early on that when you bring the whole package of the presidency , all the Secret Service and all the lines and barricades and so forth to a local congregation ,