
  1. 退出现役后,发还居民身份证或者再申请领取居民身份证。

    when they retire from active service , they shall have their resident identity cards back or apply for new ones .

  2. (指舰)退出现役的。

    ( of a ship ) withdrawn from active service .

  3. 退出现役的军官和文职干部;

    Officers and civilian cadres released from active service ;

  4. 他在1977年退出现役,

    He retired from active duty in 1977 ,

  5. 确定服军官预备役的退出现役的士兵;

    Soldiers who have been discharged from active service and assigned to serve in the officers reserve ;

  6. 我省每年都有大批士兵退出现役,需要地方政府予以妥善安置。

    A large number of Demobilized soldiers need to be properly resettled by local authorities each year in our province .

  7. 简言之,奥巴马证实现有的3架航天飞机将于今年冬天,也就是其升空30周年前夕正式退出现役。

    In brief , Mr Obama has confirmed that the Space Shuttle fleet will retire this winter , on the eve of its 30th birthday .

  8. 他们在退出现役后,成为加强国家经济建设和促进社会全面进步的一支重要力量。

    When they leave active service they have become or will become an important force promoting the country 's economic construction and the overall progress of Chinese society .

  9. 残疾人、少数民族人员、退出现役的军人的就业,法律、法规有特别规定的,从其规定。

    If there are special provisions in other laws or regulations concerning the employment of handicapped people , people of minority nationalities and soldiers quitting active service , those provisions shall apply .

  10. 居农村的义务兵退出现役后,由乡、族乡、的人民政府妥善安排他们的生产和生活。

    Conscripts who are residents of rural areas , when discharged from active service , shall be provided with proper arrangements for their work and livelihood by the people 's governments of townships , nationality townships and towns .

  11. 28岁以下退出现役的士兵和经过军事训练的人员,以及选定参加军事训练的人员,编为基干民兵。

    A selected group of militiamen under the age of 28 , including soldiers discharged from active service and other persons who have received or are selected for military training , shall be regimented into the primary militia ;

  12. 第九条公民被征集服现役的,在办理注销户口手续时,交回居民身份证;退出现役后,发还居民身份证或者再申请领取居民身份证。

    Article 9 . Citizens who are enlisted in active service shall hand in their resident identity cards when going through the formalities to cancel their resident registration ; when they retire from active service , they shall have their resident identity cards back or apply for new ones .