
  • 网络complete rationality;Perfect rationality;Entirely Rational
  1. 但是,完全理性假设不仅在真实性方面存在缺陷,而且在逻辑推理上和实践检验中都遭到质疑。

    However , the perfect rationality not only fails to be true , but fails in the logic reason and practical examination .

  2. 主流经济学以完全理性作为其前提假设,并得出行为人可以在诸多决策方案中进行最优选择的结论;

    Mainstream economics , based on the hypothesis of perfect rationality , concludes that agents can attain the optimal object out of all the choices .

  3. 二次最优完全理性预期Riccati稳态方程

    Complete Rational Expectation Riccati Static Equation of Quadratic Optimum

  4. 以有效市场假说(EMH)为代表的经典金融理论在研究投资者投资行为时,假设市场的参与者都是完全理性并且市场总是有效的。

    The hypothesis that classical financial theory which is represented by Efficient Market Hypothesis research the behavior of investor are totally rational people and the efficient market .

  5. 首先,在宏观经济建模过程中,利用Chow、SeanHolly、PaulTurner的思想即将控制变量直接纳入到指标函数中,我们提出了完全理性预期概念。

    Firstly , in the process of modeling macroeconomy , we bring forward the concept of complete rational expectation , based on the idea of Chow , Sean Holly and Paul Turner bringing control variables directly into target function .

  6. 许多经典的现代金融理论和模型均是建立在理性人假设和Fama提出的有效市场假说这两个理论基础之上,其研究范式也局限于完全理性的分析框架。

    Many classical theories and models of MF are based on the rational agent suppose and Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) put forward by Fama , which research pattern also localized on the analysis frame of complete rationality .

  7. 这是一个完全理性的反应,哪怕面对的不确定性极低。

    This is a perfectly rational response to even minimal uncertainty .

  8. 促成公共行为的完全理性。

    And ③ bringing about entire rationale to public behavior .

  9. 从心理学角度分析,每个决策者都是非完全理性的。

    Every decision-maker isnot fully rational from a psychological point of view .

  10. 对于临时照看者来说,这种策略是完全理性的。

    Their strategy is perfectly rational for temporary carers .

  11. 已有的研究都是在股东与经理为完全理性的前提下进行的推导分析。

    The existing research all assumed that shareholders and managers were full rational .

  12. 标准金融学在投资者完全理性和市场有效的前提假设下,在均衡的框架内分析了资产价格的决定。

    Standard finance supposes that investors are fully rational and market is efficient .

  13. 这样一种决策似乎在很多投资者看来是完全理性且理所当然的。

    This decision making logic seems perfectly rational and investors take it for granted .

  14. 然而,企业的决策者不是完全理性的经济人。

    However , the company decision makers are usually not fully rational economic men .

  15. 他的成果大多集中在经济主体在模型限制下学习和不完全理性预期这些方面。

    Much of his work has focused on agents learning within models and less-than-fully-rational expectations .

  16. 这是一种完全理性的选择。

    It is an entirely rational choice .

  17. 问题之一在于经典金融经济学理论对交易者同质、完全理性的前提假设。

    One of the questions is the homogeneity and rationality assumption about traders in financial market .

  18. 在制度框架下研究经济人假设&从完全理性到适应性理性

    Research on Economic Man Hypothesis under the Institutional Frame : From Full Rationality to Adaptive Rationality

  19. 尽管人们都在说这是恐慌,但人们出于完全理性的理由放弃了它。

    And despite all the talk about panic , it was abandoned for perfectly sensible reasons .

  20. 传统的金融理论往往假定投资者是完全理性同质的,但是投资者异质性和有限理性是不争的事实。

    It is often assumed that investors are completely rational and homogeneous under traditional financial theory .

  21. 而大量心理学实验表明,人类的行为决策不可能达到完全理性程度。

    But a large number of psychological experiments show that human behavior can not be completely rational .

  22. 传统的项目评价体系是建立在完全理性前提下的一种最大化的行为。

    The traditional project appraisal theory system is in pursuit of profit maximization based on full rationality .

  23. 儒家思想为园林建造设计行为提供了一个完全理性的理论基础。

    The Confucian school ideas provide a sound theoretical basis for the construction and design in gardens .

  24. 这种转变在某些时候是完全理性的判断,但在大多数时候只是出于本能。

    Sometimes there were entirely rational explanations for this shift , but mostly the reaction was instinctive .

  25. 无论是完全理性经济人假说,还是有限理性经济人假说,其本质都是经济人假说,经济人的行为动机一定是追求利益最大化。

    Whether complete rationality or limited rationality , the purpose of one is to max his benefits .

  26. 理性选择理论存在的局限和不足,主要集中在三个方面:理性并非是完全理性;

    The rational choice theory exists limitations , mainly concentrates in three aspects : rationality is not absolute ;

  27. 首先以政府和农民工为对策主体,建立了完全理性和有限理性的静态与动态几种博弈模型;

    This paper establishes several game theory models of perfect and bounded rationality , either stable or dynamic .

  28. 本文在纵向差异化产品市场模型的基础上,针对企业决策者的公平偏好不完全理性心理进行定价模型研究。

    We study the pricing models with considering company decision makers are fairness preferences , incompletely rational psychology .

  29. 西蒙提出了众所周知的有限理性学说,指出了传统完全理性假设的弊病。

    Simon had put forward the famous " bounded rationality ", pointing out the disadvantage of traditional unbounded rationality .

  30. 农民在采取环境行为时不是完全理性的,他们是有限理性的环境行为者。

    Peasants always are not fully rational when they take the environment behaviors , they are bounded rational environment behaviorist .